Garudasana(eagle pose)

Garudasana(eagle pose) This is the eagle pose. Start in Tadasana. From there bend your knees then take your left thigh and cross it over your right thigh while balancing on your right foot. Try to hook the left foot over the right lower right calf. Now stretch your arms so they are parallel to the […]
Ardha Chakrasana(Half Wheel Pose)

Ardha Chakrasana(Half Wheel Pose) Ardha Chakrasana is the half wheel pose. It is a standing backward bend. Start in Tadasana. From there inhale and raise your arms over your head as you bend backwards as far as you comfortably can. If you need support, you can place your hands on the back of your hips […]
Padhastasana(hand under foot pose)

Padhastasana(hand under foot pose) Padhastasana is the hand under foot pose. It is not to be confused with Uttanasana, which is a general forward fold. Start your padhastasana in Tadasana. From here exhale and fold down from the lower back. You have to try and touch your torso to your thighs. Slide your hands under […]
Ardha Uttanasana(Standing Half Forward Bend Pose)

Ardha Uttanasana(Standing Half Forward Bend Pose) This is the half standing half forward bend. Start in Tadasana. From there fold forward completely from the lower back until you can touch your forehead to your legs in Uttanasana. From here rise up half way on an inhale, until your back is flat and parallel to the […]
Vrksasana(tree pose)

Vrksasana(Tree Pose) This is the tree pose. You must stand straight and erect. Your hands must be locked straight by your sides, your heels and big toes of your feet touching each other. Now bend the right knee and bring the right foot and place it in the left inner thigh. Now, make sure your […]
Tadasana (Mountain Pose or Palm Tree Pose)
This is the mountain pose. You must stand straight and erect. Your hands must be locked straight by your sides, your heels and big toes of your feet touching each other. Your weight is equally distributed across your feet and your knee caps are pulled up as your knees are tightened and your hips contracted. […]
Samasthiti (Equal Standing Pose or Upright Pose)

This is the upright pose. You must stand straight and erect. Your hands must be locked straight by your sides, your heels and big toes of your feet touching each other. Your weight is equally distributed across your feet and your knee caps are pulled up as your knees are tightened and your hips contracted. […]
Astavakrasana (Eight-Angle Pose)

This is the eight angle pose. Start by sitting on the mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place your hands on the mat beside the hips with your palms facing down on the mat and move your shoulder blades down closer to the chest. Bend the right knee and place it […]
Padma Mayurasana (Lotus Peacock Pose)

This is the lotus peacock pose. Sit in padmasana and then balance on the knees. Place the palms on the floor facing backwards so the fingers point towards the lower body. Bend the elbows and bring them closer together. Then lean forward and push the elbows against the abdomen. Lean forward and balance the whole […]
Mayurasana(Peacock Pose)

This is the peacock pose. Kneel on the floor with a small space between the knees. Bend forward and place the palms backwards on the floor so the fingers point towards the toes. Bend the elbows and get the forearms close together. Rest the chest on the backs of the upper arms. Now exhale and […]