Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada: Samyama and psychic powers
By samyama knowledge of past & future
3.16. Parinamatrayasamymadatitanagatajnanam|
- Parinama-transformation
- Traya-three
- Samymat-by samyama
- Atita-past
- Anagatah-future
- Jnanam-knowledge
By practicing samyama on the three transformations, knowledge of past and future thing arise.
By samyama knowledge of all speech
3.17. Sabdarthapratyayanamitaretaradhyasat saìkarastat pravibhagasamyamat sarvabhutarutajnanam|
- Sabda-word
- Artha-object
- Pratyayanam-mental content
- Itaretaradhyasat-because of mental superimposition
- Sankara-confusion
- Tat-that
- Pravibhaga-separate
- Samyamat-by samyama
- Sarvabhuta-all living beings
- Ruta-speech
- Jnanam-knowledge#Yoga course Bangalore
The word, object and mental content are in a confused condition because of mutual superimposition. By practicing smyama on them separately, knowledge of the speech of all beings arises.
By samyama knowledge of previous birth
3.18. Samskarasaksatkaranat purvajatijnanam|
- Samskara-impression
- Saksatkaranat-by direct impression
- Purva-previous
- Jati-birth
- Jnanam-knowledge
By direct perception of the impressions, knowledge of previous births comes.
By samyama knowledge of other’s mind
3.19. Pratyayasya parachittajnanam|
- Pratyayasya-of the content of the mind
- Para-another
- Chitta-mind
- Jnanam-knowledge
By practicing samyama on the pratyayas, knowledge of others mind known.
But not mental image
3.20. Na tat salambanam tasyavisayibhutatvat|
- Na-not
- Tat-that
- Salambanam-with support
- Tasya-its
- Avisayibhutatvat-because of not being the subject of samyama
But the knowledge of other mental factors is not gained with support of the mental image because that is not the object of samyama.
By samyama power of invisibility
3.21. Kayarupasamyamat tatgrahyasaktistambhe chaksuhprakasasamprayoge’ntardhanam|
- Kaya-body
- Rupa-form
- Samyamat-by doing samyama
- Tat-that
- Grahya-receptive
- Sakti-power
- Stambhe-on suspension
- ChakSuh-the eye
- Prakasa-light
- Samprayoga-absence of contact
- Antardhanam-being invisible
By applying samyama on the form of the body and suspended receptivity of the form, there being no contact between the eye and the light, the yogi can become invisible.
By samyama power of disappearance
3.22. Etena sabdadyantardhanamuktam|
- Etena-by this
- Sabdadi-sound and others
- Antardhanam-disaapearance
- Uktam-said
By what has been said the vanish of sound and other tanmatras can be understood.
By samyama knowledge of time of death
3.23.Sopakramamnirupakramam cha karma
tatsamyamadaparantajnanamapyaristebhyo va|
- Sopakramam-the karma which activity
- Nirupakramam-the karma that is dormant
- Cha-and
- Karma-action
- Tat-that
- Samyamad-by performing samyama
- Aparanta-death
- Jnanam-knowledge
- Aristebhyah-by omens
- Va-or
Karma is of two types, active and dormant. By applying samyama on them knowledge of death is gained, also by omens.
By samyama power of friendliness
3.24. Maitryadisu balani|
- Maitri-frienliness
- Adisu-etc
- Balani-powers
By applying samyama on friendliness, etc. there come those particular powers friendliness.
By samyama attainment of strength
3.25. Balesu hastibaladini|
- Balesu-by samyama on the powers
- Hasti-elephant
- Bala-stength
- Adini-etc
By applying samyama on the stenght of an elephant, etc. the corresponding strength is gained.
By samyama gain hidden knowledge
3.26. Pravrttyalokanyasat suksmavyavahitaviprakrstarsva jnanam|
- Pravrtti-super physical faculty
- Aloka-like
- Nyasat-by projecting
- Suksma-fine
- Vyavahita-hidden
- Viprakrsta-distant
- Jnanam-knowledge
The knowledge of subtle, obscure or distant objects is profited by dilating the light of the superphysical faculty.
By samyama knowledge of the solar system
3.27. Bhuvanajnanam suryasamyamat|
- Bhuvana-solar system
- Jnanam-knowledge
- Surye-on the sun
- Samyamat-by performinf samyama
Knowledge of the solar system is gained by applying samyama on the sun.
By samyama knowledge of the stars
3.28. Candre taravyuhajnanam|
- Candre-moon
- Tara-stars
- Vyuha-arrangements
- Jnanam-knowledge
By applying samyama on the moon, knowledge about the position of the stars is benefited.
By samyama knowledge of star movements
3.29. Dhruve tadgatijnanam|
- Dhruve-by performing samyama on the pole star
- Tat-that
- Gati-movement
- Jnanam-knowledge
By applying samyama on the pole star, knowledge of the movement of the stars can be acquired.
By samyama knowledge of the body
3.30. Nabhichakre kayavyuhajnanam|
- Nabhi-navel
- Chakre-centre
- Kaya-body
- Vyuha-arrangement
- Jnanam-knowledge
By applying samyama on the navel centre, knowledge of the arrangements in the body is obtained.
By samyama mastery over hunger & thirst
3.31. Kanthakupe ksutpipasa nivrttih|
- Kanthakupe-by performing samyama on the throat
- Ksut-hunger
- Pipasa-thirst
- Nivrttih-retirement
By applying samyama on the throat pit, hunger and thirst would not happen.
3.32. Kurmanadyam sthairyam|
- Kurmanadyam-by performing samyama on the kurma nadi
- Sthairyam-staediness
Stableness is gained by applying samyama on the kurma nadi.
By samyama gain spiritual vision
3.33. Murdhajyotisi siddhadarsanam|
- Murdha-crown of the head
- Jyotisi-on the light
- Siddha-adept
- Darsanam-spiritual vision
By applying smayama on the light of the crown of the head at sahasrara cakra, a spiritual vision of the masters of yoga is obtained.
By samyama acquire intuitive knowledge
3.34. Pratibhadva sarvam|
- Pratibhat-from pratibha
- Va-or
- Sarvam-everything
Or everything by virtue os pratibha or intuition.
By samyama gain awareness of consciouness
3.35. Hradaye chittasamvit|
- Hradaye-by performing smayama on the heart
- Chittasamvit-awareness of the consciousness
By applying samyama on the heart, awareness of consciouness dawns.
By samyama knowledge of universal consciousness
3.36. Sattva purusayoratyantasanké rnayoh pratyayaviseso bhogah pararthatvat svarthasamyamat purusa jnanam|
- Sattva-chitta
- Purusayoh-of the purusha
- Atyanta-extremely
- Asankirnayoh-distinct
- Pratyaya-awareness
- Avisesah-not distinct
- Bhogah-experience
- Pararthatvat-from objective consciousness
- Sva-ones own
- Artha-subjective awareness
- Samyamat-by samyama
- Purusajnanam-knowledge of purusha
Chitta and purusha are extremly different. On account of non-difference of the awareness of both there is objective or subjective experience. By applying samyama on subjective awareness apart from objectives awareness, the knowledge of purusha is acquired.
By samyama gain power of intuitive perception
3.37. Tatah pratibhasravanavedanadarsasvadavartta jayante,
- Tatah-therefrom
- Pratibha-the faculty of superior consciousness
- Sravana-the faculty of hearing
- Vedana-touch consciousness
- Darsa-visulization
- Asvada-faculty of taste
- Vartta-the olfactory faculty
- Jayante-are produced
By applying samyama gain power of intuitive perception, therefrom are produced transcendental audition, sensation, perception, taste and olfactory knowledge.