Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Sadhana Pada- Why should follow Discipline?
Major Discipline for Yoga Practice
2.1. Tapahsvadhyayayesvarapranidhanani kriyaayogah|
- Tapah- austerity
- Svadhyaya-self-study of scriptures
- Ishvarapranidhana-surrender to god
- Kriya yoga-practical yoga
Tapas, Swadhyaya and ishwara pranidhana is caled kriya yoga.
Why should one pursue discipline for Yoga Practice
2.2. Samadhibhavanarthah klesatanukaranarthasca|
- Samadhi-superconsciousness
- Bhavanarthah-for developing the state of
- Klesa-cause of afflictions
- Tanu-thin
- Karanartha- for making
- Cha-and
For growing the consciousness of samadhi and for the aim of thinning out the cause of afflictions, so that kriya yoga practised.