Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food conducive for Hatha Yogic Practices

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food conducive for Hatha Yogic Practices Ghodhuma-sali-yava-shashtika-sobhanannam / Kshirajyakhanda-navanitasi hamadhuni// Sunthipatolakaphaladikapanchasakam / Mudghadidivyam udakam cha yamindrapathyam//(Chapter -1, Verse -62). #Yoga course Bangalore The most supporting foods for the Hatha Yogic practices are: good grains, wheat, rice, barley, milk, ghee, brown sugar, sugar candy (crystallized sugar), honey, dry ginger, patola fruit (species […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food Prohibited for Hatha Yogic Practices

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food Prohibited for Hatha Yogic Practices Katvamla-tikshna-lavanoshna-haritasaka / Sauvira-taila-tila-sarshapa-madya-matsyan // Ajadi-mamsa-dadhi-takra-kulattha-kola / Pinyaka-hingghu-lasunady-amapathyam-ahuh//(Chapter -1, Verse- 59). #Yoga course Bangalore The foods which prohibited for the Hatha Yogic practitioners are: those which are bitter, sour, pungent, salty, heating, green vegetables, sour gruel, oil, sesame and mustard, alcohol, fish, flesh foods, curds, buttermilk, […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika -Moderate diet for Hatha Yogic Practices

Hatha Yoga Pradipika -Moderate diet for Hatha Yogic Practices Susnighdhamadhuraharaschaturthamsavivarjitah / Bhujyate sivasamprityai mitaharah sa uchyate//(Chapter -1, Verse -58). Mitahara is defined as agreeable and sweet food, leaving one fourth of the stomach free, and eaten. (Chapter -1, Verse-58). #Yoga course Bangalore
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Four best asanas according to Shiva

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Four best asanas according to Shiva Four best asanas among eighty four taught by Shiva Chaturasityasanani sivena kathitani vai / Tebhyas chatushkam adaya sarabhutam bravimyaham//(Chapter -1, Verse -33) Among all the eighty-four Asanas were taught by Shiva. Out of those ‘I’ shall now describe the four important Asanas. (Chapter -1, Verse-33) […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Asanas according to Vashishtha & Matsyendranath

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Asanas according to Vashishtha & Matsyendranath Vasishthadyais cha munibhir matsyendradyais cha yogibhih/ angikrtanyasanani kathyante kanichin maya//(Chapter -1, Verse 18). I will proceed to explain some of the Asana accepted by adept munis like Vashishtha and Yogis such as Matsyendranath. (Chapter -1, Verse 18). #200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate course in […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Causes of success in sadhana

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Causes of success in sadhana Utsahat sahasad dhairyat tattvajnanas cha nischayat/ Janasangghaparityaghat shadbhir yogah prasiddhyati// (Chapter -1, Verse -16). Enthusiasm, perseverance, discrimination, strong faith, courage, avoiding the company of common people, are the (six causes) which bring success in Hatha Yoga. (Chapter -1, Verse – 16). #200 hour Yoga teacher […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika –Causes of failure in Sadhana

Causes of failure in sadhana- Overeating, exertion, talkativeness, adhering to rules, company of common people and wavering mind Atyaharah prayasascha prajalpo niyamaghrahah/ janasangascha laulyam cha shadbhiryogo vinasyati//(Chapter -1, Verse -15). Overeating, exerting physically & mentaly, talking too much, adhering to rules, being in the company of common people and unstable mind are the six (causes) […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Practice Yoga without mental tension

Practice of sadhana devoid of mental tension, according to guru’s instruction Evam vidhe mathe sthitva sarvachintavivarjitah / ghurupadishtamargena yogameva samabhyaset // (Chapter -1, Verse -14) In this way, dwelling in the hermitage, being devoid of all mental tensio ,Hatha Yoga should be practiced in the way instructed by the Guru. (Chapter -1, Verse -14). #50/100/200/300/500 hr […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Place for Yoga practice

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Place for Yoga practice Surajye dharmike dese subhikshe nirupadrave / dhanuh pramanaparyantam silagnijalavarjite / Ekante mathikamadhye sthatavyam hathayogina // (Chapter -1, Verse- 12). The Hatha Yoga practitioner should live alone in a hermitage and practice in a place the length of a bow (one and a half meters), where there is […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Sadhana should be kept secret for success

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Sadhana should be kept secret for success Hathavidya param gopya yogina siddhimichchata / bhavedviryavati gupta nirvirya tu praksita // (Chapter -1, Verse – 11). Hatha yoga practice is the greatest secret of the yogis who wish to achieve perfection (siddhi). Indeed, to be fruitful, it must be kept secret; revealed it […]