Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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  • Backward bending asanas can be challenging, and it’s important to align our hips correctly to avoid injury and get the most out of our practice. Here are some tips for aligning your hips in backward bending asanas:
  • Start with a strong foundation: Begin by grounding your feet and engaging your legs. This helps to stabilize your pelvis and create a solid foundation for your backbend.
  • Engage your core: As you start to move into your backbend, engage your core muscles to support your lower back and pelvis. This helps to maintain proper alignment and prevent compression in the lumbar spine.
  • Keep your hips square: It’s important to keep your hips square and facing forward in backward bending asanas. To do this, focus on drawing your hip bones towards each other and tucking your tailbone slightly.
  • Lengthen your spine: As you move deeper into your backbend, focus on lengthening your spine upwards towards the ceiling. This helps to create space between the vertebrae and prevents compression in the lower back.
  • Use props: Props like blocks, blankets, or straps can be helpful for aligning your hips in backward bending asanas. For example, placing a block between your thighs in a pose like bridge can help you to engage your inner thighs and keep your hips square.
  • Remember to move slowly and mindfully in your practice, and never push beyond your limits. With patience and practice, you can learn to align your hips correctly in backward bending asanas and deepen your backbend safely and effectively.

How to keep Your Back Safe in Forward Bending asana?

  • Forward bending asanas can be very beneficial for stretching the hamstrings and relieving tension in the back, but it’s important to practice them safely to avoid injury. Here are some tips for keeping your back safe in forward bending asanas:
  • Warm up properly: Before you start your forward bending practice, warm up your body with some gentle stretches and movements. This helps to loosen up your muscles and prepare your body for deeper stretches.
  • Engage your core: As you move into your forward bend, engage your core muscles to support your lower back and protect your spine. This helps to prevent overstretching and compression in the lumbar spine.
  • Hinge from the hips: When you’re folding forward, focus on hinging from the hips instead of rounding your spine. This helps to maintain the natural curvature of your spine and avoid putting excess pressure on the discs.
  • Bend your knees: If you have tight hamstrings or a history of back pain, it’s important to bend your knees in forward bending asanas. This helps to take the pressure off your lower back and allows you to safely deepen your stretch.
  • Use props: Props like blocks, blankets, or straps can be helpful for modifying forward bending asanas and making them more accessible. For example, placing a block under your hands in a pose like standing forward fold can help you to maintain a straight spine and avoid rounding.
  • Remember to move slowly and mindfully in your practice, and never force your body beyond its limits. With regular practice and proper alignment, you can safely and effectively deepen your forward bending practice and keep your back healthy and happy.

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