Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Memory & impressions
4.9. Jatidesakalavyavahitanamapyantaryam smrtisamskarayorekarupatvat|
- Jati-class of birth
- Desa-place
- Kala-time
- Vyavahitanam-separated
- Api-even
- Anantaryam-sequence
- Smrtisamskarayoh-of memory and impressions
- Ekarupatvat-because of sameness in form
Because memory and impression are the same in form there is a sequence although they may be classified by class of birth, place and time.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Source of potential impressions
4.10. Tasamanaditvam chasiso nityatvat|
- Tasam-there is
- Anaditvam-begnninglessness
- Cha-and
- Asisah-of the will to live
- Nityatvat-by permanence
There is no beginning to them and the desire to live is eternal.