Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Reasons for experiencing pain & how to remove it?-PYS

  Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Sadhana Pada-  Reasons for experiencing pain & how to remove it? 2.3. Avidyasmitaragadvesabhinivesah klesah| Avidya-ignorance Asmita-i-feeling Raga-liking Dvesa-repulsion Abhinivesah-fear of death Klesah-afflictions Ignorance, I-feeling, liking, disliking and fear of death, this all  are the reasons for experiencing  pains in our walk of life .  

Eight limbs of Yoga – Sadhana Pada – Patanjali Yoga Sutra

Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Sadhana Pada – Eight limbs of Yoga   2.29.Yamaniyamasanapranayamaprtayahara dharanadhyanasamadhayo’stavangani| Yama-self restraints Niyama-fixed rules Asana-postures Pranayama-breath control Pratayahara-sense withdrawl Dharana-concentration Dhyana-meditation Samadhai-samadhi Asta-eight Angani-parts Personal ethics, social ethics, postures, breath control practice, sense withdrawl from its sense objects, concentration, meditation and samadhi or supersonsciouness, constitute the eight limbs of  yoga discipline. […]

Why should follow Discipline? – Sadhana Pada- Patanjali Yoga Sutra

Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Sadhana Pada- Why should follow Discipline? Major Discipline for Yoga Practice 2.1. Tapahsvadhyayayesvarapranidhanani kriyaayogah| Tapah- austerity Svadhyaya-self-study of scriptures Ishvarapranidhana-surrender to god Kriya yoga-practical yoga Tapas, Swadhyaya and ishwara pranidhana is caled kriya yoga.  

Past accumulated action is reason for present & future pain-pys

Our past accumulated action is reason for present & future pain 2.12.  Klesamulah karmasayo drsthadrsthajanmavedaniyah| Klesa-affliction Mulah-root Karma-action Asayo-reservoir Drstha-seen, present Adrstha-not seen, future Janma-birth Vedaniyah-to be experienced This  accumulated karmas which is the root cause of afflictions is to be experienced in the present and future births.  

Meaning for Ignorance? – patanjali yoga sutra

Meaning for Ignorance? 2.5.  Anityasuchiduhkhanatmasu nityasuchisukhatmakhyatiravidya| Anitya-not eternal Asuchi-impure Duhkha-pain Anatmasu-non-atman Nitya-eternal Suchi-pure Sukha-happiness Atma-self Khyati-knowledge Avidya-ignorance Meaning of Avidya or Ignorance is mis-understanding of non-eternal, impure, evil things considering as eternal, pure, good and atman.    

Ignorance is the foundation cause for all pain-patanjali yoga sutra

Ignorance is the foundation cause for all pain 2.4.  Avidyaksetramuttaresam prasuptatanuvichchhinnodaranam| Avidya-avidya Ksetram-field Uttaresam-of the following Prasupta-dormant Tanu-thin Vichchhinna-scattered Udaranam-fully operated, expanded Avidya or ignorance can be resided in the states of dormant, thin, scattered or expanded.  

How to mastery Asana? – patanjali yoga sutra

How to mastery Asana? 2.47.  Prayatnasaithilyananatasamapattibhyam| Prayatna-effort Saithilya-looseness Ananta-the serpent called ananta Samapattibhyam-by meditation By effortless effort and by meditation on the serpent ananta, asana is mastered.  

How should be Asana?

How should be Asana? 2.46.  Sthirasukhamasanam| Sthira-steady Sukham-comfortable Asanam-posture Steady and comfortable should be the posture.  

Future Pain in life can be reducible-patanjali yoga sutra

Future Pain in life can be reducible 2.10.  Te pratiprasavaheyah suksmah| Te-they Pratiprasavah-involution Heyah-reducible Suksmah-subtle  Those future pains can be avoidable or reducible by involution or  by yogic practice, when they are subtle.  

Fourth type of pranayama-patanjali yoga sutra

Fourth type of pranayama 2.51.  Bahyabhyantaravisayaksepi chaturthah| Bahya-external Abhyantara-internal Viñaya-object Aksepi-transcending Chaturtha-fourth The fourth pranayama is that which transcends the internal and external object, called it breathless state.  
