Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Ghata Avastha (vessel stage)

Ghata avastha (vessel stage) – Vishnu granthi is pierced the greatest bliss is revealed. Then from that emptiness the sound of the kettledrum appears.


Dvitiyayam ghatikrtya vayurbhavati madhyaghah /

Drdhasano bhaved yogi jnani devasamas tada//

In the second stage, when ghata is reached, the Shakti moves into the middle nadi. Being remain in his asana the wise Hatha Yogi is comparable to a divine being. (Chapter -4, Verse 72).


Vishnughranthes tato bhedat paramanandasuchakah /

Atisunye vimardas cha bherisabdas tada bhavet//

When the Vishnu granthi is pierced the greatest bliss is revealed. Then from that emptiness the sound of the kettledrum appears. (Chapter -4, Verse 73).



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