Vastra Dhouti
Vastra Dhouti Practice Catch one end of the cloth with both hands and start swallowing slowly with deep awareness and ease. Drink sips of water
Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore
Vastra Dhouti Practice Catch one end of the cloth with both hands and start swallowing slowly with deep awareness and ease. Drink sips of water
Vaman Dhauti Practice Drink about one and a half liters of lukewarm saline water (about 1% saline) as quickly as you can until you feel
Kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing breath) Practice Practice rapid breathing with active and forceful exhalation and passive inhalation. During each exhalation, blast out the air by
Jala Neti (Cleaning the nasal passage) Practice Add about half a teaspoon of salt to a neti pot full of sterile lukewarm water. Stand with
Sutra Neti Practice Insert the blunt end of a thin soft rubber catheter horizontally into the right nostril. Gently push it along the floor of
Maha Bandha – Great lock (Bestower of great siddhis) Practice: Sit in siddha or padmasana with the palms pressing on the knees. The spine should
Mula Bandha – Perennial/ cervix retraction lock, when engaged, prevents apana escaping from the lower body and draws it up to unite with prana. Practice
Uddiyana Bandha – Abdominal retraction lock which forces prana up the shushumna nadi. Practice Stand with feet about two feet apart. Bend the knees slightly
Jalandhara Bandha – Throat lock which prevents prana from escaping the upper body. Practice Jalandhara bandha Sit comfortably in siddhasana or padmasana). Place the palms
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada: Potentiality of object 4.14. Parinamaikatvadvastutattvam| Parinama-transformation Ekatvat-due to oneness Vastu-object Tattvam-the essence The potential of the object is due to
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada Dominance of action or karma 4.7. Karmasuklakrsnam yoginastrividhamitaresam| Karma-action Asukla-not white Akrsnam-not black Yoginah-of the yogis Trividham-threefold Itaresam-of others
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada: Pure Mind 4.4. Nirmanachittanyasmitamatrat| Nirmana-creation Chittani-minds Asmita-egoism Matrat-alone Created minds are free from egoism alone. #Online Best yoga certification courses
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada: Sources of psychic powers Arise of psychic powers 4.1. Janmausadhimantratapahsamadhijah siddhayah| Janma-birth Ausadhi-herbs Mantra-mantra Tapah-austerity Samadhi-trance Jah-born of Siddhayah-siddhis
HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is compiled by Yogi Swatmarama, an outstanding personality among many authorities of Hatha Yoga i.e. Goraknanath, Gheranda and
GHERANDA SAMHITA Gheranda Samhita is a systematically written text on yoga. It is in the form of a dialogue between Gheranda the preceptor and Chandkapali
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada: Samyama and psychic powers By samyama knowledge of past & future 3.16. Parinamatrayasamymadatitanagatajnanam| Parinama-transformation Traya-three Samymat-by samyama Atita-past Anagatah-future
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada – Psychic powers are obstacles in path of Yoga 3.38. Te samadhvupasarga vyutthane siddhayah| Te-they Samadhau-in samadhi Upasarga-obstacles Vyuttane-in
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada – What is Concentration? 3.1 Desabandhaschittasya dharana | #Yoga teacher training certificate course fees in Bangalore Desa-place Bandha-binding Chittasya-of the mind
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Sadhana Pada – Eight limbs of Yoga 2.29.Yamaniyamasanapranayamaprtayaharadharanadhyanasamadhayo’stavangani| Yama-self restraints Niyama-fixed rules Asana-postures Pranayama-breath control Pratayahara-sense withdrawl Dharana-concentration Dhyana-meditation Samadhai-samadhi Asta-eight
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Sadhana Pada- Reasons for experiencing pain & how to remove it? 2.3. Avidyasmitaragadvesabhinivesah klesah| Avidya-ignorance Asmita-i-feeling Raga-liking Dvesa-repulsion Abhinivesah-fear of death
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Sadhana Pada- Why should follow Discipline? Major Discipline for Yoga Practice 2.1. Tapahsvadhyayayesvarapranidhanani kriyaayogah| Tapah- austerity Svadhyaya-self-study of scriptures Ishvarapranidhana-surrender to
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Chapter Four: Samadhi Synonymous words for Raja Yoga Rajayogah samadhis cha unmani cha manonmani / Amaratvam layas tattvam sunyasunyam param padam//
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Mudra and Bandha -Ten Mudras destroy old age Mahamudra mahabandho mahavedhascha khechari/ Uddiyanam mulabandhas cha bandho jalandharabhidhah//(Chapter -3, Verse 6). Maha
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Chapter Two: Shatkarma and Pranayama Inter-connection of Mind and Prana and their controlling through Pranayama Chale vate chalam chittam nischale nischalam
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy #100/200/300/500 hour Yoga teacher training India It is the science that deals with the structures of the human body
Need of Anatomy and Physiology in Yoga #100/200/300/500 hour Yoga teacher training India Knowledge of anatomy and physiology forms the basis for the study of biological
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Who can practice Yoga? Yuvo vrddhoativrddho va vyadhito durbaloapi va / Abhyasat siddhim apnoti sarvayogheshvatandritah//(Chapter -1, Verse -64). Either, Young or
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food conducive for Hatha Yogic Practices Ghodhuma-sali-yava-shashtika-sobhanannam / Kshirajyakhanda-navanitasi hamadhuni// Sunthipatolakaphaladikapanchasakam / Mudghadidivyam udakam cha yamindrapathyam//(Chapter -1, Verse -62). #Yoga course
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food Prohibited for Hatha Yogic Practices Katvamla-tikshna-lavanoshna-haritasaka / Sauvira-taila-tila-sarshapa-madya-matsyan // Ajadi-mamsa-dadhi-takra-kulattha-kola / Pinyaka-hingghu-lasunady-amapathyam-ahuh//(Chapter -1, Verse- 59). #Yoga course Bangalore The foods
Hatha Yoga Pradipika -Moderate diet for Hatha Yogic Practices Susnighdhamadhuraharaschaturthamsavivarjitah / Bhujyate sivasamprityai mitaharah sa uchyate//(Chapter -1, Verse -58). Mitahara is defined as agreeable and
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Four best asanas according to Shiva Four best asanas among eighty four taught by Shiva Chaturasityasanani sivena kathitani vai / Tebhyas
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Asanas according to Vashishtha & Matsyendranath Vasishthadyais cha munibhir matsyendradyais cha yogibhih/ angikrtanyasanani kathyante kanichin maya//(Chapter -1, Verse 18). I will
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Causes of success in sadhana Utsahat sahasad dhairyat tattvajnanas cha nischayat/ Janasangghaparityaghat shadbhir yogah prasiddhyati// (Chapter -1, Verse -16). Enthusiasm,
Causes of failure in sadhana- Overeating, exertion, talkativeness, adhering to rules, company of common people and wavering mind Atyaharah prayasascha prajalpo niyamaghrahah/ janasangascha laulyam cha
Practice of sadhana devoid of mental tension, according to guru’s instruction Evam vidhe mathe sthitva sarvachintavivarjitah / ghurupadishtamargena yogameva samabhyaset // (Chapter -1, Verse -14)
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Place for Yoga practice Surajye dharmike dese subhikshe nirupadrave / dhanuh pramanaparyantam silagnijalavarjite / Ekante mathikamadhye sthatavyam hathayogina // (Chapter -1,
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Sadhana should be kept secret for success Hathavidya param gopya yogina siddhimichchata / bhavedviryavati gupta nirvirya tu praksita // (Chapter -1,
Three types of Pain or tapas (adhyatmik – spiritual, adhidevik – environmental and adhibhautik – physical). Aseshatapataptanam samasrayamatho hathah / aseshayogayuktanamadharakamatho hathah // (Chapter -1,
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Aim of Hatha Yoga Pranamya srighurum natham svatmaramena yogina / kevalam rajayogaya hathavidyopadisyate //(Chapter -1, Verse -2). Prostrating first to the
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Samadhi Pada – Fruits of Meditation(1.40) Fruits of Meditation 1.40. Paramanu-paramamahattvanto’sya vasikarah| Paramanu-ultimate atom Paramamahattva- ultimately largeness Antah-ending Asya-of this Vasikarah-mastery