Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Utthita Vayu Muktasana(Standing Wind Relieving Pose)

The standing wind relieving pose or Uthitta Vayu Muktasana begins at Tadasana or the mountain pose. Stand straight, with the heels and toes of both feet pressed together. Keep your arms by your side, weight distributed evenly across your feet from your heels to your toes. Raise your right leg, bend it at the knee […]

Ardhakati Chakrasana(Half Waist Wheel Pose)

The half wheel pose or Ardhakati Chakrasana begins at Tadasana or the mountain pose. Stand straight, with the heels and toes of both feet pressed together. Keep your arms by your side, weight distributed evenly across your feet from your heels to your toes. Inhaling in, raise your right hand vertically over the head while […]

Jathara Parivartanasana (Master Revolved Abdomen Pose)

Lie flat on the back. Stretch both arms out sideways, in line with shoulders. Form a cross with the body. Exhale, raise both legs together until perpendicular to the floor. Take them to the side and turn the head to the opposite side.

Purvottanasana(Upward Plank Pose)

Start sitting up with your feet stretched out in front of you. Place the palms on the ground about one forearms length behind the hips. Inhale, raise the hips and lift the body upwards, relax the neck. Point the toes away from the body trying to get the feet flat on the ground, keep the […]

Phalakasana (Plank Pose)

Lie flat on the floor, face downwards. Bend the elbows, palms by the side of the chest. Keep the feet together. Raise the whole body a high off the floor, balancing on the hands and toes, body stiff and parallel to the floor, knees taut. Elbows should be straight as possible now.
