Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Nada anusandhana – exploration of sound “OM”

Nada anusandhana – exploration of sound”OM” – Closing the ears, nose and mouth, a clear, clear sound is heard in the purified sushumna nadi.

Muktasane sthito yogi mudram sandhaya sambhavim/

Śrnuyad dakshine karne nadam antastham ekadhih//

The Hatha Yogi, sitting in Muktasana, concentrated in shambhavi mudra, should hear closely to the nada heard within the right ear. (Chapter -4, Verse 67).


Sravanaputanayanayughala Ghranamukhanam nirodhanam karyam /Suddhasushumnasaranau Sphutamamalah sruyate nadah//

Closing the ears, nose and mouth, a clear sound is heard in the cleansed sushumna nadi. (Chapter -4, Verse 68).



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