Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Moola Bandha(perineum/cervix retraction lock)

Atha mulabandhah

Parshnibhaghena sampidya yonim akunchayed ghudam/

Apanam urdhvam akrshya mulabandho abhidhiyate//

Pressing the perineum/vagina with the heel and contracting the rectum so that the apana vayu moves upward it’s called moola bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 61).


Adhogatim apanam va urdhvagam kurute balat/

Akunchanena tam prahur mulabandham hi yoginah//

By contracting the perineum the downward moving apana vayu is forced to go upward. Hatha Yogis called it as Moola Bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 62).


Gudam parshnya tu sampidya vayumakunchayed balat/

Varam varam yatha chordhvam samayati samiranah//

Press the heel strongly against the rectum and contract forcefully and repeatedly, so that the prana energy rises. (Chapter -3, Verse 63).


















Pranapanau nadabindu mulabandhena chaikatam/

Gatva yogasya samsiddhim yachchato natra samsayah//


There is no doubt that by practicing moola bandha, prana/apana and nada/bindu are joined, and total perfection gained.64


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