Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Self-paced Online 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course – trip

Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham offers, Yoga Teacher Training Course can be tailor-made to meet specific individual needs. Batch venue and timings are subjected to periodic changes as per the availability of classrooms and faculties.

Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham’s Advanced Teacher Training program is designed for those students who have completed an approved 200 Hour Teacher Training as designated by the Yoga Alliance, USA. The 300-Hour advanced yoga teacher training course builds upon the fundamental concepts taught in the 200-hour course and deepens your understanding and practice. The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bangalore, India prepares you to teach yoga principles, methods, alignment, modifications and techniques that are more advanced than those in the 200-hour course.

In the 300-hour program we concentrate on the art of teaching yoga, the sequencing of yoga classes based on multi-style yoga. It includes Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, alignment & adjustments, and the healing aspect of yoga. This is a second level of training which allows you to advance your yoga teaching skills and become an expert in many teaching styles for many different kinds of students.

Our experienced teachers will train you in several aspects of Yoga: starting from asanas, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shatkarma, dharana, pratyahara & dhayana. You will be taken through the art of designing yoga classes, to functional anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics and yoga philosophy. There will be a focus on practical’s and teaching methodology.

As our groups are small you will have an opportunity to teach a lot, and improve your practical skills. We give each of our students personal care and constant feedback. Our aim is to prepare you to be an independent, wise and flexible teacher who is able to customize a class to every client, even the most challenging one. We also train you to take classes for students with special needs and health issues.


Module 1: Hatha Yoga 

Here you will learn Yogic breathing techniques (Pranayama), Yogic cleansing (Shatkarma), Yoga poses (asanas) and meditation in theory and practice. With deep understanding, you will also be instructed in the teaching methodology for Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breath control) and Dhyana (meditation) so you can share your experience with your own students. Start your journey and explore your true potential with the help of yogic practice, which has been taught and followed by spiritual masters for centuries.

Module 2: Vinyasa Yoga (30 Hours)

Vinyasa Flow is a mind-body movement practice that combines dynamic flow, strengthening and stretching techniques, conscious breathing, mindful awareness, and relaxation in a comprehensive practice that aims to improve strength, stamina, balance, mobility, posture and body awareness while reducing tension, stress, and poor postural habits. Suitable for the general population, Vinyasa Flow can be modified to meet the needs of a wide range of participants and in a wide range of environments.

It is our aim that when you complete this program you will be able to clearly demonstrate each movement, guide the general participant safely through a balanced sequence of techniques, and instruct simple breath-work exercises. As well, we encourage each Vinyasa Flow instructor in demonstrating the philosophies of Vinyasa Flow in their practice, and professional and personal interactions.

Module 3: Advanced Teaching Methodology 

  1. Adaptability practices for all levels Class Levels
  2. Class Levels and Prerequisites
  3. Group Dynamics in yoga and role of yoga teacher
  4. Communication Skills in Teaching Yoga
  5. Contraindications: Movement in Yoga
  6. Essential Qualities of a Yoga Teacher
  7. Ethics in Teaching and Touching
  8. Partner Standing Observation
  9. Principles of asana demonstration
  10. Teaching Yoga – Observing Yoga Students during Classes
  11. Voice and Language
  12. Marketing a Yoga Business

Module 4: Techniques and Training 

  1. Alignment cues, touch and adjustment
  2. Asana and its modification method
  3. Asanas, Variations, and the Use of Props
  4. The Arc Structure of Yoga Classes
  5. Seven Principles of Hands on Adjustments
  6. Common Yoga Injuries and How to Avoid Them
  7. Practice Teaching Observation
  8. Traditional and Modern hatha yoga
  9. Philosophy and Principles of Sequencing
  10. Traditional Approaches to Yoga Sequencing
  11. Vata, Pitta and Kapha Yoga Sequencing
  12. Elemental Yoga: An Airy Asana Sequence to Balance Kapha
  13. Elemental Yoga: A Fire-Moving Yoga Practice for Pitta
  14. Elemental Yoga: An Earthy Sequence to Ground Vata
  15. Ayurvedic Yoga Sequencing
  16. Yoga Sequences for Vata Dosha Balancing
  17. Four Seasonal Yoga Sequence Concepts
  18. Chakra yoga sequence

Module 05: Advanced Yoga, Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, & Bio-Mechanism 

  1. Respiratory system & Yoga for Asthma
  2. Cardiovascular System and yoga
  3. Anxiety & Depression
  4. Musculo-Skeletal system & Yogic Management of Arthritis
  5. Spinal cord & Yoga for back pain
  6. Endocrine glands & Yoga for Diabetes Mellitus
  7. Gastro-Intestinal system & Yoga for Gastro-Intestinal Disorder
  8. Muscle fiber types
  9. Aerobic (with oxygen) and Anaerobic (without oxygen) yoga
  10. Types of Muscle Contractions
  11. Biomechanics and Kinesiology

Module 06: Advanced Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics 

  1. Shad-Darshan (Six Schools of Indian Philosophy)
  2. Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra
  3. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  4. Application of yoga Philosophy in Daily Life
  5. Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  6. Vedas
  7. Aitareya Upanishad
  8. Isa Upanishad (Isavasya Upanishad)
  9. Katha Upanishad
  10. Kena Upanishad
  11. Mandukya Upanishad
  12. Mundaka Upanishad
  13. Prasna Upanishad
  14. Taittiriya Upanishad
  15. Bhagavad Gita
  16. Stress Management through Yoga
  17. Ayurveda
  18. Understanding Vata, Pitta & Kapha
  19. Naturopathy
  20. Principles and Practice of Nature Cure

Course Highlights

  • Learn to practice & teach advanced Hatha Yoga asanas.
  • Learn to teach Yin Yoga, Yoga Therapy & Restorative Yoga.
  • Learn to teach Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & Vinyasa Flow Yoga.
  • Learn to teach Meditation.
  • Learn to customize and sequence yoga classes.
  • Deepen your understanding of yogic philosophy.
  • Regular practice of pranayama and the proper use of bandhas.
  • Register as a RYT 300 (Advanced Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance.
  • Professional & intensive teacher training at an authentic Yoga environment.
  • A unique curriculum: Hatha Yoga asanas, Yogic Philosophy, Yoga Anatomy, Technique, Training,
  • Bio-Mechanism, Teaching Methodology, Asana Alignment.
  • Expert teaching skills, proper instruction, correction, and modification techniques.
  • Daily 1 hour of hands-on teaching practices & training under lead trainer.
  • A worldwide accredited yoga alliance teacher certification.
  • Guidance for starting your own yoga school/studio.
  • Post-course support and mentoring, for student personal and professional development.

Is this course right for you?

If any of the below-mentioned points resonate with you, our course is right for you to pursue.

  • Do you want to become a confident and qualified quality yoga teacher?
  • Do you want to gain discipline & confidence at body, mind & soul level?
  • Do you want to gain proper knowledge of Yoga Lore?
  • Are you an existing yoga teacher & want to improve your teaching skills and knowledge?
  • Do you want to experience authentic yoga?
  • Yoga teachers who want to become advanced yoga teacher.
  • Yoga teachers who want to learn how to teach advance Hatha.
  • Yoga teachers who want to learn how to teach, Vinyasa Yoga.
  • Yoga teachers who want to deepen their knowledge on Asana, Philosophy, Bio-Mechanism & Yoga Anatomy.
  • This course is also open to  Yoga teachers who have already completed  200  hours of yoga teacher training and who look to deepen their knowledge and bring new impulses and inspiration to their own practice and teaching.


While contemporary in application and language, all our teachings are based on the thousands of years old Vedic and Yogic tradition of India.

The  source  of  our  practice  and  teachings  is  Swami  Satyananda  Saraswati from  Bihar school of yoga, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shat-karma, yoga nidra , trataka, ajapa japa, meditation. B. K. S. Iyengar’s alignment principle and Vinyasa style of yoga inculcated from Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Ashtanga Yoga, from Mysore.

We practice and teach Swami Satyananda Saraswati, B. K. S. Iyengar’s & Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Yoga of  Synthesis which aims at the harmonious development of a human being through the  practice of all three styles of hatha yoga.


a. Small Group Size

Our TTC provides you with an intensive, small-group learning environment where there is ample room to come forward with your questions and receive individual guidance for your practice and teaching skills.

b. Authentic Teachings

The program honors the traditional Yogic knowledge system as it has been passed down to us via a lineage of thousands of years. Our focus is on applying the ancient practices in modern day life while maintaining the integrity of the teachings.

c. Modern Approach

We explore connections between the Yogic science and modern scientific findings to give you the theoretical, practical as well as the spiritual foundation to teach Yoga to anyone in all its aspects.

d. Honoring Individuality

All techniques and teachings acknowledge and honor the individuality of each students’ path and the different physical, mental and emotional conditions they come to the course with.


  • Yoga Alliance USA certification as RYT 300 which is an international certification that allows you to teach yoga anywhere in the world.
  • Well qualified and experienced faculty with their own specialties.
  • Adequate guidance to individuals and groups during training sessions.
  • Yoga helps in self-discipline, leading to immense awareness, concentration and accessing a higher level of consciousness.
  • To enable the student to have sound body and sound mind, along with adopting Yoga ethics.
  • Yoga course help, to learn to handle oneself well in all situations, to learn the techniques of gaining good health, to develop a discriminating mind capable of distinguishing the real from the unreal and to face the dualities of life with equanimity.
  • The course will increase levels of awareness and lead to a balanced attitude towards social activity.
  • At the end of the course you will have adopted a healthy life style and will be fit to guide others on this path by becoming a skilled Yoga teacher.
  • At the yoga TTC at Karuna Yoga, students learn a unique combination of Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, adjustments and alignment principles. This approach has the ultimate goal of encouraging the practice of injury free yoga.
    • Live Contact Hours: 40 Hours of live sessions.    Non-Contact Hours 260 HoursLive online sessions will be held over Zoom or Google Meet.Online sessions’ time-zone: Bangalore, India (GMT+5:30).Schedule, Flexible Online self-paced TrainingDigital Course manual PDF.

CERTIFICATION: On the successful completion of the course, the trainee is qualified to register with Yoga Alliance, USA, to be recognized as a Certified International Yoga Teacher-RYT 300.

TITLE OF THE COURSE: “300 hr Yoga Teacher’s Training Course in Multi-Style Yoga”.

FEE: USD 600



  • Hatha Yoga (B.K.S. Iyengar Alignment Principles & Satyananda Style)
  • Vinyasa Yoga

SCHEME OF STUDY: Theory – 50 % & Practical Training – 50 %


NUMBER OF SEATS: Intake Capacity: 10


MAKE-UP CLASSES: Students are able to make up a maximum of 10 classes.


Dr. S. Karuna Murthy, M.Sc, Ph.D, E-RYT 500

Dr. S. Karuna Murthy is the Director and Founder of Karuna Yoga and he has been practicing yoga since the age of 18, Inspired by Swami Sivananda, founder of Divine Life Society.

Dr. S. Karuna Murthy is a living Yogi. He is a Master Yogi who is well versed with the greatest Yoga traditions with modern scientific view he teaches. Hatha Yoga as taught in the Sivananda tradition and Yoga Therapy, SVYASA Bangalore, tradition is his expertise. A practical Yogi, practicing multi styles of Yoga, in depth of understanding, as Yoga is unique in uniting Body, Mind and Soul.

He served as a Yoga therapist at S-VYASA, Bangalore, as a yoga lecturer at Bharathidasan University and at overseas as a yoga instructor at Cali wow fitness center.

Dr. S. Karuna Murthy has completed M.Sc in Yoga from Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samasthana University & Ph. D from Bharathidasan University, also Teacher Training Course (TTC) 200hr and Advance Teacher Training Course (ATTC) 500hr, and too registered E-RYT-500 with American yoga alliance(USA), which reflects his in depth knowledge and expertise in context of Yoga. His life is totally dedicated to the teaching and spreading his great knowledge and experience.

Dr. Siddhartha M.Sc, Ph.D.

Chow Siddhartha (Chametcha Singphow) studied yoga systematically undergoing Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor and Master Degree courses in Yoga under the internationally renowned yoga experts Dr. R. Nagarathna, MD, FRCP and Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Ph.D. at SVYASA University, Bangalore, India.

Later, he served as the Head of the Department of Back Pain Section at Arogyadhama, the yoga therapy hospital attached to the university for 5 years. During this period Chow Siddhartha taught yoga therapy to under graduate and postgraduate students at the university and also helped hundreds of patients hailing from different parts of the world to overcome their back pain through non-invasive yoga therapy management and rehabilitation.

Chow Siddhartha started learning yoga when he was a young student for 6 years at a Buddhist Monastery of North East India. Before joining SVYASA University, Bangalore in 2001 he underwent systematic yoga training at Vivekananda Kendra, Dibrugarh, Assam, India for 5 years.

Chow Siddhartha is also an ardent practitioner of vipassana meditation. He had undergone many vipassana meditation courses of Sri Sri Satya Narayan Goenkaji. His love for vipassana meditation had its beginning when he was a young novice under venerable Wannasara Mahathera at the Buddhist Monastery.

Yogi Suhas

Teaching Hatha Yoga for over five years, Yogi Suhas has earned his good name in motivating students with utmost professionalism. He helps students gain an understanding on body alignment and asana. His passion in yoga is visible in the classes he takes; students find his classes highly effective. Yoga has been his part of life since his childhood. Yogi Suhas help students plunge into what he has been teaching with enthusiasm and open mind. Suhas has completed Graduation degree in Commerce and 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training course, from Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham, Bangalore, India.

Dinesh Thakur

Motivated Yoga Instructor with advanced training in Yoga and specialization in Hatha Yoga principles. Enjoy inspiring others to improve wellness and commit to long term health and fitness goals. Energetic and outgoing with collaborative spirit.

  • Teach student correct postures to ensure maximum benefit
  • Work with students of all body types and fitness and customizing the program
  • Pay attention to need of every student throughout the
  • Teach various styles, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Pranayama,
  • More than 150 hours of teaching experience (Personal and Group Classes).
