Plavini Pranayama
Plavini Pranayama Practice of this Pranayama demands skill on the part of the student. He who practises this Plavini can do Jalastambha (solidification of water) and float on water for any length of time He who practises this Plavini Kumbhaka can live on air and dispense with food for some days. The student actually drinks […]
Nadi Sodhana Pranayama (cleansing of the nadis)
Nadi Sodhana Pranayama (cleansing of the nadis) Practice
Murchha Pranayama
Murchha Pranayama Sit in your Asana and inhale. Retain the breath. Do Jalandhara Bandha by pressing the chin against the chest. Retain the breath till you expect fainting and then exhale slowly. This is Murchha Kumbhaka as it makes the mind senseless and gives happiness. But this is not suitable for many. #200 Hour Yoga […]
Kapalabhati Pranayama
Kapalabhati Pranayama ‘Kapala’ is a Sanskrit word, it means skull. ‘Bhati’ means to shine. The term ‘Kapalabhati’ means an exercise that makes the skull shine. Sit on Padmasana. Keep the hands on knees. Close the eyes. Perform forceful exhalation followed by passive inhalation. This should be practised rapidly gradually. One will get perspiration profusely. Exhalation […]
Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama Sit on Padmasana or Siddhasana. Inhale rapidly through both nostrils making sound of Bhramara, the bee, and exhale rapidly through both nostrils, making the humming sound. In the end inhale through both nostrils, retain the breath as long as you can do it comfortably and then exhale slowly through both nostrils. The joy […]
Bhastrika Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama In Sanskrit Bhastrika means ‘bellows’. Rapid succession of forcible expulsion is a characteristic feature of Bhastrika. Just as a blacksmith blows his bellows rapidly, so also you should move your breath rapidly. Sit on Padmasana. Keep the body, neck and head erect. Close the mouth. Next, inhale and exhale quickly ten times like […]
Kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing breath)
Kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing breath) Practice Practice rapid breathing with active and forceful exhalation and passive inhalation. During each exhalation, blast out the air by vigorous flapping movements of the abdomen in quick succession. Inhale passively by relaxing the abdominal muscles at the end of each exhalation. Repeat the exhalation as quickly as possible at […]
Karuna Yoga Maha Vidya Peetham, Yoga TTC program in Bangalore India, is designed to make you proficient in the knowledge of Pranayama. Pranayama is popularly known as the process involving the control of breath. Despite the fact that this translation may appear to be right in perspective of the practices included, it does not pass on the full importance of […]