Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

What is Samadhi Pada ? 

  • Samadhi Pada is the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which is one of the most influential texts on the practice and philosophy of yoga. The term “Samadhi” means a state of meditative consciousness where the individual merges with the object of meditation.
  • Samadhi Pada outlines the nature of yoga and the means by which it can be achieved. It begins by defining yoga as the control of the fluctuations of the mind, which leads to the realization of the true nature of the Self.
  • The chapter then discusses the different types of thought patterns that arise in the mind and how they can be controlled through the practice of yoga. It describes the five types of mental modifications or “vrittis”, which are: right knowledge, misconception, imagination, sleep, and memory. The ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve a state of pure consciousness, beyond these mental modifications.
  • The chapter also introduces the concept of “Ishvara”, which is the supreme consciousness or divine entity. It suggests that by focusing on Ishvara, one can attain a state of pure consciousness and achieve union with the divine.
  • Samadhi Pada concludes by discussing the different stages of Samadhi or meditative absorption. It outlines the eight limbs of yoga, which include moral and ethical principles, physical postures, breath control, withdrawal of the senses, concentration, meditation, and Samadhi.
  • Overall, Samadhi Pada lays the foundation for the rest of the Yoga Sutras and provides a philosophical framework for the practice of yoga. It emphasizes the importance of controlling the mind and achieving a state of pure consciousness, as well as the role of divine consciousness in the practice of yoga.

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