Pavana Mukta Asana – Wind Releasing Posture
(pavana – wind, mukta-releasing)
- Come to Savasana, bring legs together, arms beside thighs.
- Inhale; raise right leg up till 90 degree, by keeping knee straight.
- Bend right leg knee, interlock fingers place it below knee.
- Pull knee towards chest and lift head dorsal try chin to touch knees.
- Stay for 10 to 30 seconds comfortably, keep breathing at your nostrils by synchronizing with abdomen movement.
- Exhale, return back, by unfolding right leg knee, and head down.
- Repeat same at left side, and then relax at Savasana.
- Remove all gastro-intestinal problems.
- Strengthen all abdominal organs and lower, middle upper back.
- Good for those who having thyroid related problems.
- Relieves, chronic constipation.