Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Rules and Regulations

  • The students may arrive one day earlier to the commencement of the course and the latest on the day of commencement of the course. And leave latest one day after the completion of the course.
  • Students arriving prior and departing after the stipulated days would have to pay for those number of days for accommodation and food or make their own arrangements.
  • An introduction session would be held on the day of the commencement of the course after breakfast.
  • The school management has all rights to decide and change, anytime (before or in-between the course begins), the venue and accommodation for the course as well as daily schedule and food items according to the best availability and climatic condition of the place.
  • It is compulsory for the students to attend all the classes. Exceptions would be in case of illness, etc. for which the students have to take prior permission for the acharyas to absent themselves from the class.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the rules of the school, namely, keeping up with school’s meal timings, abstaining from the use of alcohol or any form of drugs, not damaging any equipment in the room or in the school, etc.
  • During the class, the students are expected to pay attention to the yoga faculty and not disturb the class.
  • All students are expected to co-operate in the smooth conduct and completion of the course. Anybody found disturbing other students in or out of the class, spoiling the general atmosphere of the course and found not adhering to the rules and regulations will be terminated from the course without refund the course fee or a part thereof.
  • In case of non-compliance to rules, indiscipline, misconduct and moral turpitude, Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham reserves the rights to disqualify the student at any time during the course.
  • A minimum of 90% attendance is required to be eligible to receive the certificate.
  • Discipline is an integral part of the Yoga training program and so the course routine must be strictly observed without fail.
  • Disrespect to rules and regulations could result in termination of studentship with no refund of fee, at any situation.
  • Absenting physically oneself from the scheduled program without prior permission of the respective subject teacher or course co-ordinator concerned would be considered as a gross breach of Course discipline.
  • Students must inform in advance and should get permission from the course coordinator, if they plan to go out for any emergency work.
  • The Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham does not make any arrangements for guests of students. Any activity that is not related to the Yoga course is not entertained.
  • Make sure you are on time for every Yoga class or you will not be allowed to enter any class once it has commenced.
  • Before departure from the Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham students must clear all fee dues and return all library books.
  • Non-Vegetarian food, Smoking and alcohol are not allowed strictly, during the Yoga teacher training course.
  • Students have to maintain Yogic Atmosphere.