Vrksasana – Tree Posture
(vrksa – tree)
- Come to Tadasana( mountain posture), shift your whole body weight to left foot , bend right leg knee, help of right arm rest the right foot close to left inner thighs , foot pointing downward and straight.
- Inhale raise your both arms side way, adopt namaskara mudra.
- Keep your left knee straight, whole body weight evenly distributed over left foot, spine and arms straight, beside ears.
- Lengthen tail bone, remain pelvic straight not tilting sideway.
- Remain in this posture for 10 to 30 seconds, breathing smoothly and deeply at your nostrils.
- Exhale and drop arms down, with right arm help drop right foot on floor.
- Repeat the same for left foot.
- Removes fatigue of legs.
- Bring concentration and memory.
- Balances right and left side of brain hemisphere.
- Reduce stress and back pain.