Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Shambhavi Mudra (eyebrow center gazing)

Shambhavi mudra (eyebrow center gazing) internalizes pranic flow and mind – If the Hatha Yogi remains with the chitta and prana absorbed in the internal object and gaze motionless, though seeing, he is not seeing, this is called shambhavi mudra, realm of Shiva consciousness).

Antarlakshyam bahirdrshtir nimeshonmeshavarjita /

Esha sa sambhavi mudra vedasastreshu ghopita//

With internalised one-pointed awareness and external gaze unblinking, that truly is shambhavi mudra, preserved in the Vedas. (Chapter -4, Verse 36).


Antarlakshyavilinachittapavano Yogi Yada vartate /

Drshtya nischalataraya bahir adhah pasyannapasyannapi /

Mudreyam khalu sambhavi bhavati sa labdha prasadad ghuroh/

Śunyasunyavilakshanam sphurati tattattvam Padam sambhavam//


If the Hatha Yogi remains with the chitta and prana absorbed in the internal object and gaze motionless, though seeing, he is not seeing, this is called shambhavi mudra. When it is bestowed by the guru’s blessing, the state of shoonyashoonya obtained. That is the real state of Shiva consciousness.  (Chapter -4, Verse 37)




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