Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Virabhadrasana – III (Warrior – III Pose)

Tadasana to feet 4-5 feet apart. From Warrior 1 on the right, bend the trunk forward and rest the chest on the right thigh. Arms straight, palms together, exhale raise the left leg from the floor and straighten the right leg.

Virabhadrasana – II (Warrior – II Pose)

Stand in Tadasana, step or lightly jump your feet 31/2 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach them actively out to the sides, shoulder blades wide, palms down. Turn your right foot slightly to the right and your left foot out to the left 90 degrees. Align the left […]

Virabhadrasana – I (Warrior – I Pose)

Stand in Tadasana, step or lightly jump your feet 31/2 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms perpendicular to the floor (and parallel to each other), and reach actively through the little-finger sides of the hands toward the ceiling. Turn your left foot in 45 to 60 degrees to the right and your right foot […]

Parsvottanasana(Intense Side Stretch Pose)

From tadasana, hands on hips, step left foot back 3-3.5 feet apart, keeping your feet still. Turn left foot 80 degrees (or less). Lengthen spine and on an exhale fold torso forward from hips, bring it over right leg, forehead to the right knee.

 Parivrtta Parsvakonasana(Revolved Side Angle Pose)

From tadasana, step 4-4.5 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Exhale and turn the right leg 90 degrees and the left foot slightly to the right, keep the left leg stretched out and tightened at the knee. Bend the right leg at the knee until the thigh […]

Utthita Parsvakonasana(Extended Side Angle Pose)

From tadasana, step 4-4.5 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Exhale and turn the right leg 90 degrees and the left foot slightly to the right, keep the left leg stretched out and tightened at the knee. Bend the right leg at the knee until the thigh […]

Parivrtta Trikonasana(Revolved Triangle Pose)

From tadasana, step 3-4 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Right foot outwards 90 degrees and left foot at 45 degrees. Both legs straight and rotate from trunk, left leg in the opposite direction so the left palm is on the floor near the right foot.

Utthita Trikonasana(Extended Triangle Pose)

From tadasana, step 3-4 feet apart, arms straight and raised in line with shoulders, fingers together, palms downwards. Right foot outwards 90 degrees and left foot at 45 degrees. Both legs straight and slide towards right side, placing right hand on the mat. Spine and tail bone straight and extended, turning spine towards left side, […]

Utkatasana(Chair Pose)

From Tadasana inhale to raise arms til biceps touch ear and palms are together, finger pointing towards the sky. Lock elbows, keep straight, tuck elbows, open chest and expand rib cage lifted up, abdomen in, entire spine extended and lengthened up. Exhale, bend knees, squatting down, and tights parallel to the floor, distribute weight across […]

Garudasana(Eagle Pose)

From Tadasana bend the knee, bring the other knee over and rest the back of this thigh over the thigh of the inside leg. Move the outer foot behind the calf so the outer foot shin touches the inner calf. Balance on the inner leg. Bend the elbow and raise the arms to the chest […]
