Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Qualification to practice Ashtanga Suryanamaskara, Write its contraindications and its modification method.

Ashtanga Namaskara should be avoided by people who have an injury or are recovering from surgery. It should be avoided by people who have high blood pressure, cardiac/heart-related issues, back and knee pain. The practice should not be continued during pregnancy. It should also not be practiced by people who have a neurological disorder like epilepsy.


During the Uttanasasna, the beginners can bend as far down as possible, don’t necessarily have

to touch their hands to the mat. People with mild knee pain can bend their knees in the position.

During Ardh Uttanasasna, depending on the flexibility of the individual, they can place the hand on the mat near the toes or on their knees. Ned to ensure the back is straight.

For Chaturanga, people can either jump back or walk back. People with knee issues should avoid jumping.

For Chaturanga, people who cannot perform the chaturanga, can either do Ardh Chaturanga, with knees on the mat. Otherwise, they can do the Knees-Chest-Chin (Ashtanga Namaskara) before transitioning to Upward Dog.

For Upward Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, beginners can hold the pose using toes tucked in but should practice transitioning to balancing on the inner side, toes tucked out.

For Downward Dor or Adho Mukha Svanasana, beginners who aren’t able to rest their entire foot on the mat can bend their knees to allow the foot to rest completely on the mat and then slowly straighten their knees.

Courtesy To: Shrutika Mishra, RYT – 200 Hour   

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