Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada: Sources of psychic powers
Arise of psychic powers
4.1. Janmausadhimantratapahsamadhijah siddhayah|
- Janma-birth
- Ausadhi-herbs
- Mantra-mantra
- Tapah-austerity
- Samadhi-trance
- Jah-born of
- Siddhayah-siddhis
The siddhis(psychic powers) arises of birth, herbs, mantras, tapas or austerities, or samadhi.
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Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Inherent Transformation
4.2. Jatyantaraparinamah prakrtyapurat|
- Jatyantara-another birth
- Parinamah-transformation
- Prakrti-nature
- Apurat-by making up, overflowing
By the overflow of inherent potentiality creates the transformation from one substance into other substances.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Instrumental cause
4.3. Nimittamaprayojakam prakrtinam varanabhedastu tatah ksetrikavat|
- Nimittam-instrument
- Aprayojakam-indirect
- Prakrtinam-of various natural tendencies
- Varana-obstacles
- Bhedhah-removal
- Tu-but
- Tatah-therefore
- Ksetrikavat-like the farmer
The instrumental cause does not stir up the various natures but simply clears the obstacles in the path of transformation.