Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

50 Hr – Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Course, Bangalore, India.

  • Live Contact Hours: 30 Hours  
  • Non-Contact Hours 20 Hours
  • Course: 50 Hrs – Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course
  • Total Fee for the Training(For Indian Citizens Only): INR 05,000(Registration Fee) + INR 35,000 (Course Fee)  = INR 40,000
  • Total Fee for the Training(For Non-Indian Citizens Only): USD 200(Registration Fee) + USD 400 (Course Fee)  = USD 600
  • Accreditation: Yoga Alliance USA YACEP.
  • Skill level: Beginners,   Intermediate & Advanced
  • Self-Paced/ Flexible Duration: Online or Regular Mode.
  • Language: English
  • Mode: Offline/Online/Hybrid/Self-Paced
  • About the course facilitator: Dr. S. Karuna Murthy, M.Sc., Ph.D., E-RYT 500, YACEP
  • Language: Our courses will be held in English Medium.
  • Course Dates: Please Contact Us (karunaayoga@gmail.com  or +91 9686549129)

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

Restorative Yoga poses help us learn the art of relaxation, so we can rest deeply and completely. It is a soothing, nurturing and slow paced practice that offers us the healing benefits of rest. During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the entire body are rejuvenated. The measurable effects of Restorative Yoga, include: decrease in blood pressure, improved digestion, decreased incidence of insomnia and generalized fatigue, and so much more!

In this 50 Hour program, you will learn the art and skill of teaching Restorative Yoga. All aspects are addressed, including the physiology of relaxation, as well as the mental, emotional and physical effects of Restorative Yoga. You’ll learn everything you need to know in order to confidently sequence and teach Restorative Yoga online or in-person. 

We invite you to discover your stillness!

How is restorative yoga different?

The effects of restorative yoga are just like that, but without the need for another person to assist. You can learn how to find the same comfort and restoration on your mat using just props and your breath.

Restorative yoga can benefit your health in so many ways: 

  • Improves sleep
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Balances the nervous system
  • Promotes mindfulness
  • Heals emotional pain

 Yoga props assist in the poses so that you can fully relax in a comfortable and supportive environment. Poses are held for 5+ minutes to allow time for deeper breathing and increase the relaxation response. Throughout the practice, you’ll notice subtle changes in the body and see how restorative yoga relaxes the mind and body, soothes the nervous system, improves mood, enhances sleep, promotes general well-being, and reduces chronic pain.

What is Restorative Yoga?

We’ll dive into the deeply healing practice that has the ability to calm your mind, body, and spirit. Throughout the weekend we’ll study the origins of restorative yoga and how it evolved into what it is today. You’ll learn all the benefits of restorative yoga and how they can transform your yoga practice and your life.

Physiology of Stress

We’ll break down exactly what stress is and how it affects the body. You’ll learn how restorative yoga has the ability to move the body out of the sympathetic nervous system and into a parasympathetic “rest and digest” response. Most importantly, we’ll talk about why it’s so important to live primarily in a place of parasympathetic response. 


We’ll talk about the body’s physical and energetic anatomy systems. Every student is different, so we’ll cover how to create a restorative class that can meet a variety of needs and abilities. You’ll learn the basics of physical anatomy in restorative yoga and how the energetic anatomies (koshas, chakras, and vayus) play a significant role in the practice.

Role of the Teacher

Restorative Yoga is unique because it requires a safe space for students to feel comfortable and fully relax. You’ll learn how you, as the teacher, can create that safe space for them (or for yourself when you practice on your own). You’ll discover how to manage the room, the props, and the students for an effective class.

What’s in a Restorative Class

You’ll learn how to structure a restorative class so you feel comfortable guiding this style of teaching. Although restorative yoga has a slower place, you’ll still be able to find flow in your class and lead into and out of the practice and poses properly. Students will create a sequence using a template provided by the instructor.

Ways to Invite Relaxation In

Sometimes, just having a nice space isn’t enough for students (or yourself) to relax right away. You’ll learn tips to invite even more relaxation and restoration into the practice through breathing exercises, calming strategies, and meditation techniques.

Who this course is for:

Yoga teachers who would like to offer Restorative Yoga to their students.

Complete beginners. This comprehensive course is perfect for new practitioners as it not only includes video demonstrations with instructions for the poses but also includes the benefits and contraindications for each pose.

Therapists and age care workers who would like to offer Restorative Yoga to their clients.

What you will learn

  • Here is an overview of what you will learn in our 50-Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training course:
  • Learn and understand the concept of Restorative Yoga
  • Restorative asanas in detail, including variations, benefits and corrections
  • Learn how to use props effectively
  • Therapeutic Restorative Yoga applications
  • Discover the latest scientific research about the benefit of deep relaxations, mindfulness and stress consequences
  • Teach the specific pranayama for restorative class
  • Learn new tools to teach deep relaxation classes
  • Learn how to create a specific de-stress classes for busy life
  • Understand a specific ancient sutras related to Restorative philosophy
  • Learn how to teach Restorative Yoga on-line/remotely with home support system
  • Special relaxation and breathing exercises
  • How to renew and recharge your-self with the Restorative Yoga practice


No previous experience required.


International Certification

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion of the 20 hour  Hatha Yoga course, that you can count towards your continuing education. Our yoga teacher training courses are accredited by Yoga Alliance USA.


    • This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest teachings of

    • Participants do not need to be yoga

    • Mastery of any yoga practice is not

    • Only your sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal

    • Love for Yoga is the most important eligibility factor for learning this course.

    • Students who want to know Yoga in totality and move beyond Asana and Pranayama, Mudra & Bandha.

What do I need for the online course?

    • Yoga mat

    • Computer / Smartphone with camera

    • Internet connection

    • Yoga Blocks

    • Pillow or Bolster or Cushion

    • Strap

    • Notebook and Pen

    • Zoom

Assessment and Certification

The students are continuously assessed throughout the course at all levels. There will be a written exam at the end of the course to evaluate the understanding of the philosophy of Yoga and skills of the students. Participants should pass all different aspects of the course to be eligible for the course diploma.

Curriculum – 50 Hr – Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Course

Restorative Yoga Syllabus

Yoga Philosophy and Techniques

  • Historical Background
  • Yamas and Niyamas
  • Principles of Restorative Yoga
  • The Difference Between Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga
  • What is Restorative Yoga?
  • Why to practice Restorative Yoga?
  • Why it is different from other yoga practices?
  • Key Principles of Restorative Yoga
  • History of Restorative Yoga
  • K.S Iyengar roots: a modern practice with ancient roots
  • Restorative Yoga philosophy
  • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Application in Restorative Yoga 
  • Benefits of Restorative Yoga
  • Therapeutic Application of Restorative Yoga
  • Common and Special Yoga Props You Need for  Restorative Practice
  • List of props and suggested materials
  • Special way to use blankets
  • What do you really need in your studio?
  • What do your students need at their home?

Anatomy physiology

  • Understanding the Nervous System in Restorative Practice
  • The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
  • The Vagus Nerve
  • Understanding the nature of the mind
  • Consequences of stress
  • Adrenaline
  • Dopamine
  • Mindfulness to help self-acceptance
  • Mind-emotion connection
  • Restorative for the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Anatomy and scientific resource of the nervous system

Restorative Yoga Posture

  1. Supta Baddha Konasana(with butterfly legs)
  2. Salamba Balasana Supported Child’s Pose (with bolster and blocks on the floor)

3.Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana Bridge Pose1: with one bolster

3.1.Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana Bridge Pose2: with two bolster or blocks under the feet

3.2.Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana Bridge Pose3: with blocks under the sacrum

3.Supta Virasana Hero Pose(with one bolster and blanket under head)

  1. 4. Paschimottanasana with chairor bolster
  2. 5. Janhu Shirshasana Head to Knee Posewith bolster
  3. Dandasana

7.Salamba Uttasana Standing Forward Bend with blocks and chair

8.Prasarita Padottanasana Wide Stance Forward Bend 

  1. 9. Supported Downward-Facing Dog Posewith block
  2. Eka Pada Raj KapotanasanaSupported Pigeon

11.Upavista Konasana Supported Seated Wide-Angle Pose with bolster

12.Baddha Konasana Supported Cobbler’s Pose

13.Viparita Karani 1: straight legs on the wall with belt

14.Viparita Karani 2: straight leg on the wall with bolster

15.Upavista Konasana 1 : Legs  On The Wall

16.Upavista Konasana 2: Butterfly Legs On The Wall Variation

  1. Salamba Sarvangasana  with bolster

18.Salamba Sarvangasana  with wall

  1. Supported Spinal Twist Supine with bolster and blankets
  2. 20. Supta Padangustasasana
  3. 21. Shavasana Corpse Pose

Teaching Methodology

  • Helpful Words and Phrases to Use While Student are Resting in Restorative Asana
  • How your mind reacts to the longer holding time?
  • How to deal with Emotions in Restorative Yoga?  
  • How to Teach
  • Tone of voice
  • How to demo: live and on-line?
  • Preparing to teach: make details plan
  • Understanding your student live and on-line
  • How to Correct: 
  • Physical alignment
  • Energetics alignment
  • Verbal correction first
  • Touching students with consciousness
  • How to Teach Them to Move Props by Their Own? 
  • Teach how to be there in the moment
  • Verbal Cueing and Adjustments
  • Effective Communication for a Restorative Environment
  • Emphasis on Consent and Trauma-Informed Practices
  • Examples of Verbal Cueing and Adjustments with Emphasis on Consent
  • Balancing Guidance and Silence
  • Managing Challenges
  • How to Set the Intention for Restorative Yoga? 
  • Adopt self-reflection
  • Abandon expectations
  • Create a routine for your practice with a specific goal

Pranayama for Restorative Yoga

  • Introduction: why it so important to focus on the breath for restorative yoga?
  • How to teach Full Yogic Breath
  • How to teach Ujjayi breath 
  • Back-banding: breath on the back of your lungs practice 
  • Long exhalation why and when

 Restorative Yoga  Sequences

  1. Stress and anxiety sequence
  2. Depression and fatigue short sequence
  3. Depression and fatigue long sequence
  4. Migraine and headaches sequence
  5. Sequence for PMS
  6. Sequence to adjust menstrual cycles
  7. Relax and distress sequence
  8. Lower back rigidity sequence
  9. Sequence to increase lungs capacity and improve concentration.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is this program just for people who want to teach Restorative Yoga?

Absolutely not! Anyone wishing to delve deeper into their practice is welcome to join us. The skills and tools you learn in the program can be applied to many aspects of life. 

What certification will I receive upon successful completion?

This program qualifies you for 50 Continuing Education credits and is a recognized program under our YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider) designation with Yoga Alliance.

You will also be certified as a Restorative Yoga Teacher.

Is this course suitable for beginners or people without any yoga experience?

Anyone can opt to take this program.

Is age an issue?

Yoga knows no age and it is never too late or too early to start.

How physically fit do I have to be? What if I have mobility issues?

We welcome you, where you are. What that means is that not every student will always be able to do every single pose. It is about learning how to teach the pose, even if you have limitations physically, which prevent you from demonstrating. Our program is not about trendy yoga. It is about learning, with the notion that we are all perfectly imperfect.

Do I need to be fluent in English?

We welcome students from all backgrounds and ethnicities. All students should be fairly fluent in the English language (reading, writing & speaking).

Will my teaching certificate be recognized, globally?

Absolutely! We have students from the U.K., Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Canada, U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and more!

Do I automatically graduate, or receive a certificate if I pay for the course?

No. In order to successfully graduate from any training program we offer, you must successfully meet the graduation criteria. It serves no purpose for us to simply pass students who are not ready or able to teach yoga. It is unfair to you, to the public you may teach, and to the integrity of our programming.

Will I be able to confidently teach Restorative Yoga classes upon completion of this program?

This online yoga teacher training program has been designed to help you learn all types of techniques to ensure you can teach Restorative Yoga classes safely and with confidence.

What does self-paced, on-demand learning mean?

What this means is that the program does not require any group study, or attending particular tutorials at specific points in the training. You set the pace for your learning. You move through the curriculum when and as you want. Students can go back and review sections as many times as needed. The entire program is pre-recorded so that it is on-demand, available to you, always.

Once I begin the program, how long do I have to complete it?

From the time you register, you will have lifetime access to complete any programming we offer.

The beauty of our online yoga teacher training is that it is a completely self-paced program – you decide when you start and when you finish. Ideally, working through the program without large gaps in time works best, but we appreciate that life is complicated.

How long will it take me to complete the program? Will it take 50 hours?

How long it takes, is really up to you and will depend on your availability. This program will take 50 hours, so work on a schedule that makes learning and life workable for you.

Does my access to the digital course materials expire?

No, you will have full access to updates and revisions, even if you have completed the program. Many of the resources in the program are also downloadable, so those are yours to keep always.

If I am pregnant, can I take this program?

Many of our students are pregnant or planning to have a child soon. We begin each program with a clear outline of what modifications need to happen. Yours and your baby’s well-being are our first priority.

What does the evaluation process look like?

There is one Online Written Exam (multiple choice questions) and practical exam.

If you have completed your coursework, you will be successful in the written exam.

How to Register?

You can apply online with the application, fee of INR 10,000 (non-refundable) advance towards the course fee.

Apply Now Online Registration                                                                                                             Online Payment Options

