Ustrasana – Camel Posture
(ustra – camel)
- Come to kneeling posture called (Vajrasana) thunder bolt posture, by keeping knees together, hips touching heels, toes pointing outward.
- Now stand on your knees, support both palms at back of waist, and exhale bend backward make nice arch on spine, place palms on respective heels.
- Thighs perpendicular to the floor.
- Push hip, waist, coccyx, sacral towards sky.
- Open chest and expand, neck falling backward.
- Stay in this posture for 10 to 20 seconds, breath deeply through nose.
- Inhales come up and relax at (Balasana) child posture.
- Give flexible, suppleness to lower back especially at sacral, lumbar region.
- Remove hunch back or droop shoulders, by regular practice.
- Improves breathing.
- Strengthen entire spine, neck, shoulders, shoulder.
- Make spine flexible, supple and strong.
- Improves back pain.