Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Yama and niyama, for yoga teacher

The   Yamas   are   the social   Ethics   which   include:   Ahimsa,   Satya,   Aparigraha,    Atseya,   and Bhrahamacharya.   Non-violence,    Truthfulness,    Non-    possessiveness,   Non-    stealing,    and Abstinence.  These  ethics  deeply correlate  with  the  practice  yoga  as a  teacher.  As an  established professional  in  the field, one    s intention  should  be  pure and   authentic.  One must  not  use the practice of yoga for vile practices like greed or lust. The  practice of Yama helps the yoga teacher to establish a practice that is safe and healthy for the  students. By practicing Non-violence, the teacher is condemning  any and  all sort  of violence   and  creating  a kind  and  warm  space.  by practicing Truthfulness,  the teacher  is practicing  authenticity in  the  practice,  only teaching things  they are expert  in  and  keeping  the  students  from  any  possible  harm.  Through  Non-possessiveness,  the teacher must understand  that they can be possessive of their space, their students, or the money. If they develop  this possessiveness, they create a non-authentic practice environment which can in turn rain the  growth of students, the space, as well as the teacher themselves.

The practice of Non- Stealing ensures that the teacher is not asking for money more than that is required, in a sense,  that the teacher is not looting the students. The fees should I e aligned with the type of course

and classes being  offered.  With  having  a  Non-stealing  attitude,  one  understands  the  true   value  of  things. Finally,  Bhrahamacharya or abstinence should  be practiced  for  the safety of  the students.  Many yogis  in  the  past have  used  the noble  practice  of yoga for vile reasons  staining  the  purity of the practice and taking advantage of their students. The Yama of  Abstinence promotes a sense of self- regulation and  self-control   over  all  desires  but   especially  sexual  desires.  Teachers exist for promoting growth and  wellbeing  in   students,  they should  provide  a  safe  environment  for  the students  to  Nourish.  Not having  self-regulation  and  self-control  hinders  the  possibility of a safe environment   as  well  as   the  growth   of  the  students.   This  would   involve   not  engaging  in inappropriate  touching, inappropriate remarks, malting innuendos, or enforcing one    s beliefs on the  students.

 The  Niyamas  are  Personal  Ethics/  Practices  which  include:  saucha  (cleanliness), santosha  (contentment), tapas (self-discipline), svadhyaya (self-rejection), and ishvarapranidhana  (surrender to a  higher  power).  Practicing  cleanliness  is  not  just at out  hygiene  but also  internal cleanliness,  including  here  thoughts,  intentions,  and  emotions.  Practising

Contentment  is  the practice  of happiness,  joy,  and  delight.  It  comes  from  an  experience   of acceptance     of life,  of ourselves, and of whatever life has brought as. Tapas or Self  Discipline is focusing energy, creating favour,   and   increasing   strength   and   confidence    by   willingly   and   gladly   accepting   the determination.  Self-Reflection  is  a  type  of   introspection  which  means  to  recollect,  remember, contemplate, and meditate on the Self. It  is the effort to know the Self that shines as the innermost core of your facing. Through  self-rejection a teacher  can grow internally become aware of their own Benefits as well as  limitations and work on areas that need improvement. lshvarapranidhana, the complete surrender  to  the higher power or God can help a Yoga teacher become a true Yogi and follow the path of super  consciousness and Bliss only enriching the teaching process and being true to the practice of yoga.

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