Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Practices and Training Mantras
Write any three mantras with its meaning.
Why we are chanting mantras before starting class and at end of class. Why we chant three ‘santhi’ at end of prayer, why not seven ‘santhi’. Write the 12 Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) mantras with meaning.
Surya Namaskara
Write how to breathe, posture name, and alignment cues for Surya Namaskara, for each and every step (Sun Salutation) Sivananda School of Yoga Style.
Write how to breathe, posture name, and alignment cues for Chandra Namaskara, for each and every step (Moon Salutation).
Write how to breathe, posture name, and alignment cues for Astanga Surya Namaskara-A, for each and every step.
Write how to breathe, posture name, and alignment cues for Astanga Surya Namaskara-B, for each
and every step.
Write contraindications for Astanga Surya Namaskara, for each and every step.
Write contraindications for traditional Sivananda Surya Namaskara (sun salutation), for each and every step.
Write benefits of traditional Sivananda Surya Namaskara (sun salutation), for each and every step.
Write benefits of Astanga Surya Namaskara, for each and every step.
  1. General principles of yogic practices
Which is ideal time for hatha yoga practice.
What type of Place is ideal for hatha yoga practice? What type of diet is conducive for yoga practices?
Is their any age limitation for hatha yoga practice? Does children’s can practice hatha yoga?
Who should avoid inverted poses?
What should be the time duration between bathe and hatha yoga practices? What should be the time duration between hatha yoga practices and bathe. What should be the time duration between food and hatha yoga practices? What should be the time duration between hatha yoga practices and food? Women’s during menstruation period, can they practice hatha yoga.
Should be evacuate bowel and bladder, before hatha yoga practices. Can we wear contact lens during asana class.
11.2.  Asana Laboratory Observation
How should be ‘Breath and general vibe’ in asana? How should be ‘Feet and ankles’ in asana?
How should be ‘Knees’ in asana? How should be ‘Pelvis’ in asana? How should be “Spine” in asana? How should be “Rib cage” in asana?
How should be ‘Chest and collarbones’ in asana?
How should be ‘Shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers, in tadasana?
11.3.    Basic Elements of Asana Practice
Write three Basic Elements of Asana Practice.
How to be ‘Being Present’ in Vinyasa yoga practice. How to be ‘Being Present’ in hatha yoga practice.
How to be ‘Being Present’ in restorative yoga practice. How to be ‘Being Present’ in gentle yoga practice.
How to be ‘Being Present’ in Vinyasa yoga practice. How to be ‘Being Present’ in hatha yoga practice.
How to be ‘Being Present’ in restorative yoga practice. How to be ‘Being Present’ in gentle yoga practice.
How to be ‘relaxed’ in Vinyasa yoga practice. How to be ‘relaxed’ in hatha yoga practice.
How to be ‘relaxed’ in restorative yoga practice. How to be ‘relaxed’ in gentle yoga practice.
How to  ‘breathe ’ in Vinyasa yoga practice.
How to  ‘breathe ’ in Astanga yoga practice. How to  ‘breathe ’ in hatha yoga practice.
How to  ‘breathe ’ in gentle yoga practice. How to  ‘breathe ’ in restorative yoga practice.
11.4.    General Principles in Giving Physical Cues and Adjustments
Write any six General Principles in Giving Physical Cues. Write any six General Principles in Giving Adjustments How not to touch in asana.
Define ‘Distally’ touch in asana. Define ‘forceful’ touch in asana. Define ‘meanderingly’ touch in asana. Define ‘blindly’ touch in asana.
Define ‘destabilizing’ touch in asana. Define ‘randomly’ touch in asana.
Define ‘inappropriately’ touch in asana.
11.6.    Modifications, Variations, and the Use of Props
How to give ‘Modifications, in asana. How to give ‘Variations’ in asana.
Write the benefits ‘Use of Props’ in asana.
11.7.  Pacing and Holding Asanas
Write about, Asana holding duration, in Vinyasa Yoga Style.
Write about, Asana holding duration, in traditional hatha Yoga Style. Write about, Asana holding duration, in Iyengar Yoga Style.
Write about, Asana holding duration, in Astanga Yoga Style. Write about, Asana holding duration, in yin Yoga Style.
Write about, Asana holding duration, in restorative Yoga Style.
Write about, Asana holding duration, in gentle Yoga Style.
11.8.1. Individualizing Instruction
How to give individualizing instruction in Vinyasa yoga.
How to give group class instruction in Vinyasa yoga. How to give individualizing instruction in hatha yoga. How to give group class instruction in hatha yoga.
How to give individualizing instruction in Astanga yoga. How to give group class instruction in Astanga yoga.
11.9.  Transitioning into Asanas
Method of ‘Transition in’ hatha yoga style. Method of ‘Transition in’ Vinyasa yoga style. Method of ‘Transition in’ Astanga yoga style. Method of ‘Transition in’ Iyengar yoga style. Method of ‘Transition in’ gentle yoga style. Method of ‘Transition in’ restorative yoga style. Method of ‘Transition in’ power yoga style.
11.10.  Transitioning out of Asanas
Method of ‘Transition out’ hatha yoga style. Method of ‘Transition out’ Vinyasa yoga style. Method of ‘Transition out’ Astanga yoga style. Method of ‘Transition out’ Iyengar yoga style. Method of ‘Transition out’ gentle yoga style. Method of ‘Transition out’ restorative yoga style. Method of ‘Transition out’ power yoga style.
12.  Asana Techniques
Write about Patanjali style ‘asana’. With example. Write about hatha yoga style ‘asana’. With example. Define isometric dynamic asana. With example.
Define isometric static asana. With example. Write type of asana themes.
Hatha Yoga View on Asana Patanjali concept on Asana Modern Perspective view on Asana
13.  Standing Asana
Externally rotated femur ‘standing asana’. Give 4 asanas example. Internally rotated femur ‘standing asana’. Give 4 asanas example. How the ‘feet and ankles’ should be in standing asana.
Write the alignment cues for ‘legs and pelvic’ should be in standing asana. Write the alignment cues for ‘spine and torso’ should be in standing asana. Write the alignment cues for ‘shoulder’ should be in standing asana.
Write the alignment cues for ‘head and neck’ should be in standing asana. Write alignment Cues for Standing Asanas
14.  Forward Bending Asana
Write alignment Cues for sitting forward bending Asanas
Mention ‘hip flexor’ muscles, and its role in forward bending Asanas Mention ‘hip extensor’ muscles, and its role in forward bending Asanas Mention ‘hip abductor’ muscles, and its role in forward bending Asanas Mention ‘hip adductor’ muscles, and its role in forward bending Asanas
15.  Hip Opening Asana
Write alignment Cues for ‘hip opening’ Asanas
16.  Seated Asana
Write alignment Cues for Seated Asanas
17.  Twisting Asana
Write alignment Cues for twisting Asanas
18.  Inverted Asana
Write alignment Cues for inverted Asanas Write about Inverted asana and Menstruation
19.  Back bending Asana
Write alignment Cues for back bending Asanas
20.  Core Asana
Write alignment Cues for core Asanas
21.  Arm Balancing Asana
Write alignment Cues for Arm Balancing Asana Write the five ‘Basic Arc Structure of Classes’. How to initiate the yoga class
Write the types of ‘warm ups’.
Define Pathway to the Peak in asana class.
Define Exploring the Peak in asana class. Write about Principles of Sequencing Asana Define Applied Parinamavada.
How to Move from Simple to Complex Asanas How to Move from Dynamic to Static Exploration How to cultivate Sattvic Effect in asana.
Define Pratikriyasana.
Write alignment cues for Sivananda Surya Namaskara. Write alignment cues for Satyananda Surya Namaskara. Write alignment cues for Vivekananda Surya Namaskara. Write alignment cues for Chandra Namaskara.
Write alignment cues for Astanga Yoga Surya Namaskara-A. Write alignment cues for Astanga Yoga Namaskara-B.
Class sequencing
Write a basic arc structure of class.
Write a Vinyasa sequence for 60 min class. Write the level of class. With example.
Write the concept of asana according to Patanjali.
Write 60 min practice list and sequence it. Both gender for age group of 25 to 40, who does not have any physical or mental illness.
Write 60 min practice list and sequence it. Both genders for age group of 25 to 40, who having back pain issue, slip disc and sciatica.
Write 60 min practice list and sequence it. Both genders for age group of 25 to 40. Who having cardiac problem.
How to bring relevance to our yoga practice in our thoughts, speech and conduct with ourselves and others. How to extend asana practice OFF the mat.
1.  Introduction
Define ‘teaching’ according to Yoga perspective of view. Define ‘methodology’ according to Yoga perspective of view.
Write the meaning for term guru and master and teacher and instructor. Write the meaning for term yoga teacher and yoga instructor.
2.  Physical Setting
What kind of space needed for hatha yoga practice? What type of floor will be ideal for Vinyasa yoga practice? How the ‘walls’ should be in yoga studio.
What is the temperature for hot yoga class? What type of air need to hatha yoga practice?
What type of “light or brightness’ need for gentle yoga?
What type of “light or brightness’ need for hatha yoga? What type of “light or brightness’ need for Vinyasa yoga? What type of “light or brightness’ need for Astanga yoga? What type of “light or brightness’ need for restorative yoga?
How and what types of music should be used in difference intensity of hatha yoga class. Write about ‘aroma’ and yoga class.
Define props according to hatha yoga. Mention the different types of props.
What type of yoga mat is good for asana practice?
3.  Class Etiquette
What types of cleanliness student should follow in the class room. Write what kind of attire ideal for Vinyasa yoga.
Write what kind of attire ideal for hatha yoga.
Write reasons why we should be in ‘bare feet’ in yoga class. Why we should not talk while during yoga class.
How to maintain silence during yoga class.
What time student should arrive and depart from yoga class.
4.       Classroom setup and orientation
Where will you allocate in class room, if students with injuries, pregnancy, physical limitations, and with balancing problem.
How to place “master’s mat” in class room. Where to place “master’s mat” in class room.
In crowded class how will you arrange yoga mat.
How will you arrange yoga mat, in rectangular shape class room. How will you arrange yoga mat, in horizontal shape class room.
5.  Waking up the spiritual environment
How yoga master should greet, students in yoga class room. Write how to ‘getting situated’ before stating yoga class.
Types of   ‘setting intention’ before beginning class.
Why we chant ‘om’ beginng of class. Write the meaning of ‘om’.
6.  Voice and language
Mention the Herbs which refine our tone and voice. How should be the voice and tone for hatha yoga class?
How should be the voice and tone for Vinyasa yoga class? How should be the voice and tone for restorative yoga class? How should be the voice and tone for gentle yoga class?
How should be the voice and tone, at beginning, middle and end of the class? How should be language in yoga class?
7.  Querying new students
How to enquire new students. List out the six questions which you going to ask.
8.       Class level and prerequisites
Write levels of yoga classes.
Write about beginner’s level class and what is the qualification for it. Write about intermediate level class and what is the qualification for it. Write about advanced level class and what is the qualification for it.
Write about gentle class and what is the qualification for it.
Write about restorative yoga class and what is the qualification for it. Who is not deserved for advanced level yoga class?
9.  Instructing asana
Write about internal and external mechanism of ‘instructing asana’?
What are all fundamental knowledge yoga instructor should aware, to giving instruction. How to give effective instruction.
Methods of developing ‘instructing skill’. Write about ‘in – the – flow demonstration. Define ‘gather around demonstration’.
10.  Partner standing observation
Define ‘partner standing observation’. How the ‘feet’ should be in tadasana. How the ‘Achilles’ should be in tadasana. How the ‘calves’ should be in tadasana. How the ‘knees’ should be in tadasana.
How the ‘hips’ should be in tadasana. How the ‘pelvic’ should be in tadasana. How the ‘arms’ should be in tadasana. How the ‘shoulder’ should be in tadasana. How the ‘head’ should be in tadasana.
How the ‘neck’ should be in tadasana.
11.  Ethics in teaching and touching
Write role of yoga teacher in guiding students. Define ethics
Write about yoga ethics
Yoga ethics in teaching and touching.
Yoga ethics in teaching and touching and Patanjali’s ahimsa. Brahmacharya in teaching and touching.
How to touch students while teaching asana.
12.  Practice teaching observation
Define ‘practice teaching observation’
How to develop ‘practice teaching visual observation’ skills.
Write about social marketing. How to write blog.
How to register domain. How to do website design.
How to get yoga school license.
How to get yoga school insurance. What is meant by digital marketing? How to name the yoga school.
How to make your yoga school unique.
Define visual learning style.
Define auditory learning style. Define kinesthetic learning style.
How to do self-reflection while instructing. How to motivate students in yoga class.
How to give positive feedback to students.
11.1. Seven principles of hands on adjustments Write seven principles of hands on adjustments. Write about safe biomechanics.
Write about asana essential element. Write seven qualities of touching.
Yoga Philosophy Choose the best answer
  1. The primary function of “Prana” is
a) Respiration b) Digestion c) Elimination d) Circulation
  • The word “pranayama” refers to
a) Meditation b) relaxation c) breathing control d) none
  • The word ‘’yuj’’ means
a) to yoke b) to join c) to unite d) all of these
  • Stabilize and focus the mind on one object, image, sound is
a) Dharana b) Dhyana c) Samadhi d) Pratyahara
  • The appropriate amount of time to wait after a meal before beginning a yoga practice is
a) 30 minutes b) 60 minutes  c) 90 minutes d) 2 hours
  • Every Yoga teacher must start the practice session with
a) Pranayama b) Asana c) Kriya d) Silence
  • The word “Yoga” is derived from
a) Latin b) Urdu c) Sanskrit d) Tamil
  • Who compiled ‘Hathayoga pradipika’?
a) Patanjali b) Gheranda  c) Svatmarama d) None of the above
  • For small groups, the effective seating arrangement in teaching yoga is –
a) Semi circular b) Circular  c) Row d) Column
  1. How many different Asanas does traditional Suryanamaskar comprise of? a) 12 b) 7 c) 10 d) 8
  1. The word Pranayama means
a) The regulation of energy b) The dissipation of energy  c) Subtle hand gestures d) the body strength
  1. The Yoga class usually begin with a
a) A Prayer b) Suryanamaskar c) Yogic Sukshma Vvayama d) Yogasana
  1. The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling an individual’s                     
a) Mind b) soul c) body d) all the above
  1. Cobra pose is also called as
a) Padmasana b) Salabhasana c) Bhujangasana d) none
  1. Kabalabhati is a                  Process
a) Strengthening b) Meditation  c) Cleaning d) None of these
  1. Ustra means
a) The tree b) Camel c) Hare d) Snake
  1. Alternate nostril breathing also called as
a) Sitali Pranayama b) Bhramari pranayama  c) Nadisodhana d) None
  1. Definition of Yoga according to Kathopanishad is
a) Control on mind b) Control on sense organs, mind and intellect
c) Control on sense organs and intellect d) Control on body and mind
  1. The purpose of Yoga as taught by the ancients is to attain:
a) Perfect health b) Peace of mind c) Stress relief d) Enlightenment or Selfrealization.
  • Who compiled ‘Hathayoga pradipika’?
a) Patanjali b) Gheranda
c) Svatmarama d) None of the above
  • Samadhi is
a) A trance or state of bliss b) A state of sleep  c) A state of resting d) A state of sitting
  • Prana means
a) self-energing b) fitness c) chronic d) all the above
  • Who compiled ‘Yoga Sutra’
a) patanjali b) gheranda c) svatmarama D. none of the above
  • How many chapters are there in Patanjali Yoga Sutra?
a) 3 b) 4  c) 2 d) None of the above
  • Which is the basic text of Yoga Philosophy?
a. Hatha Yoga Pradipika b.GherandaSamhitha  c.Patanjali Yoga Sutra d.Shiva Samhitha
  • In which Bhava, the surrendering attitude of the servant to his master is involved
a) MaduryaBhava b) DasyaBhava c) SakhyaBhava d) Santa Bhava
  • Yoga Karmasu                                            _
a) Nischalam b) Chalam  c) Kausalam d) Phalam
  • The word “Nadi” is derived from the word “Nad” which means
a. To flow b. To blow  c. To Run d. To carry
  • At which Chakra, the union of Ida and Pingalanadi takes place a)Manipura b)Anahata  c)Ajna d)Visudhi
  • Raja Yoga is the yoga of controlling our
a) Sense Organs b) Organs of Action  c) Mind d) Our emotions
  • Which Prana governs our digestive system? a)Apana b)Vyana  c)Samana d)Udana
  • Chakras and Nadis are components of which Kosha? a)Annamaya b)Pranamaya  c)Manomaya d)Vijnyayamaya
  • The word ‘Guru’ means remover of                            [Fill  in the blanks] a)Darkness b)Laziness  c)Anger d)Light
  • Yoga of Synthesis is the contribution of which Yogi?
a) Sri Aurobindo b)Swami Vivekananda  c)Sri Yogananda d)Sri Chaitanya
  • Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali is otherwise known as which yoga as per Swami Vivekananda
a) Bhakti Yoga b) Raja Yoga  c) Karma Yoga d) Jnana Yoga
  • Which of the following is not a Vritti?
a) Pramana b) Vikalpa  c) Viveka d) Nidra
  • By cultivating attitude of friendliness towards the happy and compassion towards the unhappy                 
a) The mind retains its disturbed calmness b) The mind retains its undisturbed calmness
c) The mind will be preoccupied with thoughts d) The mind will be preoccupied with emotions
  • When the result of a deed is not expected it is called
a) Bhakti Yoga b) Kriya Yoga  c) Raja Yoga d)Karma Yoga
  • Svatmarama belongs to which section?
a) NathParampara b) AshtangaParampara  c) GherandaParampara d) PatanjaliParampara
  • MitaHara in Hatha yoga means
A. Little eating B. Neither overeating nor under eating  C. Under eating D. Only over eating
  • What moves when Prana moves according to Hatha Yoga?
A. Manas B. Mana Shakti  C. Chitta D. Buddhi
  • Which Asana is good for chronic low back pain?
a. Dhanurasana b. Bhujangasana  c. Chakrasana d. Halasana
  • Which one of the following attribute satisfies the criteria of Sattvic Food?
a) Spicy, hot, bitter, sour and pungent  b) Pure, essential, natural, vital, energy containing  c) Unnatural, overcooked, stale, left over and processed food d) None of the above
  • Dress for yoga practice should be
a ) Tight fitting jeans b) Costly and sophisticated dresses
c) Protective covering from head to toe d) Loose fitting and comfortable
  • The appropriate amount of time to wait after a meal before beginning a yoga practice is: 30 minutes 60 minutes  90 minutes 2 hours
  • The length of Sutra Neti according to Hatha Pradeepika and Gherand Samhita is
a) Two Balishta (Approximate 1 ½ feet) b)One Balishta (Approximate 9 inches)  c)Half Balishta (Approximate 4 ½ inches) d)One and Half Balishta (Approximate 13 ½ inches)
  • The length of Vastra Dhauti according to Hatha Pradeepika is
a)7½ ft. (Approximate) b)15 ft. (Approximate)  c)22½ ft. (Approximate) d)26 ft. (Approximate)
  • What do you understand by the term ‘Adhi’?
a)Physical disorders originated in Annamaya Kosha. b)Mental/Emotional disorders originated in Manomaya Kosha.  c)Mental/Emotional disorders originated in Annamaya Kosha. d)Physical disorders originated in Manomaya Kosha.
  • Who is considered as the Adiyogi or first yogi? a)Patanjali b)Sapta Rishis c)Lord Shiva d)Lord Budha
  • What is the recommended room temperature for Bikram Yoga? a)105 degree Fahrenheit b)104 degree Fahrenheit c)100 degree Fahrenheit d)110 degree Fahrenheit
  • Who had introduced yoga first time to the western world in a religion conference Chicago, America? a) Swami Vivekananda b) Narendra Modi c) Maharshi Patanjali d) Baba Ramadeva
  • Yoga in Patanjali Yoga Sutra is defined as
a. Yujyate anena iti yoga b. Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah
c. Manah prasamana upayah yogah d. Yogah karmasu kausalam
  • . Which of the following is a state of our consciousness?
a. Sruti b. Swapna c. Smriti d. None of the above
  • . Which of the following indicates the attribute ‘Purity’?
a. Sattva b. Rajas  c. Tamas d. None of the above
  • . . …………………….is a Yoga practice for Annamaya kosa?
a. Asana b. Pranayama c. Dharana d. Dhyana
  • . Location of our Ajna chakra is
a. Crown of the head b. Eyebrow center  c. Base of throat d. Heart
  • . Which of the following Asana is the best according to Hathayoga?
a. Siddhasana b. Simhasana  c. Padmasana d. Bhadrasana
  • . According to Hathayoga, Siddhasana is otherwise known as
a. Muktasana b. Guptasana
  • . Mitahara is defined as
a. Only agreeable food b. Only sweet food
c. Agreeable and sweet food d. None of the above
  • . Which of the following Asana can be practiced immediately after food?
a. Siddhasana b. Simhasana  c. Swastikasana d. Vajrasana
  • . The literal meaning of ‘Vritti’ in Patanjali Yoga Sutra is
a. Calm state of the mind b. Balanced state of the mind
c. Modification of mind d. None of the above
  • Which of the following is not a practice of Bahiranga yoga?
a. Asana b. Pranayama
c. Pratyahara d. Dhyana
  • . Withdrawal of senses from the sensory objects is
a. Dharana b. Dhyana
c. Pratyahara d. Samadhi
  • . Effortless dwelling on a single object is called
a. Pratyahara b. Dharana
c. Dhyana d. Samadhi
  • . Which of the following Asana is good for thyroid gland?
a. Dhanurasana b. Paschimottanasana
c. Chakrasana d. Sarvangasana
  • . …………… is a very good Kriya practice to get rid of Nasal allergy?
a. Vastra dhouti b. Danda dhouti
c. Neti d. Kapalbhati
  • . The literal meaning of ‘Bandha’ in Sanskrit is
a. To unlock b. To strengthen
c. To lock d. To loosen
  • . Which of the following is otherwise called ‘Stress born disease’?
a. Adhija vyadhi b. Anadhija vyadhi
c. Amadhija vyadhi d. None of the above
  • . The theory of ‘Pancha kosa’ is derived from
a. Mandukya Upanishad b. Kena Upanishad
c. Taittiriya Upanishad d. Katha Upanishad
  • Vyana governs the
a. Respiration b. Digestion  c. Elimination d. Circulation
  • . Prolonged concentration leads to
a. Dharana b. Dhyana c. Pratyahara d. Samadhi
  • According to ………., ‘Yoga is the process of calming down the mind’
a. Patanjala Yoga Darshan b. Hathayoga Pradipika  c. Yoga Vasistha d. Gheranda Samhita
  • ‘Vibhuti’ is the Sanskrit word for
a) Achievements b.)Force c). Work d.) Power
  • Pranayama is one of the forms of yogic practice that brings correction in
a. Annamaya kosa b. Pranamaya kosa
c. Manomaya kosa d. Vijnanamaya kosa
  • Which of the following is a balancing yoga posture?
a. Hasta padasana b. Ushtrasana
c. Natrajasana d. Ardhamatsyendrasana
  • Which is the Sanskrit root (verb form) for the etymological derivation of the word “Yoga”?
(A) Yug (B) Yuge
(C) Yuj (D) Yuje
  • What is the right meaning of “Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” ?
A)Clevered action (B) Selfless action
(C) Skilled action (D) Perfect action
  • Purusha and Prakriti are the two main concepts of the philosophy of :
(A) Vedanta (B) Samkhya  (C) Purva mimamsa (D) Vaisheshika
  • In which text four types of persons are mentioned as Aarta, Jijnasu, Artharthi and Jnani ?
(A) Ramayana (B) Brahmasutra
(C) Kathopanishad (D) Bhagavad Gita
1.  What is Yoga?
  1. Introduction
  • Misconception between yoga and hatha yoga.
  • Types of yoga according to Bhagavad-Gita.
  • What are all scriptures included in Prasthana Traya
  • List out six shad darshan with author.
  • Definition of yoga.
  • What is the meaning for term “yoga”.
  • Why yoga is become trending in modern days.
  • Write any three definitions about yoga.
  • Who is the founder of yoga?
  • What are all misconception exist between yoga and hatha yoga.
  • Why one should practice yoga.
  • Why one should practice hatha yoga.
  • Yoga origin from which country.
  • What is the Patanjali contribution to yoga?
  • Who is the author for yoga darshan?
  • Which are called preclassical yoga?
  • Which period is called classical yoga?
  • Who is the initiator of yoga in modern time?
  • Yoga belongs to which religion.
  • Objectives of shad-darshan.
  • Define yoga according to your understanding.
  • Write the meaning of yoga in your own words, for 500 words.
  • Define yoga according to your understanding.
  1. Meaning of hatha yoga.
  2. Aim of hatha yoga.
2. Hatha yoga glimpse
  • Difference between yoga and hatha yoga.
  • Relationship between hatha yoga and raja yoga.
  • What are all practice included in hatha yoga.
  • Concept of Modern hatha yoga style practice. With example.
  • Concept of traditional hatha yoga style practice. With example.
  • Mention four Hatha yoga texts with author.
  • Write 12 Styles of modern hatha yoga.
  • What is the purpose of hatha yoga?
  • Write causes of failure and success in yogic practices.
  • Write list of Asanas according to vashistha and matsyendranath.
  • Food prohibited for hatha yoga practice.
  • Food conducive for yogic practices.
  • Difference between traditional hatha yoga style and Vinyasa style.
  1. How many nadi are in human body.
    1. Mention three major Nadis.
    1. Where is nadi located?
    1. What is the meaning for Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi?
    1. Mention any 10 Nadis
  1. Define chakra.
  2. List out the 8 cakras with number of petals.
  3. Mention the location of 8 cakras.
  4. Write the obstacle in each chakra.
  5. Write 3 granthis and how to overcome it.
  6. What are all four Purusharthas. Why  dharma is important in it.
  7. Write four stages of life.  Which ashram is important in it?
  8. Types of yoga
  9. Define karma yoga
  10. Write essence of karma yoga 11.Patanjali kriya yoga
  11. What is meant by sanchita karma
  12. What is meant by agami karma 14.What is meant by prarabdha karma 15.Define jnana yoga
16.Write seven steps of jnana yoga according to adi sankara. 17.Who coined raja yoga?
18.What is the uniqueness of raja yoga. 19.List out 5 yamas
20.List out 5 niyamas 21.Mention 8 limbs of yoga 22.Define bhakthi yoga
23.Write nine types of bhakthi according to sandilya bhakthi sutra.
  1. Write the meaning for term, Sruti and Smirti.
  2. Meaning for the term Veda.
  3. Who had written Vedas?
  4. Define Karma Kanda
  5. Define Jnana Kanda
  6. Define Rig Veda.
  7. Define Yajur Veda.
  8. Define Sama Veda
  9. Define Atharva Veda. 10.Define Samhita 11.Define Brahmanas 12.Define Aranyaka 13.Define Upanishad 14.Age of Vedas.
  1. Meaning of the word “Upanishad”
  2. Essence of Upanishad
  3. List out ten major Upanishad.
  4. Essence of Katha Upanishad
  5. Mention three main characters in Katha Upanishad.
  6. Why King Vajasrava curse his son Nachiketa.
  7. Mention Lord Yamas three boons to Nachiketa.
  8. What is beyond, past, present and future.
  9. What is Sreyas? 10.What is Preyas?
11.What is the difference between, awareness and consciousness? 12.Write four state of consciousness.
13.Explain with example, four state of consciousness. 14.Write five kosha.
15.What practices will you prescribe for Annamaya Kosha? 16.What practices will you prescribe for Pranamaya Kosha? 17.What practices will you prescribe for Manomaya Kosha? 18.What practices will you prescribe for Vignanamaya Kosha? 19.What practices will you prescribe for Anandamaya Kosha?
Write nine obstacles as mentioned by sage patanjali. List out the yama and niyama.
List out the Astanga yoga.
Explain about in your own words ‘chitta’. Write types of chitta vrittis.
Nine obstacles in path of yoga practice, according to Patanjali yoga sutra. Write about patanjali kriya yoga.
Write nine obstacles as mentioned by sage Patanjali. List out the Astanga yoga.
Why we should block chitta.
What is meant by chitta? Define Pramana
Define Viparyaya Define Vikalpa
Define Nidra Define Smrti
How many sutras are their in Patanjali yoga sutra.
How many sutras are their in each pada, in Patanjali yoga sutra. What is meant by abhyasa .
What is Vairagya. Types f Vairagya.
Symptoms of mental distraction, according to Patanjali. Types of pranayama according to Patanjali.
Asana according to Patanjali.
Define Pratyahara. Define Aparigraha
What is Dharana, with example? What is Dhayana.
Difference between dharana and dhayana.
Difference between dhayana and Samadhi.
Write nine obstacles as mentioned by sage patanjali. List out the yama and niyama.
List out the Astanga yoga.
Explain about in your own words ‘chitta’. Write types of chitta vrittis.
Nine obstacles in path of yoga practice, according to Patanjali yoga sutra. Write about patanjali kriya yoga.
Write nine obstacles as mentioned by sage Patanjali. List out the Astanga yoga.
Why we should block chitta. What is meant by chitta?
Define Pramana Define Viparyaya Define Vikalpa Define Nidra Define Smrti
How many sutras are their in Patanjali yoga sutra.
How many sutras are their in each pada, in Patanjali yoga sutra. What is meant by abhyasa .
What is Vairagya. Types f Vairagya.
Symptoms of mental distraction, according to Patanjali. Types of pranayama according to Patanjali.
Asana according to Patanjali.
Define Pratyahara. Define Aparigraha
What is Dharana, with example? What is Dhayana.
Difference between dharana and dhayana. Difference between dhayana and Samadhi.
Bhagavad-Gita 1
Who written Bhagavad-Gita
Who preached Bhagavad-Gita and to whom. How many chapters are there in Bhagavad-Gita? Define dharma.
Why Arjuna getting into a state dilemma and depression. 2
What concept Krishna preaching to Arjuna from Samkhya yoga. Write down features of soul
What all are the Glories of karma yoga, accordingly Krishna. Define jivan-mukti.
Define videha-mukti. Define sthitaprajna.
Write characteristics of sthitaprajna. 3
Write two types of lifestyle according to Bhagavad-Gita.
Why man cannot avoid action. Why we are helplessly going behind action. Why Kama and Krodha, obstacles in path of yoga.
Define Jnana-Vibhaga yoga
What is meant by inaction in action and action in inaction, explain with example. Define niskama karma.
What is karma, akarma and vikarma.
Mention different types of sacrifices according to Bhagavad-Gita Why guru is important in spiritual path.
Benefits of faithful devotion and faithless devotion, according to Bhagavad-Gita. Feature of knowledge, according to Bhagavad-Gita
Define karma Sannyasa Yoga
Difference between karma sannyasa and ashram sannyasa yoga. Realised Brahman, what sees in his eyes?
What practice Krishna suggests to control sense, mind and intellect. 6
Define adhyatma yoga
What is the reason for our action, according to Bhagavad-Gita.
Explain ‘let a man lift himself by his own self alone, let him not lower himself”. What all are the pre-preparation techniques for meditation, Krishna suggests. Why Krishna recommend moderation in eating, sleeping, working.
What ideas Krishna gives to Arjuna to control unstable mind.
What will happen if yogi dies in between his yoga journey, without achieving his goal? 7
Define saguna. Define nirguna.
What is meant by jnana and vijnana yoga
Write down two aspects of god
Mention five types of human being, according to Bhagavad-Gita. 8
Define akshara brahma yoga
Arjuna six questions regarding akshara brahma yoga. Define Brahman.
Define adhyatma Define karma Define adhibhuta Define adhidaiva Define adhiyajna
How to remember god at the time of death, according to Krishna. Types of upasana at the time of death. According to Krishna Krishna comparing Two types of goal.
Define Mitahara
Conducive food for yoga practitioners.
Write about Sattvic food with example Write about Tamasic food with example Write about Rajasic food with example Define Balanced-Diet
Role of protein in hatha yoga practice. Role of minerals in hatha yoga practice.
Define health according to “WHO”
Write difference between health and wellness. What is meant by quality of life?
Write about Physical dimension of health.
Write about Physical wellness
Write about Emotional dimension of health. Write about Emotional Wellness.
Write about Social dimension of health Write about Social wellness
Write about Intellectual dimension of health Write about Intellectual wellness
Write Spiritual dimension of health Write about Spiritual Wellness.
1. Introduction to human anatomy and physiology
Define Anatomy
Correlate anatomy and asana.
Why yoga student should know about  “anatomy”
Define  Physiology
Why yoga student should know about  “Physiology”
Define  Directional Term  “Superior”
Define Directional Term  “cranial”
Define Directional Term  “Posterior or dorsal” Define Directional Term  “lateral”
Define  Directional Term  “proximal”
Define Directional Term “distal”
How many  ‘planes’ are their in human  body. Define Coronal Plane
Define Sagittal  Plane Define Transverse  Plane Define Median plane
How many  Body Cavities  are their in human  body. Define cell.
How many Systems are their in body, and mention it. Define the Locomotor System.
Define the Blood-Vascular   System Define the  Digestive   System Define the Respiratory System Define the  Ductless  Glands  Define the   Urogenital  System Define the Nervous  System
Define the Special  Sense organs Define the Excretory System
2.  Respiratory system
  1. 1.     Define Respiratory system
    1. What are all the primary organs of the respiratory system?
    1. The respiratory system consists of the
    1. What are all organs involved in upper respiratory tracts
    1. What are all organs involved in lower respiratory tracts
    1. 6.     Define Gaseous Exchange.
    1. Function of Nasal Cavity.
    1. Define pharynx
    1. Define  Nasopharynx 10.Define Oropharynx 11.Define  Laryngopharynx 12.Define Larynx  13.Define Trachea 14.Define Bronchi 15.Define Bronchioles 16.Define Alveoli
  2. 17.Lungs are made up of ?
  3. How many lobes are their in right lungs? 19.How many lobes are their in left lungs? 20.The amount of air each day we consume. 21.Importance of pleura during respiration. 22.What is the shape of diaphragm?
23.Base of the diaphragm is in what shape. 24.Function of diaphragm in respiration.
25.During respiration, role of intercostals muscles  26.Define Pulmonary Ventilation
  • List out yogic practices to overcome Shallow breathing.
  • Why we have to do deep breathing, during hatha yoga practices. 29.Define Unconscious control of breathing
  • Define Conscious control of breathing
  • 31.Role of External intercostals muscles during inhalation.  32.Role of External intercostals muscles during exhalation. 33.Where is the Control centre of respiration located?
34.What is the Total lung air Volume 35.Define tidal volume
  • Define vital capacity
  • Define residual volume
  • Define Apnea, how you will manage by hatha yoga practices. 39.Define Orthopnea, how you will manage by hatha yoga practices. 40.Define Dyspnea, how you will manage by hatha yoga practices.
41.Define Paroxysmal, nocturnal dyspnea how you will manage by hatha yoga practices. 42.Define Hyperventilation, how you will manage by hatha yoga practices.
43.Define Hypoventilation, how you will manage by hatha yoga practices. 44.Define Cheyne-Stokes respirations
45.Write the role of chemo receptors in respiration. 46.List out the accessory muscles for respiration.
  • Give an account of transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, during kapalabhati pranayama.
  • Give an account of transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, during
  • What is the breathing pattern we should adopt for forward bending asana? 50.What is the breathing pattern we should adopt for backward bending asana? 51.What is the breathing pattern we should adopt for lateral bending asana?
52.What is the breathing pattern we should adopt for twisting asana? 53.What is the breathing pattern we should adopt for arm balancing asana? 54.What is the breathing pattern we should adopt for axial extension asana? 55.Why we should breathe.
  • Why we should breathe in nose, why not in mouth.
  • Write the general benefits of hatha yoga practices on respiratory system. 58.Describe the location and anatomy of lungs.
59.Explain the mechanism of respiration. 60.What is external respiration?
61.What is internal respiration?
Mention any ten major skeletal muscles. Mention Types of skeletal  muscles.
Write about skeletal muscles.
How muscles are communicating towards brain.
The four major functional characteristics of skeletal muscle are:  Write Functions of Muscles.
Write Characteristics of skeletal muscles
Mention quadriceps muscles Mention hamstring muscles.
3.4.Muscle fiber types
Mention Muscle fiber types
Define slow twitch muscle fiber (type -1).
Explain about slow twitch muscle fiber (type -1), with respective hatha yoga style. Define Fast twitch muscle fiber (type -2).
Explain about Fast twitch muscle fiber (type -2), with hatha yoga practices. Define fast oxidative glycolytic fibres.
Define fast glycolytic fibres.
Explain about fast oxidative glycolytic fibres, with respective hatha yoga style. Explain about fast glycolytic fibres, with respective hatha yoga style.
3.5. Aeorbic Anaerobic Explain Aerobic hatha yoga Explain anaerobic hatha yoga.
Compare and correlate aerobic exercise and hatha yoga practices. Compare and correlate anaerobic exercise and hatha yoga practices. Benefits of aerobic exercise.
Benefits of anaerobic exercise. Define Mitochondria.
Define Myoglobin. Define ATP. Define Glycolysis.
Define Creatine Phosphate. What is Lactic Acid?
3.6. Muscle Contractions Types
Types of Muscle Contractions Define Isometric Contraction Define Isotonic Contraction Define Concentric  Contraction Define Eccentric Contraction
4. Skeletal system
Write the composition of bone.
What is synovial joint? Explain its types with examples. Classify axial skeletal system with examples.
Classify appendicular skeletal system with examples. Classify bones on the basis of shape along with examples Name the bones of the vertebral column.
Write the functions of bone. Name synovial joints.
Classify bone marrow and functions.
Human infants are born with how many bones. Grown adult having, how many bones.
Define Skeleton Define skeletal muscle Define Joint
Define Cartilage
Define Tendon Define Ligament Define Fascia Define Bursae
Bone is made up of what material. Define diaphysis.
Define epiphysis.
Write Functions of the Skeletal System? Define Long bones
Define Short bones Define Flat bones Define Irregular bones Define Sesamoid bones  Define Skeleton Joints Define Fibrous joint
Define cartilaginous joint Define Synovial joint
Write Synovial joints classifications
Define Hinge joint
Define Ball and socket joint. Define Pivot joint.
Define Gliding joint. Define Saddle joint. Define planar joint.
5. Spinal cord and Yoga
Define Spinal cord Define Spinal column.
How many Vertebrae are their in human body. How many vertebrae is their in cervical region. How many vertebrae are their in thoracic region. How many vertebrae are their in lumbar region. How many vertebrae are their in sacral region.
How many vertebrae are their in coccyx region. Function of spinal column.
Define ‘Neutralizing’ at vertebral joint.
Define tension at vertebral joint. Define compression at vertebral joint. Write about Intervertebral disc.
Define annulus nucleus pulpous. Diagram vertebrae joint.
Define Symmetrical compression Define Asymmetrical compression
Define Push and counter push in asana practice. Types Of spinal movement
How many degree of movement, at extension movement of cervical spine. How many degree of movement, at flexion movement of cervical spine.
How many degree of movement, at extension movement of thoracic spine. How many degree of movement, at flexion movement of thoracic spine.
How many degree of movement, at extension movement of lumbar spine. How many degree of movement, at flexion movement of lumbar spine.
How many degree of movement, at axial rotation movement at cervical spine. How many degree of movement, at axial rotation movement at thoracic spine. How many degree of movement, at axial rotation movement at lumbar spine. How many degree of movement, at lateral flexion movement at cervical spine.
How many degree of movement, at lateral flexion movement at thoracic spine.
How many degree of movement, at lateral flexion movement at lumbar spine. Explain about the primary curve.
Explain about secondary Curves.
Write about spinal perspectives in lateral movements. Write about spinal perspectives in twisting movements. Spinal movement, axial extension
Intrinsic equilibrium and meditative asanas. Benefits of yoga on spinal cord.
6. Cardio Vascular  System all
  1. 1.  Describe the internal anatomy of heart with a neat labeled diagram.
  2. Define blood pressure and discuss various factors regulating the blood pressure in human being.
  3. What is cardiac cycle? Describe various events of cardiac cycle.
  4. Explain systemic and pulmonary circulation.
  5. Explain coronary and portal blood circulation.
9. Discuss the factors regulating blood pressure. 10 Mention the layers and valves of the heart.
  1. Explain heart sounds
  2. Define the term -angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.
  3. Define Atherosclerosis and Congestive cardiac failure.
  4. What is cardiac output? How it is calculated.
  5. Define hypertension and hypotension.
  6. Mention the factors affecting blood pressure.
Define cardiovascular system  Location of the heart
Weight of the heart.  Chambers of the heart
List out septum name, which separate 4 chambers of heart.
Define Arteries.  Define Veins.
Define the Cardiac cycle: Define Systole.
Define Diastole. Define Pulse
Define Heart Rate Define Cardiac Output
Define Blood pressure (BP) Define Systolic blood pressure
Define Diastolic blood pressure
Factors affecting blood pressure Define Blood volume.
Define Cardiac output Define Peripheral resistance
Define the viscosity of blood:
Define Arteriosclerosis Define Atherosclerosis
Define Hypertension’s Define Hypotension
Write about pulmonary circulation. Write about systemic circulation.
Conduction system of the heart. Define Pacemaker.
Define Pulmonary artery Define Pulmonary vein. Define Bicuspid valve Define Tricuspid valve.
Define White Blood Cell. Define Red Blood Cell Define platelets
Effect of different yoga practices on cardiovascular system.
7. Nervous System
Describe the structure and function of neuron.  Ganglion
Classify Central nervous system
Classify Peripheral nervous system
Explain Somatic Nervous system, with asana practice. Explain Autonomic Nervous system
Explain Sensory neurons, with asana practice. Explain afferent neurons, with asana.
Explain Motor neurons, with asana practice. Define Efferent neurons.
What is Sympathetic nervous system?
What is Sympathetic nervous system, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits? What is Parasympathetic nervous system, correlate with asana practice and its benefits?
What is Parasympathetic nervous system?
How hatha yoga helps in Function of nervous system. Function of nervous system.
Mention all Cranial nerves List out all Spinal nerves Explain Types of neurons
Location and function of Cerebellum Location and function of Cerebrum Location and function of Thalamus Location and function of Hypothalamus Location and function of Midbrain Location and function of Pons
Location and function of Medulla oblongata
Location and function of Brainstem Location and function of Cerebral cortex
Define Reflex arc
Location and function of Cerebellum, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits? Location and function of Cerebrum, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits? Location and function of Thalamus, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits? Location and function of Hypothalamus, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits? Location and function of Midbrain, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits?
Location and function of Pons, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits?
Location and function of Medulla oblongata, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits? Location and function of Brainstem, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits?
Location and function of Cerebral cortex, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits? Define Reflex arc, correlate with hatha yoga practices and its benefits?
Location and function of Axon Location and function of Dendrites Location and function of Nucleus Location and function of Synapse Location and function of Axon
Location and function of Nodes of ranvier Location and function of Schwann cell
  1. 1.  Describe the structure and functional areas of cerebrum.
  2. Describe functions of autonomic nervous system.
  3. Define Sympathetic and Parasympathetic system and discuss their  physiological differences.
explain the functions of hypothalamus and cerebrum.
7. Write effects of parasympathetic stimulation.
9. Discuss the internal structure of spinal cord
12. What are the functions of medulla oblongata and pons.
  1. What are the functions of cerebellum?
  1. Define reflex action with example.
  2. What is a ganglion? Give its role in nervous system.
  3. What is synaptic cleft? State its function.
  4. Classify nervous system.
  5. Write the functions of olfactory and optic nerve.
  6. Enumerate the functions of hypothalamus.
  7. Draw and label schematic diagram of spinal reflex arc.
26. Draw and label diagram of a neuron.  Kkkkk
8. Intro to Kinesiology
Why need to study Biomechanics in related to hatha yoga practice. Define Flexion
Define Extension Define Abduction Define Adduction Define Supination Define Pronation Define Lateral flexion
Define Medial rotation (internal rotation): Define Lateral rotation (external rotation) Define Elevation
Define Depression Define Dorsiflexion Define Plantar flexion Define Eversion Define Inversion Define Protraction Define Retraction Define Circumduction
Define Circular movements Define Circumduction
Explain term Flexion, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Extension, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Abduction, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Adduction, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Supination, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Pronation, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Lateral flexion, in compare with asana movement.
Explain term Medial rotation (internal rotation), in compare with asana movement. Explain term Lateral rotation (external rotation), in compare with asana movement. Explain term Elevation, in compare with asana movement.
Explain term Depression, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Dorsiflexion, in compare with asana movement. Explain term plantar flexion, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Eversion, in compare with asana movement.
Explain term Inversion, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Protraction, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Retraction, in compare with asana movement. Explain term Circumduction, in compare with asana movement.
Explain term Circular movements, in compare with asana movement.
Explain term Circumduction, in compare with asana movement.
  • Stretching
Definition   and  goal  of  stretching
Write  about  stretching   mechanism. Diet  and  stretching
Write  about  Endorphin   theory
Write  about  the  gate  theory  of  pain Write  about  ‘Six  rules  to  stretching’.
  • Stretching types Define Ballistic Stretching Define Dynamic Stretching Define Passive Stretching
Define Static Stretching passive Define Static Stretching active Define Isometric Stretching Define PNF Stretching
Write about Ballistic Stretching, an explain about with related hatha yoga style practice. Write about Dynamic Stretching, an explain about with related hatha yoga style practice. Write about Passive Stretching, an explain about with related hatha yoga style practice.
Write about Passive Static Stretching, an explain about with related hatha yoga style practice. Write about Active Static Stretching, an explain about with related hatha yoga style practice. Write about Isometric Stretching, an explain about with related hatha yoga style practice.
Write about PNF Stretching, an explain about with related hatha yoga style practice.
10. Biomechanics of Stretching
Biomechanics of Stretching
Write Key to mastering yoga according to b.k.s.iyengar. What factors limiting joint mobility?
What factors supports greater joint mobility.
What factors all determining joint mobility and stability? Define Capsuloligamentous
What are all three factors which determine joint movement. What is Stretching?
In asana stretching a muscle basically involves moving its……. and …………. farther apart. Write about Moving Origins and Insertions while holding asana.
Write about Physiology of Stretching Define Spinal Cord Reflexes
Ballistic stretching Passive stretching Facilitated stretching
Stretching and Endorphins Muscle Spindle Stretch Receptor Muscle spindle in Uttanasana Reciprocal Inhibition
Golgi Tendon Organ
The Golgi Tendon Organ and Facilitated Stretching with asana example. Combining Biomechanics and Physiology in Stretching
Agonist or prime mover Antagonist
11. Endocrine  System
List out endocrine glands. Function of endocrine glands.
Location and function of Pituitary gland. Location and function of Thyroid gland. Location and function of Parathyroid Location and function of Adrenal glands Location and function of Pancreas Location and function of male Gonads. Location and function of female Gonads. Location and function of Thymus Location and function of Pineal
Define releasing  hormone. Define  Stimulating hormone Define Target gland
Function of posterior pituitary Function of pituitary (the anterior part Define feedback  mechanism
Define negative feedback  mechanism. Posterior Pituitary Function
Anterior Pituitary function
Define Hypothalamus in endocrine glands. Function of Adrenocorticotropic  hormone (ACTH) Function of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Function of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Function of growth hormone (GH).
Function of luteinizing hormone (LH) Function of oxytocin.
Function of Prolactin (PRL).
Function of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Thyroid gland function.
Thyroid gland secrets………… Function of parathyroid glands. Parathyroid glands secrets……………. . Function of adrenal medulla.
Function of adrenal cortex.
Adrenal  Medulla  secrets……………………. Adrenal Cortex secrets………………..
Mention male gonads and its function. Mention female gonads and its function. Pancreas  secrets…………
Alpha cells function and its secrets………… Beta cells function and its secrets………… Pineal glands function and its secrets…..
Thymus gland function and its secrets…………..
Endocrine glands and chakras compare and correlate it. Benefits of hatha yoga practice on endocrine glands.
Mention the hormones of pituitary gland and write the functions of each. Explain the physiological role of adrenal cortical hormones.
What are the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland? Discuss the regulation of their secretion and physiological function.
Discuss the functions of thyroxin.
Write the functions of insulin and glucagon write a short note on parathyroid glands.
Mention the hormones of anterior pituitary and explain their functions. Write outcome of hyperthyroidism.
What is cretinism?
State functions of hormones of adrenal medulla. What is goiter.
Functions of ADH and oxytocin
what is positive feedback  mechanism?
