Padmasana – Lotus Posture
(padma – lotus flower)
- Come to Dandasana, by palms beside hip n floor.
- Bend right leg with help of right arm and place the soles at close to navel, soles facing upward.
- Now bend, left leg, bring left foot close to navel, foot facing towards up.
- Make sure knees contact with ground, keep spine, neck, and head straight, do not lean forward or back ward.
- Abdomen in chest up lift lower back up and stay for 20 to 60 seconds, with normal breathing.
- Palms on your thighs. Eyes closed observe your breathing motion.
- Now unfold knees, and relax.
- This is an ideal for meditation.
- Brings flexibility to knees ankles.
- Keep spine stronger, strengthen entire back muscles.
- Makes breathing stronger and distributes energy evenly through out body.
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