Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

Yoga Pranic Energization Technique (PET) Certification Course

PET is an acronym for Pranic Energisation Technique. This is a technique of Yoga in which we use our Prana Shakthi to energies our entire body. Each and every organ and systems of body can be revitalized by this process. Of particular importance will be its utility for strengthening the immune defense so that modern dreaded KILLER diseases can be effectively healed.

These techniques cleanses the respiratory tract, normalizing the functions of respiratory systems purifying the subtle channels of PRANA, bringing the balance in PRANAMAYA KOSHA and gaining deeper and subtler insights for the control of Prana. Thus all ORGANS and SYSTEMS gets revitalized and energized and brings harmony in the body and mind. All ailments can be eliminated from body and the root cause from mind is also eliminated.

Highlights of the Course:

• You will understand the concept of Panchakosha and Prana.

• You will get in-depth understanding of each and every steps of the technique.

• It provides deep relaxation and health benefits.

• After the completion of the course, you will receive participation certificate.
