Hatha Yogi – Ghata Avastha (vessel stage)

Ghata Avastha (vessel stage) Ghata avastha (vessel stage) – Vishnu granthi is pierced the greatest bliss is revealed. Then from that emptiness the sound of the kettledrum appears. Dvitiyayam ghatikrtya vayurbhavati madhyaghah / Drdhasano bhaved yogi jnani devasamas tada// In the second stage, when ghata is reached, the Shakti moves into the middle nadi. […]
Prana and Mind end in Samadhi state

Ending of Prana and Mind in Samadhi state Ending of Prana and Mind in Samadhi state – Activities of prana is annihilated, then mind is reabsorbed in samadhi. Yada samkshiyate prano manasam cha praliyate/ Tada samarasatvam cha samadhir abhidhiyate// When the activities of Prana are totally annihilated, then mind is reabsorbed in samadhi state […]
Concentration on nada erase ‘bad karma’

Concentration on nada burns ‘bad karma’ Concentration on nada burns ‘bad karma’ – Bad karma’(sin) is destroyed by constant concentration on nada. The finite mind and prana dissolve into the spotless niranjana. Sada nadanusandhanat kshiyante papasamchayah/ Niranjane viliyete niśchitam chittamarutau// Sin is eliminated by constant concentration on nada or sound. The finite mind and prana […]
Chitta: Vasana and Prana

Chitta has two qualities: vasana and prana Hetudvayam tu chittasya vasana cha samiranah / Tayorvinashta ekasmintau dvavapi vinasyatah// Chitta has two qualities, vasana and prana. When one of the two is eliminated or deactivated the other also will become inertia. (Chapter -4, Verse 22).
Hatha Yogi-Arambha Avastha (beginning stage)

Arambha Avastha (beginning stage) Arambha avastha (beginning stage) – When the Hatha Yogi experiences arambha in the void of the heart, his body becomes lustrous and brilliant with a divine smell and disease less. Brahmaghranther bhaved bhedad anandah sunyasambhavah/ Vichitrah kvanako dehe anahatah sruyate dhvanih// The Brahma granthi being pierced, the feeling of bliss […]

HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is compiled by Yogi Swatmarama, an outstanding personality among many authorities of Hatha Yoga i.e. Goraknanath, Gheranda and Srinivasa Bhatta. Hatha Yoga is a very important science for man all the time. The beauty of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is that it solves a very great problem of […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Chapter Four: Samadhi
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Chapter Four: Samadhi Synonymous words for Raja Yoga Rajayogah samadhis cha unmani cha manonmani / Amaratvam layas tattvam sunyasunyam param padam// Raja Yoga, Samadhi, Unmani, Manonmani, Amaratva, Laya, Sahaja Tattva, Shoonyashoonya, Parampadam. (Chapter -4, Verse 3). #100/200/300/500 hour Yoga teacher training India Amanaskam tathadvaitam niralambam niranjanam/ Jivanmuktischa sahaja turya chetyekavachakah// Amanaskam, advaitam, […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Chapter Three: Mudra and Bandha

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Mudra and Bandha -Ten Mudras destroy old age Mahamudra mahabandho mahavedhascha khechari/ Uddiyanam mulabandhas cha bandho jalandharabhidhah//(Chapter -3, Verse 6). Maha Mudra, Maha Bandha, Maha Vedha, Khechari, Uddiyana, Moola Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 6). #100/200/300/500 hour Yoga teacher training India Karani viparitakhya vajroli saktichalanam/ Idam hi mudradasakam jaramarananasanam//(Chapter -3, […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Chapter Two: Shatkarma and Pranayama

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Chapter Two: Shatkarma and Pranayama Inter-connection of Mind and Prana and their controlling through Pranayama Chale vate chalam chittam nischale nischalam bhavet / Yogi sthanutvamapnoti tato vayum nirodhayet//(Chapter -2, Verse 2). When Prana moves, chitta the mental force too moves. When prana is still, Chitta also still without any movement. By […]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Who can practice Yoga?

Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Who can practice Yoga? Yuvo vrddhoativrddho va vyadhito durbaloapi va / Abhyasat siddhim apnoti sarvayogheshvatandritah//(Chapter -1, Verse -64). Either, Young or old, very old, sick or feeble, one can attain perfection in all the Yogas by regular constant practicing. (Chapter -1, Verse – 64). #100/200/300/500 hour Yoga teacher training India