Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

Utthita Trikonasana(extended triangle pose)

Utthita Trikonasana(extended triangle pose) This is the extended triangle pose. Start in Tadasana. Then exhale and walk, step or jump your feet three or three and a half feet apart. Inhale and raise your arms so that they are parallel to the floor. Reach out to sides, fingers activated. Then turn your right foot out […]

Food Prohibited for Hatha Yogic Practitioners

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food Prohibited for Hatha Yogic Practices Katvamla-tikshna-lavanoshna-haritasaka / Sauvira-taila-tila-sarshapa-madya-matsyan // Ajadi-mamsa-dadhi-takra-kulattha-kola / Pinyaka-hingghu-lasunady-amapathyam-ahuh//(Chapter -1, Verse- 59). The foods which prohibited for the Hatha Yogic practitioners are: those which are bitter, sour, pungent, salty, heating, green vegetables, sour gruel, oil, sesame and mustard, alcohol, fish, flesh foods, curds, buttermilk, horse gram, fruit […]

Food conducive for Hatha Yogic Practices

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food conducive for Hatha Yogic Practices Ghodhuma-sali-yava-shashtika-sobhanannam / Kshirajyakhanda-navanitasi hamadhuni// Sunthipatolakaphaladikapanchasakam / Mudghadidivyam udakam cha yamindrapathyam//(Chapter -1, Verse -62). The most supporting foods for the Hatha Yogic practices are: good grains, wheat, rice, barley, milk, ghee, brown sugar, sugar candy (crystallized sugar), honey, dry ginger, patola fruit (species of cucumber), five […]

Food Prohibited for Hatha Yogic Practices

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food Prohibited for Hatha Yogic Practices Katvamla-tikshna-lavanoshna-haritasaka / Sauvira-taila-tila-sarshapa-madya-matsyan // Ajadi-mamsa-dadhi-takra-kulattha-kola / Pinyaka-hingghu-lasunady-amapathyam-ahuh//(Chapter -1, Verse- 59). The foods which prohibited for the Hatha Yogic practitioners are: those which are bitter, sour, pungent, salty, heating, green vegetables, sour gruel, oil, sesame and mustard, alcohol, fish, flesh foods, curds, buttermilk, horse gram, fruit […]

Moderate diet for Hatha Yogic Practices

Hatha Yoga Pradipika -Moderate diet for Hatha Yogic Practices Susnighdhamadhuraharaschaturthamsavivarjitah / Bhujyate sivasamprityai mitaharah sa uchyate//(Chapter -1, Verse -58). Mitahara is defined as agreeable and sweet food, leaving one fourth of the stomach free, and eaten. (Chapter -1, Verse-58).


YOGIC DIET Diet occupies a dominant place in the yoga system.  It is said that ‘as you eat, so you become’. This is because the kind and quality of food affects the physical as well as mental condition of the individual.  Thus, the individual who does not take a proper diet and who does not […]


SEASON AND DIET The year is divided into six parts according to seasons. The northward movement of the sun and it’s of dehydration bringing about three seasons beginning from late winter to summer. the south ward movement of sun  and its act of hydration  give  rise to the other  three  seasons  beginning with the rainy  […]


NUTRITION AND DIETETICS DEFINITION Nutrition may be defined as the science of food and its relationship to  health. FOOD: is the substance taken into the body that will help meet the body’s need for energy.  Maintenance of health, growth and reproduction. #Best Yoga teacher Training course in Bangalore#Yoga Teacher Training course near me#Best yoga Institute […]


FASTING Yogis advocate occasional fasts, particularly helpful in times of illness, in order to give the stomach a rest.   The recuperative energy may thereby be directed toward the casting out of the toxins and poisonous matter that have been causing the trouble.  It is also noted that animals fast when unwell. They stop caring whilst […]

Diet and Digestion

Diet and Digestion The entire process that the food undergoes from the time it is eaten to its excretion is known as metabolism of food. Nutrients are obtained from food by the process of metabolism that takes place in the following steps: Digestion Absorption Assimilation It begins at the mouth and comprises the esophagus stomach, […]
