Sethu Bandha Asana – Bridge Lock Posture
(sethu- bridge, bandha – lock)
- Lie down on your back with the legs bent at the knees and the heels touching the buttocks.
- Hold the ankles.
- Inhale, raise the hips and arch the back, keeping feet flat on the floor.
- Do not move the position of the feet or shoulders.
- The body should be supported by the feet, neck, shoulders and arms.
- Maintain Retain the breath inside when practicing this posture.
- Stay for 20 to 40 seconds with normal breathing for curative purpose.
- Exhale and relax at Savasana.
- Good for thyroid secretion.
- This asana is useful to return displaced vertebral discs.
- It stretches and massages the colon and other abdominal organs.
- It also straightens round shoulders and relieves backache.
- It is recommended especially for women who have a tendency towards miscarriage as it tones the female sexual organs.
- It is a good preparatory pose for cakrasana.