Utthita Trikonasana – Extended Triangle Posture
(utthita – extended, tri – three, kon- angle)
- Come to (Tadasana) Mountain Posture, by palms beside thighs.
- Inhale keep legs apart for 3 to 4 foot according to your height, By arms straight, fingers together, inner palms facing downward.
- Turn right foot outward to 90 degree, same left foot for 45 degree.
- Keep both legs straight and strong.
- Exhale Slide towards right side laterally, catch hold big toe with index, middle and thumb finger.
- Keep spine and tail bone straight and extended, turning spine towards left side, gazing at tip of middle finger.
- Stay for 10 to 20 seconds, by breathing normally.
- Now bend right leg knee and come back to Tadasana.
- Repeat same for left side, same length of duration.
- Good for flat feet, neck pain, and sciatica.
- Improves height, makes body aligned and balance both side.
- Improves droop or hunch back.
- Makes legs very stronger.
- Strengthens the Calf, thigh muscles, and waist muscles and makes the spine flexible.
- Strengthen the hips, groins, hamstrings, and calves, shoulders, chest, and spine .