Bhujangasana(Cobra Pose)
Lie on the floor, face downwards. Extend the legs, keeping the feet together, keep the knees tight and toes pointing. Test the palms by the
Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore
Lie on the floor, face downwards. Extend the legs, keeping the feet together, keep the knees tight and toes pointing. Test the palms by the
Lie flat on the stomach, legs straight, feet together. Interlock fingers behind the back and place them on top of the gluteus. Place the chin
Lie flat on stomach, thighs together, knees together, hands under the thighs, palms downwards and hands clenched. Place chin on the floor slightly stretched forwards.
Lie flat on stomach, hands under the thighs, palms downwards and hands clenched. Place chin on the floor slightly stretched forwards. Raise the right leg
Lie on stomach. Raise head and shoulders and rest the chin in the hands with elbows on the floor. Feet apart, points out from the
From Tadasana spread the legs about 5 feet apart. Tighten the legs, drawn in the knee caps, place palms on the floor. Hinge forwards from
Feet together, bend the right knee behind the back and grasp the ankle with the right hand. Keep both knees together to maintain balance. Slowly
Tadasana to feet 4-5 feet apart. From Warrior 1 on the right, bend the trunk forward and rest the chest on the right thigh. Arms
Stand in Tadasana, step or lightly jump your feet 31/2 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach them actively
Stand in Tadasana, step or lightly jump your feet 31/2 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms perpendicular to the floor (and parallel to each
From tadasana, hands on hips, step left foot back 3-3.5 feet apart, keeping your feet still. Turn left foot 80 degrees (or less). Lengthen spine
From tadasana, step 4-4.5 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Exhale and turn the right leg 90
From tadasana, step 4-4.5 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Exhale and turn the right leg 90
From tadasana, step 3-4 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Right foot outwards 90 degrees and left
From tadasana, step 3-4 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Right foot outwards 90 degrees and left
From Tadasana inhale to raise arms til biceps touch ear and palms are together, finger pointing towards the sky. Lock elbows, keep straight, tuck elbows,
From Tadasana bend the knee, bring the other knee over and rest the back of this thigh over the thigh of the inside leg. Move
Tadasana, support both palms on the back of the hips, push the hip forward and bend backwards from the sacral region, widen chest, head backwards.
From Tadasana, inhale and raise arms above head, exhale bend forward from the hips, spine straight and knees straight. Lengthen neck towards feet, keep the
From standing forward bend, press palms or fingertips into the floor, inhale lift torso away from thighs, lengthening between pubic bone and navel. Try to
From Tadasana, shift weight to the foot that is straight on the floor and distribute weight evenly across the foot. Bend other leg and rest
Feet together, heels and toes touching, tighten the knees and knee caps pulled up, contract the hips, pull up the muscles of the backs of
Feet together, heels and toes touching, tighten the knees and knee caps pulled up, contract the hips, pull up the muscles of the backs of
There was a sage Vajasrava who was performing a yajna. After the Yagna his son Nachiketa was bothering him and so the sage banished him
Patanjali talks about asanas in only 3 sutras: 46. A sitting posture should be steady and comfortable, 47. This is achieved through the relaxation of
Yoga for Bronchial Asthma The role of yoga teacher in asana instruction is very important as the student will be relies on teacher. Yoga teacher
Asanas should be done with proper breathing through nose only . yoga teacher should give specific instructions which will help students to coordinate the breath
Jala neti preparations First of all, take a neti pot with nozzle that can be easily inserted into the nostril. One teaspoon of salt may
0) We should introduce our self with smiling face and positive attitude ask questions. 1) Have you ever practiced yoga? If answer is no. Assure
The larger part of yoga being rehearsed in the globe is hatha yoga, including asanas (yoga stances), pranayama (breathing practices), kriyas (inside purging strategies), bandhas
Yoga & Its Stretching Mechanism Stretching can facilitate mobility, improve muscle mechanics. Definition and goal of stretching Stretches is specific positions sustained to increases
Sun: Do not practice asanas after being out in the hot sun for several hours. Time: The best time to practice yoga is either early
Karuna Yog Vidya Peetham, TTC program in Bangalore will make you proficient in various “Backward bending Asanas”. Our experts in this field will help you to learn these techniques. Backward
Karuna Yoga Maha Vidya Peetham, Yoga TTC program in Bangalore India, will make you proficient in various “Mudras”. Our experts in this field will help you learn these techniques. The
Dhanurasana – Bow Posture (dhanu – bow) Practice: Lie on prone posture called Makrasana (crocodile) relaxation posture. Now bend the knees, stretch the arms back
Matsyasana – Fish Posture Practice: Lie supine on the floor with the hands extended along the body and the feet together. Raise the legs upto
Halasana – Plough Posture (hala – plough) Practice: Lie supine on the floor with the hands extended along the body and the feet together. Raise
Cakarasana – Wheel Posture (cakra – wheel) Practice: Come to (Savasana) corpse posture; bring legs together foot pointing upward, arms beside thighs. Place the palms
Sarvangasana – Shoulder Standing Posture (sarva- all, whole, entire, anga – limb or part of body) Practice: Lie flat on the back with feet together,
Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) Dharam avashtabhya karadvayena Tatkurparasthapitanabhiparsvah/ Uchchasano dandavad utthitah san Mayuram etat pravadanti pitham//(Chapter -1, Verse 30). Lie down on the stomach, placing