Siddhasana – Perfect Posture
(siddha – perfect)
- Come to Dandasana (staff posture), by palms on floor beside hips.
- Bend the right leg at knee; place the right heel pressing at below perineum, end of reproductive organs.
- Bend left leg knee place left heels at root of reproductive organ, by left ankle resting over right ankle, soles, toes between calf and thigh muscles.
- Keep the trunk, neck, and head in a straight line.
- Gazing upward in between eye brows, by adopting Jnana Mudra at both arms by touching tip of index and thumb finger, rest on your thighs.
- Stay for 1 to 3 minutes; breathe calmly, aware about your breathing movements.
- Then unfold legs one by one come back to Dandasana.
- Repeat same for opposite leg.
- Makes reproductive organs stronger, awaken Mooladhara Cakra, and makes to move energy upward instead of going downward vainly.
- It is one of the best among all the asana, according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika classical text.
- This posture is recommended for (Dhyana) Meditation and (Pranayama) breathing practices.
- Strengthen spinal muscle stamina to sit for long time.
- Increase awareness and expands consciousness.
- Leads to meditative state spontaneously Nadi.