Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward-Facing Dog
(urdhva – upward, mukha – face, svana – dog)
- Lie down on stomach in Makrasana (crocodile) relaxation posture by placing back of palm over palm, throat resting over it, both feet one foot apart, heels facing each other.
- From Makrasana, bring your legs together palms beside chest at your last rib cage, fingers spread out little pointing forward, elbows upward and closer to each other.
- Inhale and gradually raise the chin, chest, abdomen, till your pelvic region.
- Keep the arms, legs straight and tightened at the knees, balancing at your palms and legs.
- Distribute the pressure evenly at your back. Do not shrug your back open your chest and widen your shoulder.
- Stay in this posture for around 10 to 30 seconds, by deep long breathing at your abdomen and chest region.
- Return back to Makrasana again and relax completely.
- Strengthen respiratory system.
- Tones lower back and reduce lower back pain gradually.
- Activates thyroid gland and optimizes it is function.
- Deep relaxation to abdominal and pelvic region leads to increase auto – immunity.
- Strengthen entire spine and its muscles.
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