Balasana – Child Posture
(bala – child)
- Kneel on the floor. By both your toes and knees and sit on your heels
- Inhale raise your both arms up, lengthen tail bone, exhale bend forward , from lower back so abdomen, chest on front of thighs, crown of head on the ground, Arms relax above your head.
- Keep breathing at your abdominal, it improves our breathing and reduces extreme stress levels.
- Balasana (child posture) is a relaxation posture. Remain in this posture till you feel refresh and rejuvenated completely.
- Now come up from hip region by lengthening the spine. Unfold both your knees and relax at sitting posture.
- Rejuvenates all abdominal organs, cardiac and respiratory system.
- Reduces unnecessary which deposit at thighs and buutt region.
- Improves digestion.
- Improve flexibility of hips, thighs, and ankles.
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue.
- Relieves back and neck pain when done with head and spine supported
- Enhances blood flow to the head, stimulates the brain cells, improve the memory, and concentration level.
- Give flexibility to the spine, ankles and knees
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