Vyaghrasana(Tiger Pose)
This is the tiger pose. To come into this pose, you must start in cat pose, on your hands and knees with a comfortable distance between your knees. Arching the back down, take your right leg out and stretch it up and backwards, then bend it. If possible, bring your toes towards the back of […]
Marjaryasana(Cat-Cow Pose)
This is the cat pose. It begins in the kneeling diamond pose. From here come to cat pose, in which you must get on your hands and knees, with a comfortable distance between your knees, and your palms flat on the mat, directly under your shoulder. Your hands and knees should be in line and […]
Mandukasana(Frog Pose) or Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)
This is the frog pose, another kneeling posture. You must start in diamond pose. From here, open and separate the knees as far as you can go while the toes remain in contact with the floor or mat. Separate your feet so that you can rest your buttocks on the floor or mat, between your […]
Balasana – Child’s Pose or Shashankasana – Moon / Hare Pose
This is the child’s pose. You must start in the diamond pose or kneeling posture, with your palms face down on your thighs. Relax and keep your spine and head straight as you breathe comfortably. Exhale and bend down from the hips so that your head and arms are in line with the trunk. Rest […]
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana( Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend Pose)
This is the standing half bound lotus pose. From Tadasana inhale as you bring your right knee to the chest. Then, place the right foot on top of the left inner thigh. Place your left hand behind your back and exhale. Then lean down from your lower back so that your right hand is on […]
Urdhva Parasarita Eka Padasana(Standing Split Pose)
This is a standing split. Here it is about stretching your quad and hamstring and not about how high you can extend your leg. You must begin in the standing forward bend. Inhale as you elongate your spine and press your hands into the ground. Breathe easily and on an inhale lift your right leg […]
Baddha Parivrtta Parsvakonasana(Bound Revolved Side Angle Pose)
This is revolved bounded side angle pose. Start in Tadasana and with a deep inhalation step your feet four or four and a half feet apart. Raise your arms sideways with your arms in line with your shoulders and your palms facing down. Lower into a lunge position with your right leg forward and at […]
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana(Revolved Half Moon Pose)
This is the revolved half moon pose. Here, you begin in Tadasana. From Tadasana you perform the revolved triangle pose to the right side of your body. Your right foot is facing forward. Place your left hand down on the floor and revolve so that your left side is facing the floor and your right […]
Ardha Chakrasana(Half Wheel Pose)
This is the half moon pose. Here, you begin in Tadasana. From Tadasana you perform the Trikonasana or the triangle pose to the right side of your body. Place your right palm about a foot away from the right foot by bending the right knee. Simultaneously, bring the left forward about a foot or half […]
Padangusthasana(Big Toe Pose)
In this pose, you hold the big toe in a forward fold. Stand in Tadasana with your feet at a distance of one foot between them. Keep your legs straight, inhale deeply then exhale and fold forward from the lower back. Extend your hands and grasp your big toes between the thumb and first two […]