YOGA FOR INSOMNIA – SLEEPLESSNESS It Is a Condition Of Inadequate Quantity Or Quality Of Sleep. CAUSES Mental tension brought about by anxiety, worries, overwork, over excitement, anger. Constipation Dyspepsia Excessive intake of tea or coffee Smoking SYMPTOMS The signs of pathological insomnia are dramatic changes in the duration and quality of sleep. Persistent changes […]
YOGA FOR HYPOTHYROIDISM Insufficient production of thyroid secretion due to inactivity of the gland #yoga#yogabangalore#yogaindia#yogacourse#yogacoursebangalore#ryt200ttc#bestyogacourse#karunayogavidyapeetham#yogaattc#yacep#yogaanatomyphysiology#yogabiomechanism#yogakinesiology CAUSES Autoimmune disease Iatrogenic Congenital Drug induced Hypothalamic dysfunction CLINICAL FEATURES Weakness, lethargy Weight gain Cold intolerance Memory impairment Hoarseness of voice Hair loss Deafness Constipation Dry, coarse, Cold skin Bradycardia Anaemia YOGIC PRACTICES ASANAS: Suryanamaskara Inverted asanas especially Sarvangasana […]
YOGA FOR HYPERTENSION DEFINITION Hypertension is a condition in which systolic pressure exceeds 140mm Hg and diastolic pressure exceeds 90mm Hg. CAUSES Cardiovascular diseases Renal diseases like glomerulonephritis, polycystic renal disease pyelonephritis Tumours of the brain Hyperthyroidism Diseases of the ovaries and pituitary PREDISPOSING FACTORS Heredity Obesity Stress Smoking High Viscosity of blood due […]
Yoga for Dyspepsia or Indigestion
Yoga for Dyspepsia or Indigestion It is a collective term for non – specific symptoms thought to originate from the upper gastro – intestinal tract. #online yoga teacher training India Non – Specific Symptoms Upper abdominal / lower chest pain with or without relationship to food. Regurgitation Heart burn Water brash Anorexia Nausea Vomiting Bloating […]
Yoga for Diabetes Mellitus
Yoga for Diabetes Mellitus It is a clinical syndrome characterised by hyperglycaemia due to absolute of relative deficiency of insulin #200 hour Yoga teacher training India Causes Age Heredity Stress Disease such as pancreatitis Steroids Pregnancy Lifestyle #Yoga teacher training course fees in Bangalore Clinical Features Polyuria Polydipsia Polyphagia Constipation Peripheral neuropathy Pruritis Weight loss […]
Yoga for Constipation
Yoga for Constipation It is defined as infrequent presaged of hard stools. Causes Wrong diet and faulty ways of living ie intake of refined and rich food lacking in vitamins and minerals – insufficient intake of water, lack of fibre, excessive use of strong tea and coffee, consumption of meat in large quantities. irregular habit […]
Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis
Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis Definition Disc degeneration with associated osteophyte formation and osteoarthritis of the spinal apophyseal joints collectively termed cervical spondylosis. #Yoga, Anatomy & Physiology Certificate Course Causes Age – related. Reduction in the molecular size of the proteoglycans of the nucleus pulposus is associated with loss of viscoelastic properties. Increased load – bearing […]
Yoga for Bronchitis
Yoga for Bronchitis It refers to an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the bronchi and bronchial tube within the chest It is a disease endemic to cold, damp climates, but may occur anywhere. It may be acute or chronic, Chronic bronchitis more frequent in males than females. Causes Smoking Infections Environment changes in weather […]
Yoga for Bronchial Asthma
Yoga for Bronchial Asthma It is defined as a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, characterized by reversible airflow obstruction causing cough, wheeze, chest tightness and shortness of breath. #Online 200 hour Yoga teacher training Bangalore Causes Allergens Infection Exercise Environment Occupation Drugs Emotion Clinical Features It may be either episodic or chronic Episodic Asthma […]
Yoga for Arthritis
Yoga for Arthritis Inflammation of Joints is Called Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis It is a chronic inflammatory joint disease. In its typical form RA is a symmetrical, destructive and deforming polyarthrits affecting small and large synovial joints associated with systemic disturbance. #200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate course in Bangalore Causes Hereditary Infection Physical and emotional […]