Bakasana(Crane or Crow Pose)

This is the crane pose. Start by squatting on the floor with your hands place on front of the body, your feet together and heels on the floor. Widen the knees and rise up on your toes. Bend the elbows, place the bent knees into the arms with the shins on the backs of the […]
Tolasana(Scale or Lifted Lotus Pose)
This is the hand balancing asana named for measuring scales. Come into padmasana and breathe easily. Then place both hands on either side of the body. As you exhale, push through the hands with palms flat on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles until you lift the legs and buttocks off the floor. Balance here […]
Parsva Dhanurasana(Side/Flank Bow Pose)

This the sideways bow pose. First lie on your stomach with your legs and arms outstretched. Then bend the knees so the toes are pointing towards your head and grasp the toes or ankles with your hands. This is the bow pose. Now exhale and roll over onto your right side. Stay here breathing easily […]
Ardha Dhanurasana(Half Bow Pose)
This is the prone half bow pose. Start by lying flat on your stomach with your hands stretched out over your head on the floor. Slowly rise up from your lower back and with the right hand outstretched on the floor, reach back towards your right foot with your left hand. Bend the right knee […]
Pindasana in Sarvangasana(Embryo or Foetus Pose in Shoulder Stand)

This is the embryo pose. Start in sarvangasana which is the shoulder stand. Then fold your legs into urdhva padmasana, which is the upside down padmasana, with your knees folded in the lotus pose with the knees still raised to the sky and the shoulders resting on the floor. From here move the legs over […]
Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana(Upward Lotus in Shoulderstand)

This is the upward facing lotus pose in a shoulder stand. From the sarvangasana. Precaution: Benefits:
Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana(One-Legged Wheel Pose)

This is the one legged or asymmetrical bow pose. Start in the bridge pose here with your back flat on the floor, your knees bent, your palms by your ear. Then raise your arms, chest and buttocks off the ground so that your body looks like an inverted bow. Here, raise the right leg and […]
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana(Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose)

This is the two legged inverted staff pose. Start by lying flat on the floor. Stretch the arms over the head, bend the elbows and place your palms on the floor facing the shoulders. Keep them shoulder width apart. Breathe easily. Now exhale and press your knees as you lift your hips, shoulders and head. […]
Karnapidasana(Knee to Ear Pose)

This is the ear to pressure pose. First start in halasana or the plough pose. From here bring the right knee by the right ear and the left knee by the left ear so both knees are resting on the ground near the respective ears. Stretch the toes and make sure the heels and toes […]
Halasana(Plow Pose)

This is the plough pose. Come into a salambha sarvangasana while keeping your chin locked in place and the arms outstretched on the floor over the head. Then relax the chin and bring the legs down until they rest on the floor over your head. The knees are straightened and the hands are outstretched, straight […]