Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Qualification to practice Chandra Suryanamaskara, and its modification method.

The practice of Chandra Namaskara should not be done by people with heart/ cardiac problems, back pain issues, knee pain, ankle pain issues/ injuries, high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, hernia, hyperthyroidism, and intestinal tuberculosis. Also, people with neurological disorders like epilepsy should avoid this practice.


During the Padhastasna, the beginners can bend as far down as possible, don’t necessarily have

to touch their hands to the mat. People with mild knee pain can bend their knees in the position.

During the Low Lunge (Chandra Namaskar), the beginners can keep the hands on the side of their waist to maintain balance, or hands can be close to the chest. Only if the balance is in place, they can take their hands upwards. Beginners can maintain their gaze in the front and slowly bend back shifting their gaze to the sky.

For the Parvatasana, the knees can be bent for people who are not able to align their entire foot on the mat, also applicable for beginners.

Courtesy To: Shrutika Mishra, RYT – 200 Hour   

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