Unmani Avastha State

Unmani Avastha Tare jyotishi samyojya kimchidunnamayed bhruvau/ Purvayogam mano yunjannunmanikarakah kshanat// Fix the gaze on the tip of the nose and raise the eyebrows a little, within the mind contemplating, inwardly thinking of Brahma, but apparently looking outside. This will create the Unmani avastha state.
Sound-Shakti – Dissolves in Consciousness

Sound is shakti and dissolves in consciousness Yatkinchin nadarupena sruyate saktireva sa / Yas tattvanto nirakarah sa eva paramesvarah// Whatever is heard of the nature of the mystical nada or sound is verily Shakti. That in which all the panchatattwa elements find dissolution, that is the formless being, the supreme God. (Chapter -4, Verse 102).
Prana and Mind

Prana and mind are controlled through each other Pavano badhyate yena manastenaiva badhyate / Manascha badhyate yena pavanastena badhyate// Through controlling the prana, thought is contolled and through control of thought, prana or air is controlled. (Chapter -4, Verse 21).
Parichaya Avastha (stage of increase)

Parichaya Avastha (stage of increase) Stage of increase – Sound of the drum, perfection or siddhi. Imbalance of the three humors or doshas, pain, old age, disease, hunger, sleep are destroyed. Trtiyayam tu vijneyo vihayo mardaladhvanih / Mahasunyam tada yati sarvasiddhisamasrayam// In the third stage is the experience of the sound of the drum. Then […]
Nada anusandhana – exploration of sound “OM”

Nada anusandhana – exploration of sound “OM” Nada anusandhana – exploration of sound”OM” – Closing the ears, nose and mouth, a clear, clear sound is heard in the purified sushumna nadi. Muktasane sthito yogi mudram sandhaya sambhavim/ Śrnuyad dakshine karne nadam antastham ekadhih// The Hatha Yogi, sitting in Muktasana, concentrated in shambhavi mudra, should hear […]
Mind dissolves in Samadhi

Mind dissolves in Samadhi Mind dissolves in Samadhi – As camphor burnt in fire, and salt mix in the sea, in samadhi mind dissolves into ‘Thatness’ Karpuramanale yadvatsaindhavam salile yatha/ Tatha sandhiyamanam cha manastattve viliyate// As camphor burnt in fire, and salt mix in the sea, in samadhi mind dissolves into ‘Thatness’. (Chapter -4, Verse […]
Mind – Senses, Prana – Mind, Nada – Prana

Mind – Senses, Prana – Mind, Nada – Prana Indriyanam mano natho manonathastu marutah/ Marutasya layo nathah sa layo nadamasritah// Mind is the controller of the senses, prana is the controller of the mind. Dissolution is the lord of the prana and that dissolution, laya is the foundation of nada. (Chapter -4, Verse 29). […]
Manonmani (consciousness without mind) State

Manonmani (consciousness without mind) State Manonmani (consciousness without mind) – Manonmani is obtained when prana flows in sushumna nadi Sushumnavahini prane siddhyatyeva manonmani/ Anyatha tvitarabhyasah prayasayaiva yoghinam// When the prana travels in the sushumna nadi this state of manonmani (consciousness without mind) is obtained. Therefore, other forced practices are just laborious to the Hatha […]
Kundalini at Brahmarandhra Nadi

Kundalini is to be blocked at Brahmarandhra Nadi The ultimate union and samadhi happens at sahasrara chakra. This location is at the crown of the head. The very upper portion of head is called brahmarandhra. The energy and consciousness must remain there, if they gone beyond, there is no return back to the physical body. […]
Karma annihilated when prana flows Sushumna Nadi

Karmas get annihilated when prana flows in Sushumna Nadi All Karmas(actions) get annihilated when prana flows in sushumna nadi, mind remain in complete shoonya(void). Sushumnavahini prane sunye visati manase/ Tada sarvani karmani nirmulayati yogavit// When prana is moving through sushumna nadi, mind is in pure shoonya(void). Then all the karmas of the one knowing […]