Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada – What is Concentration?
3.1 Desabandhaschittasya dharana |
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- Desa-place
- Bandha-binding
- Chittasya-of the mind
- Dharana-concentration
Cocentration is bringing the mind to one place with effort.
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Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada
What is Meditation?
3.2. Tatra pratyayaikatanata dhyanam|
- Tatra-there(in the desha)
- Pratyaya-basis or content of consciousness
- Ekatanata-continuity
- Dhyanam-meditation
Uninterrupted stream of the content of consciouness is Meditation.
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Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada
What is Samadhi or superconsciousness?
3.3.Tadevarthamatranirbhasaà svarupasunyamiva samadhih|
- Tadeva-the same
- Artha-the object of dhayana
- Matra-only
- Nirbhasam-appearing
- Svarüpa-one own form
- Sunyam-empty
- Iva-as if
- Samadhih-trance
Samadhi is called, when there is only the object appearing without the consciousness of ones own self.