By samyama knowledge of universal consciousness
3.36. Sattva purusayoratyantasanké rnayoh pratyayaviseso bhogah pararthatvat svarthasamyamat purusa jnanam|
- Sattva-chitta
- Purusayoh-of the purusha
- Atyanta-extremely
- Asankirnayoh-distinct
- Pratyaya-awareness
- Avisesah-not distinct
- Bhogah-experience
- Pararthatvat-from objective consciousness
- Sva-ones own
- Artha-subjective awareness
- Samyamat-by samyama
- Purusajnanam-knowledge of purusha
Chitta and purusha are extremly different. On account of non-difference of the awareness of both there is objective or subjective experience. By applying samyama on subjective awareness apart from objectives awareness, the knowledge of purusha is acquired.