Hatha Yoga Sequence
60 min hatha yoga sequence for both gender for the age group of 25 to 40, who does not have any physical or mental illness. Centering (2 mins) Om chanting (2 mins) (3 times) Pranayama (4 mins) Kapalbhati pranayama WaRm Up (10 mins) Neck rotations (3 sets) Neck side to side (3 sets) Neck up […]
Vinyasa Yoga Sequence
60 min vinyasa yoga practice list and sequence it. Both gender for the age group 25 to 40. Warm-Up (10 mins) Supta virasana with cushion (hold for 1 min) Butterfly stretch forward (hold for 5 deep breaths) Cat cow stretch (5 rounds and hold for 5 breaths) Thread the needle (3 rounds) Balasana (5 deep […]
Yoga Sequence Back Pain
60 min practice list and sequence – back pain issue, slip disc, and sciatica. Centering (2 mins) Om chanting (2 mins) (3 times) Pranayama (3 mins) Full yogic breathing Warm-Up (8 mins) Neck rotations (3 sets) Neck side to side (4 sets) Neck up to down (4 sets) Shoulder rotations (5 sets) Arm rotations (5 […]
Yoga Sequence Cardiovascular
60 min practice list and sequence – cardiac problem Centering (2 mins) Om chanting (2 mins) (3 times) Pranayama (5 mins) Nadi Shodhana (long inhale and exhale without holding the breath for too long) (6 rounds) Warm-Up (12 mins) Seated: Neck rotations (3 sets) Neck side to side (3 sets) Neck up to down (3 […]
Principles of asana practice
Asana forms the basis of all other yogic practices. The word ‘Asana’ is derived from ‘Asi’- to sit; these are certain special postures that help to stabilize the body and mind. Asana facilitates ease of movement and brings emotional stability to the practitioner. “Sthirasukham asanam” Asana is a posture that should be stable and comfortable. […]
Yama and niyama, for yoga teacher
Yama and niyama, for yoga teacher The Yamas are the social Ethics which include: Ahimsa, Satya, Aparigraha, Atseya, and Bhrahamacharya. Non-violence, Truthfulness, Non- possessiveness, Non- stealing, and Abstinence. These ethics deeply correlate with the practice yoga as a teacher. As an established professional in the field, one s intention should be pure and authentic. One […]
Basic elements of Asana
Basic elements of Asana Asanas are part of Yoga which are more related to the physical body. Asanas are a gateway towards building this connection. As Patanjali describes Asanas as sthira sukham asanam, stable and comfortable posture. The practice of Asana is more than just engaging the physical body, it is more than just coming […]
Yoga practice teaching observation
Yoga practice teaching observation. In training, learning observation allows the individual to become more aware of the teaching structure, methodology, asanas, etc. Observation helps in understanding the structure of asana, its modifications, and variations. Furthermore, understanding the differences in similar asanas. Such kind of observation can only be developed through the practice of teaching. The […]
An essay about partner standing observation.
An essay about partner standing observation. In Partner Standing observation, there are two people involved the Looker (observer) and the Lookee (demonstrator). The observer or Looker has to observe the asana demonstrated by the demonstrator from all four angles. From the back, they must observe the alignment, direction, and location of feet, Achilles, calves, back […]
The steps involved in, basics arc structure of class.
The steps involved in, basics arc structure of class. Centering Prayer/ Chanting Pranayama Warm-Up SuryaNamaskara For beginners: break 3-5 minutes either in Child’s pose Balasana, or Corpse pose Savasana, or standing Intermediate and advanced students can continue without break. Asana Practice: Standing Asanas – starting from Tree Pose or Tadasana and then transitioning to another […]