Padhastasana(hand under foot pose)
- Padhastasana is the hand under foot pose.
- It is not to be confused with Uttanasana, which is a general forward fold.
- Start your padhastasana in Tadasana.
- From here exhale and fold down from the lower back. You have to try and touch your torso to your thighs.
- Slide your hands under your feet so your toes are on top of palms, which are facing upwards.
- Your elbows will be bent.
- Stay here breathing easily for thirty seconds.
- Then relax back into Tadasana.
- Back concerns
- Late pregnancy
- Glaucoma
- Cardiac Problem
- Strengthens and stretches the spinal muscles.
- Lengthens and stretches the hamstrings and opens the posterior of the hips.
- Stimulates the stomach, intestine, liver, spleen, and kidneys.
- Helps preventing constipation and menstrual problems. Improves digestion. Enhances blood flow to the head region.