Revision Examination: Paper- 1 (yoga philosophy, lifestyle & ethics)
- Misconception between Yoga and Hatha Yoga.
- Types of yoga according to Bhagavad-Gita.
- Definition of yoga.
- What is the meaning for term “yoga”.
- Who is the founder of yoga?
- What are all misconception exist between yoga and hatha yoga.
- Who is the author for yoga darshan?
- Which are called preclassical yoga?
- Which period is called classical yoga?
- Yoga belongs to which religion.
- Meaning of hatha yoga.
- Aim of hatha yoga.
- Difference between yoga and hatha yoga.
- Relationship between hatha yoga and raja yoga.
- What are all practice included in hatha yoga.
- Concept of Modern hatha yoga style practice. With example.
- Concept of traditional hatha yoga style practice. With example.
- Mention four Hatha yoga texts with author.
- Write 12 Styles of modern hatha yoga.
- What is the purpose of hatha yoga?
- Define chakra.
- List out the 8 cakras with number of petals.
- What are all four Purusharthas? Why dharma is important in it.
- Write four stages of life. Which ashram is important in it?
- What is meant by agami karma
- List out 5 yamas
- Write seven steps of jnana yoga according to adi sankara.
- Meaning of the word “Upanishad”
- Mention three main characters in Katha Upanishad.
- Mention Lord Yamas three boons to Nachiketa.
- What is Preyas?
- What is the difference between, awareness and consciousness?
- Write four state of consciousness.
- Write five kosha.
- What practices will you prescribe for Annamaya Kosha?
- Write nine obstacles as mentioned by sage patanjali.
- List out the Astanga yoga.
- Explain about in your own words ‘chitta’.
- Write types of chitta vrittis.
- Why we should block chitta.
- What is meant by chitta?
- Define Pramana
- How many sutras are their in each pada, in Patanjali yoga sutra.
- What is meant by abhyasa .
- Symptoms of mental distraction, according to Patanjali.
- Asana according to Patanjali.
- Define Aparigraha
- Difference between dharana and dhayana.
- Difference between dhayana and Samadhi.