Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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50 Hrs – Yoga, Anatomy & Physiology  Teacher Training Course, Bangalore, India.

  • Duration: 50 Hours
  • Contact Hours: 40 Hours  
  • Non-Contact Hours 10 Hours
  • Course: 50 Hrs – Yoga, Anatomy & Physiology  Teacher Training Certificate Course
  • Total Fee for the Training(For Indian Citizens Only): INR 10,000(Registration Fee) + INR 30,000 (Course Fee)  = INR 40,000
  • Total Fee for the Training(For Non-Indian Citizens Only): USD 200(Registration Fee) + USD 400 (Course Fee)  = USD 600
  • Accreditation: Yoga Alliance USA YACEP.
  • Skill level: Beginners,   Intermediate & Advanced
  • Self-Paced/ Flexible Duration: Online or Regular Mode.
  • Language: English
  • Mode: Offline/Online/Hybrid/Self-Paced
  • About the course facilitator: Dr. S. Karuna Murthy, M.Sc., Ph.D., E-RYT 500, YACEP
  • Language: Our courses will be held in English Medium.
  • Course Dates: Please Contact Us (karunaayoga@gmail.comor +91 9686549129)

Importance of Human Anatomy & Physiology in Yoga

Yoga makes for an ideal way to keep the inner-self charged and lively and is one of the most popular methods of keeping oneself fit and healthy. The disciplines and exercises of yoga help in the rightful maintenance of mind and body. Its asanas, pranayama techniques, and mudras help practitioners achieve the impossible by opening up their senses and healing different kinds of ailments and disorders. But do you ever wonder how yoga transforms our mind, body, and soul, and how it deeply impacts us? How does yoga resonate with the inner functions of the body? How are yoga poses responsible for treating various kinds of mental and physical problems? These questions must have crossed your minds if you are really into yoga and its powerful world.

And this is where anatomy and physiology slide in. To understand how yoga impacts our mental and physical state, it is important to know the inner structure and functioning of the body. So, let’s move ahead and learn the importance of anatomy and physiology in Yoga. 

 What is  Human Anatomy & Physiology in Yoga?

Anatomy is basically a branch of science that deals with the study of the structures of organisms and hence, anatomy yoga is all about understanding the inner structure of the body and its different parts and learning how yoga poses and other practices bring changes in the body. It also revolves around the layers of the mind and energies flowing within a body. In short, yogic anatomy teaches you in detail everything related to body organs, muscles, tissues, etc.

It is important for every yoga teacher or guru to have an in-depth knowledge of body structure so that it becomes easy for them to learn body movements, maintain alignments, and identify other functions. Yoga anatomy also helps practitioners deal with injuries in the right manner. 

What is Physiology in Yoga?

Physiology is a branch of science, biology to be precise, that deals with the functioning of organisms. It helps you understand how the basic cell functions and how living beings function at the molecular level. And in yoga, physiology is all about understanding how different parts of the human body operate and they can be balanced by practicing yoga asanas, breathing techniques, and more.

Yoga physiology is of great significance for all the students who wish to become yoga teachers as it will help them understand how blood pressure, respiratory functions, blood circulation, etc affects the mind and the body. The study would help them learn how to keep their body fit and healthy in all circumstances. By learning yoga physiology, it would be easy for them to know what to do when blood pressure is low or high, when an internal organ isn’t functioning properly or when stress levels increase. It would also help them understand how energy channels can be activated by practicing certain asanas.

Why is the Study of Anatomy and Physiology in Yoga Important?

Now let’s understand in detail why anatomy and physiology must be a priority for yoga teachers. These are the reasons why these subjects make for a significant part of yoga learning.

Learn About Body Parts, their Functions and Importance

While learning yoga anatomy, you would be introduced to the inner structure of the human body. In these classes, you would learn how body parts are completely different from each, their locations and main purpose. From muscle structure to the skeleton, learn every bit of the human body. Study the importance of joints, muscles, bones, legs, arms, and more.

Also, understand why the spinal cord holds great importance in the yoga world. Once you are aware of all this, it would become easy for you to master your subjects.

Understand the Body Movement

By learning anatomy and physiology during your yoga classes, you would gain immense knowledge on how the human body functions and how different body parts move, and to what extent they can be used during yoga exercises. Imagine you are practising rigorously and you experience a serious injury, would you then be able to come back to your original form? Well, you may or may not be! However, chances are you would have to go on rest for a certain period of time. Isn’t’?

But if you know how legs and arms should be stretched and how to carry out a yoga pose in the right manner, you would be saving yourself from many injuries. Moreover, you would be able to excel in your classes quite early.

Understand How Yoga Postures Provide Benefits

Yoga helps in healing several mental and physical problems and when you are aware of body functions and internal structure, it becomes easy for you to understand what poses to practise on a regular basis to deal with a certain issue. For example, if you are suffering from migraine, it is recommended you practise Lotus Pose as it helps in the relaxation of the mind and mitigates chances of severe headaches.

You would then know how the headstand pose helps in the right circulation of blood to the brain, how a supine spinal twist is extremely good for people suffering from lower back pain, and how the bound angle pose helps the practitioner deal with depression and menstrual complications.

Learn How to Maintain Asana Alignment

Proper body alignment is necessary to avail maximum benefits from any yoga pose and to minimize the risk of any kind of injury. Alignment is basically the arrangement of your body in the right manner. And when you are aware of your body structure and internal organs and their functions, you are able to easily understand how you should pose your body so that you can reap all the benefits.

Whether it is keeping your hands in the right direction, sitting with spine straight and shoulders relaxed, or engaging all your muscles, proper body alignment is important as it would provide you with the base to form stability while performing yoga asanas.

Things Every Yoga Teacher Must Know Regarding Human Body

If you are working as a teacher at a yoga school or desire to build a successful career in yoga teacher training, then there are certain things you must be aware of. The list includes:

Skeletal Structure

You must be aware of everything a human skeleton comprises, ranging from bones to hands, spine to feet, and neck to head. This provides you with the opportunity to strengthen your practice and helps you understand how to bring out the best in your practice yoga sessions. You should know how the spinal cord supports your body structure and how other bones attach muscles together. Impart the knowledge down to your students and create a beautiful yoga community.


Yoga leaves an everlasting impact on every bit of the human body. And hence, every aspiring yoga teacher must be aware of the muscle system. You should know how many muscles make the human body and what all contractions are responsible for the strengthening and flexibility of the body. Learn how Skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle affect the growth of a person. Understand how muscles involve in various functions, including walking, speaking, running, and more. This way you would not only be able to carry out challenging poses but would also build incredible muscular strength.

Body Joints

Joints are basically the tissues that join two or more bones in a body. But did you know that these joints are extremely helpful in performing yoga exercises? And that’s the reason you must have an in-depth understanding of all kinds of joints including hinge joints, pivot joints, ball and socket joints, and ellipsoidal joints. Learning them would provide a bigger advantage in understanding how body movement should be done while working out.

What is  Yogic  Anatomy & Physiology?


 Ida, Pingala, Shushmna

Chakras (Energy Vortex)

  1. Mooladhara cakra
  2. Svadhisthana cakra
  3. Manipura cakra
  4. Anahata cakra
  5. Visuddhi cakra
  6. Ajna cakra
  7. Sahasrara cakra

Pancha Kosa

  1. Annamaya kosha – food sheath
  2. Pranamaya kosha – breath sheath
  3. Manomaya kosha – mind sheath
  4. Vijnanamaya kosha – intellect sheath
  5. Anandamaya kosha – bliss sheath

Three Bodies Of Human Being

As per the physiology and philosophy of Yoga, there are three 3 bodies of humans. This three-bodies doctrine is a significant part of Hindu philosophy and hence, it has been incorporated into Yoga with all the sacredness. They are:

The Gross Body

This is the body that refers to the mortal physical body of the person. It is also called Sthula Sarira and comprises 5 elements – fire, earth, ether, water, air, and ether. This material body is often believed to be produced as a result of actions in the previous birth. 

The Subtle Body

This is the body of the mind and the energies that flow within the mortal body. It is responsible for the growth and strengthening of the Gross body. It contains intellect, manas, five-fold vital breath, five organs of perception (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, and nose), and five organs of action (speech, anus, genitals, legs, and hands). It is also known as Sukshma Sharira.

The Causal Body

Containing experience, the causal body is also called Karana Sharira and is the origin of both the gross and subtle body as it serves as their seed. Hence, it can be referred to as the beginning of consciousness. As per several Hindu schools, it also refers to the end.

Yoga, Anatomy & Physiology Certificate Course

The certificate courses in yoga, anatomy and physiology will not only make you an expert, but will also introduce you to some yoga treatment methods that will enable you to take yoga teaching to a new level. In the course, you will learn about all the “yoga” muscles, their positions and the degree of participation in yoga asanas, as well as the contractions and stretches that occur during asana exercises.  You will be able to better comprehend the role and movements of bones and joints that are utilized in yoga asana practice.

Understanding the basic functions of body organs, spinal cord, knee joints, and arches will enable you to consider all safety aspects of asanas, such as balance and handstands. As you learn more about muscle imbalances and safety regulations, you will be able to improve alignment and prevent injuries.

After successfully completing the yoga, anatomy and physiology certificate courses, you will receive a certificate. You will be able to carry out yoga classes with more confidence because you will have the ability to modify asanas to meet personal needs, diseases and  correct alignment  yoga students’ postures. This course will enable you to understand which muscles are stiff and can help students perform stretching exercises to release them. Using the knowledge learned from the anatomy course in the classroom will also develop your yoga teaching.

What is Yoga Anatomy?

    • Anatomy is a medical term that involves the study of the basic structure of the human body.

    • Its teaching content includes the study of bones, muscles, joints and other internal organs of the body.

    • All yoga teachers need to understand the structure of the human body to enhance the effectiveness of asanas and protect the body from harm.

    • Armed with this anatomical knowledge, you will be ready to deal with injuries in an effective and protected way.

What is Yoga Physiology?

    • Yoga physiology is a science dealing with body parts and their specific roles.

    • Its teaching content includes studying the functions of different organs, such as breathing, reproduction, and digestion.

    • This is a dynamic study that reveals how different systems in the human body work together as a single unit moved by energy.

 Important aspects of yoga anatomy and physiology 

1.Understanding Skeletal Structure of the body

    • The human skeleton consists of 206 bones, which support and form an adult’s body.

    • However, as a yoga teacher, you should mainly understand the main bones of the body, such as legs and arms.

    • Another major skeletal structure that teachers should know is the spinal cord. In addition to being the skeleton and support of bones, the spine also plays an important role in fixing muscles.

    • Understanding the bone structure will help the yoga teacher, which posture is effective for which part of the body.

2. Understanding the movements of the body

    • Knowing how your body moves will help make it stronger, safer and more balanced.

    • Yoga teachers can gain relevant knowledge by understanding the three anatomical planes of exercise.

    • Once you understand how these plane work, you can determine which plane is most comfortable to move your body on.

    • As a yoga teacher, this understanding will help you include some postures that will guide students through these planes of movement and allow you to determine the best posture for you.

3.Understanding Muscles of the Body

    • In addition to bones, teachers should also understand the muscle anatomy of the body.

    • When your body enters a yoga pose, all the muscles of the movement joints are at work, regardless of their length.

    • Understanding the muscle structure related to body movement will enable teachers to focus on the effectiveness of asanas for specific muscle groups and treatments.

4.Major Joints of the Body

    • A joint is a part of a bone where two or more bones intersect. By convention, joints can be classified as the tissue connecting two bones.

    • This may include the cartilage, fibrous tissue, synovial fluid, or any combination of the three.

    • By knowing the types of human joints, you can determine the set of movements that are safe for the body and prevent joint injuries.

5.Understanding Body alignment during Yoga

    • Understanding and identifying the main bones, muscles, joints and movements of the body will enable teachers to know their body functions.

    • Based on this functional anatomy, the teacher will learn how to move the body in yoga poses and maintain the correct posture.

    • Therefore, this can prevent discomfort or injury caused by incorrect body posture.

Anatomy education for yoga teacher

    • Understanding human anatomy can not only make you a better yogi, it can also make you a better yoga teacher.

    • As a yoga instructor, you must be able to help students fully adapt to yoga poses easily and safely.

    • Some students in your class may have previous injuries or other health problems.

    • As a yoga teacher, when students do poses with you, it is your responsibility to ensure their safety.

    • Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the various parts and functions of the body through anatomy.

Importance of understanding and studying anatomy in yoga teacher training course

    • If you want to practice or teach yoga confidently, clearly, and have a comprehensive understanding of body structure, then a yoga teacher training course is the right choice for you.

    • The main purpose of these courses is to teach human anatomy and the effects of yoga exercises on the human body.

    • Through the anatomy study in the yoga teacher training, you will have a deep understanding of the execution and alignment of asanas.

    • Knowledge of yoga anatomy and physiology will increase your teaching credibility and will be very helpful to your future yoga students.

What you will learn from this course?

    • Strengthen yoga practice and improve yoga teaching.

    • Learn to avoid harm in your practice or to students.

    • Familiar with knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

    • Understand the effects of exercise on all body systems.

Recommended Texts

    • Yoga Anatomy, Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews.

    • Key Muscles of Yoga, Ray Long.

    • Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Niranjananda Saraswati

    • B.K.S. Iyengar, Light On Yoga.

Course Syllabus

1.Introduction to the applied anatomy and physiology of yoga

2.Respiratory system

       2.1. Gaseous Exchange

       2.2. Respiratory System

       2.3. Lungs

       2.4. Pleura

       2.5. Bronchi

     2. 6. Pulmonary Ventilation

        2.7. Respiration mechanism

                 a)Shallow breathing

                 b)Deep Breathing

                 c)Unconscious  breathing

                 d)Conscious  breathing

        2.8. Lung Volume

    1. a) Total air volume

    1. b) Tidal volume

    1. c) Vital capacity

    1. Muscular System

3.1. Muscular tissues can be classified into

    1. Smooth, non-striated or involuntary muscles

    1. Cardiac muscle or myocardium

    1. Skeletal, striated or voluntary muscles

3.2. Characteristics of skeletal muscles





      3.3. Functions of Muscles

    1. Movement

    1. Maintaining posture

iii.  Producing Heat & Temperature Regulation

    1. Circulation

     3.4. Skeletal muscle structure

     3.5. Properties of skeletal muscle

4. Skeletal System

    1. i) Cartilage

    1. ii) Tendon

                 iii) Ligament

     4.1. Bone

     4.2. Functions of the Skeletal System?

     4.3. The main bones of the human skeleton

     4.4. Classification of Bones according to shape

     4. 5. Bone structure and formation

     4.6. Human Skeleton Bones

    1. a) axial skeleton

    1. b) appendicular skeleton

     4.7. Skeleton Joints

      4.8. Synovial joints classifications

      4.9. Movements occurring at joints

    1. Gliding movements.

    1. Angular movements.

    1. a) Flexion

    1. b) Extension

    1. c) Adduction

    1. d) Abduction

    1. Rotation or circular movements.

                               a)Medial rotation

                               b)Lateral rotation


    1. Spinal Cord and Yoga

      5.1. Elements Of linkage between the vertebrae

      5.2. Discs and ligaments

      5.3. Weight Bearing Activities

       5.4. Push & Counter push

    1. 5. Types Of spinal movement

       5.6. Axial Rotation

       5.7. Flexion and extension

      5.8. Forward and Backward-Bending Poses

       5.9. Lateral and twisting movements

       5.10. Axial extension

       5.11. Intrinsic equilibrium, Spine, rib cage, and pelvis

    1. Applied functional anatomy and physiology

How to Register?

You can apply online with the application, fee of USD 200 (non-refundable) advance towards the course fee or Please Contact Us (karunaayoga@gmail.com  or +91 9686549129

Online Registration click here
