Padahastasana – Hand to Foot Posture
(pada – foot, hasta – hand)
- Come to Tadasana(mountain) posture, by arms beside your thighs.
- Inhale raise arms side way till it touch ears.
- Take deep inhale , by exhaling bend forward by keeping your knee straight from your lower back ( make sure not bending from your upper back ( if you have back pain or weak back keep your knees bend)
- Lengthen the neck and toward the feet.
- At final phase keep the chest open as you resting your palms beside of your feet, Keep your feet firm , both leg straight and stably grounded .
- From hip to ankle should be in straight line.
- Lenghten from your lower back and stretch from upper back, in hale through nose while exhale suck your abdomen in towards back , forward touching your shin bone not your knees.
- Stay for 10 to 20 seconds, by deep breathing at your abdominal .
- Finally completely relax at final pose.
- Inhale lift head up, come up form lower back , exhale arms down , and relax .
- Helps preventing constipation and menstrual problems.
- Improves digestion.
- Enhances blood flow to the head region.
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