Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose)

This is a reclining pose where you hold onto the big toe. Lie flat on the ground with your legs stretched out, the knees straightened. Inhale and stretch the left leg so the it is perpendicular while the right leg is straight on the floor and the right hand is on the right thigh. With […]
Niralamba Sarvangasana(Unsupported Shoulder Stand Pose)

This is an unsupported sarvangasana. Lie on your back on the floor with your legs stretched out and your palms facing down on the ground by the sides of the legs. Breathe easily and then on an exhale bend the knees and take the legs to the stomach until the thighs are pressing into the […]
Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(One legged Bridge Pose)

This is a variation of the bridge pose where you raise one leg into the air. You must start by lying on the ground. Bend the knees and place them with the feet on the floor and the knees pointing to the ceiling. Raise the back off the floor with the shoulders and head still […]
Anantasana(Side Reclining Leg Lift or Vishnu Pose)

This pose is named after Lord Vishnu resting on the couch. Start by lying flat on the mat and then turn onto your left side. Raise the head and rest it on the left hand, the left elbow on the ground. Then raise the right knee, bend it and catch the right big toe between […]
Supta Konasana(Reclining Angle Pose)

This is the reclining angle pose. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Roll back on the floor until you are fully reclined. Now raise the legs up and take the feet over your head until they touch the ground. Reach out with your hands and hold onto the […]
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

This is the fish pose. Sit in padmasana. Now lie back down until your back is resting on the floor. On an exhale arch your back. Now rest the crown of the head on the floor while concentrating on lifting the neck and back off the floor. Raise the hands and stretch them out and […]
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(Bridge Pose)

This is the bridge pose. You must start by lying on the ground. Bend the knees and place them with the feet on the floor and the knees pointing to the ceiling. Raise the back off the floor with the shoulders and head still on the ground. Support your back by placing your palms on […]
Kukkutasana(Cockerel or Rooster Pose)

This is the cockerel pose. Sit in padmasana. Put your hands through the space between the thighs and calves. Push the hands down until the elbows and then press through the hands so that your whole body lifts off the ground and you exhale. Stay here breathing easily for as long as you can. Then […]
Eka Pada Sirsasana (Foot Behind the Head Pose)

In this pose you will take one leg and place it behind the ear. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend the left knee and grasp the left foot with both hands. Pull it close to the torso and then bend forward. Now it will be easier to […]
Akarna Dhanurasana(Archer Pose)

This is the bow pose where one leg touches the ear. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Take the big toe of the right foot in between your right thumb and first two fingers. Then hold the left big toe in between the left thumb and first two […]