Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

100-Hour –  Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course

Language: Our courses will be held in English Medium.

Duration: 100 Hours

Self-Paced/ Flexible Duration: Online or Regular Mode.

Fee: INR 40,000 (For Indian citizens only), for foreigners USD 700 (non-refundable) advance towards the course fee.

Course Dates: Please Contact Us (karunaayoga@gmail.com  or +91 9686549129)

Our 100 hours Hatha Yoga Teachers Training Course is programmed for those enthusiasts who desire to have a professional certificate in the future but can’t afford the time of one month in one slot.

If you have less time or you want to learn slowly, so 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Bangalore can be the perfect yoga course for you, karuna yoga offers self-paced yoga teacher training course  in Bangalore India, and you can join the other half in 1 years of time to complete 200 hours Teacher Training Course.

In order to obtain a professional certificate of 200 Hour Teachers Training Course affiliated with Yoga alliance one has to complete the 200 Hours which usually completed in one month of time, we designed this course in such a way that if any participant wants to first get introduced with the way and process of professional yoga teacher training course and have only short time then trainee can enroll for this yoga course.

Our 100 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course program runs along with our regular student of 200 hour Teacher Training Course students in the first phase, upon completion of the course if a student wants to finish remaining their balance 100 hours of Teachers Training Course in the future, then trainee can continue the course of the second stage of Teacher Training Course to obtain 200 hour Teacher Training Course certificate affiliated with Yoga Alliance in order to have a professional certificate.

Our 200 hours can be accepted as continuing education from Yoga Alliance if in future you want to continue the training from our center. Please make a note while completing 100 hour Teachers Training Course you will be only provided with a certificate issued by our organization and the certificate will not be affiliated with Yoga Alliance, and only after completion of the second stage of balance 100 hours of Teachers Training Course, which technically becomes 200 hours in total of training, we will issue the certificate of 200 hour Teachers Training Course.

This program is best suited for beginners and for those who want to deepen their understanding of the basics of yoga discipline. Yogic anatomy physiology, teaching methodology, techniques, Asana, Meditation, pranayama and philosophy classes along with applied anatomy makes the 200 hours course a very interesting study package and will provide students the ability to establish their own self practice using yoga asana and meditation techniques.

Yoga Continuing Education Courses (YACEP)

We offer various training programs to deepen knowledge and improve teaching skills through various yoga teacher training courses.

Yoga Alliance Registered Continuing Education Provider, Courses Open to Everyone.

This course is eligible for Continued Education (CE) credits with Yoga Alliance. It is accredited by Yoga Alliance and it can be used as a continuing education course (YACEP) for Register Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance

Deepen your practice and your knowledge

Are you are a yoga professional or a curious practitioner and wish to deepen your yoga knowledge and techniques? Then a continuing education course may be something for you! You will learn selected specialized yoga topics that will allow you to expand your horizons when it comes to your personal practice or that of your students. With the knowledge you will acquire, you will gain a deeper understanding of the functioning of anatomical and energetic body layers, and develop a more complete insight into yoga.

International Certification

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion of the 20 hour  Hatha Yoga course, that you can count towards your continuing education. Our yoga teacher training courses are accredited by Yoga Alliance USA.


    • This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest teachings of

    • Participants do not need to be yoga

    • Mastery of any yoga practice is not

    • Only your sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal

    • Love for Yoga is the most important eligibility factor for learning this course.

    • Students who want to know Yoga in totality and move beyond Asana and Pranayama, Mudra & Bandha.

What you’ll learn

    • You will learn beginners level asana, forward, backward, arm balance, hip opening and inverted poses.

    • You will know the how-to Integrate asana, pranayama mudra sutra into your yoga practice.

    • You will learn the methods given by Swatmarama to mastery your mind through hatha yoga.

    • Practice asana, pranayama and Savasana daily

    • Improve your practice of advanced asanas daily

    • Get more insights into the core principles of yogic philosophy

    • Deepen your understanding and application of mudras and bandhas

What do I need for the online course?

    • Yoga mat

    • Computer / Smartphone with camera

    • Internet connection

    • Yoga Blocks

    • Pillow or Bolster or Cushion

    • Strap

    • Notebook and Pen

    • Zoom

About the course facilitator

Dr. S. Karuna Murthy, M.Sc., Ph.D., E-RYT 500, YACEP

Assessment and Certification

The students are continuously assessed throughout the course at all levels. There will be a written exam at the end of the course to evaluate the understanding of the philosophy of Yoga and skills of the students. Participants should pass all different aspects of the course to be eligible for the course diploma.

Recommended Texts

    • Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Niranjananda Saraswati

    • K.S. Iyengar, Light On Yoga.

Curriculum 100 Hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course

Techniques Training and Practice

1. Yoga Mantra Chanting

1.Gayathri Mantra

  1. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
  2.  Asato mā sad
  3. Saha nāv avatu
  4. Sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ
  5. Sarveṣāṃ svastir bhavatu
  6. Pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam
  7. Patanjali Mantra
  8. Pranayama Mantra
  9. Surya Namaskara    Mantra
  10. Astanga Yoga  Mantra
  11. Mangala Mantra
  12.  Gurur brahmā
  13. Dhyana Mulam
  14. Bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ
  15. Mantra Chanting
  16. Śaṃ no mitraḥ
  17. Om Karam bindu
  18. Śanaih Sanaiḥ
  19. Laye sombhodayeth
  20. Pratahsmarana Mantra
  21. Surya Namaskara (sun salutation)

Beginners Level

  1. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) Sivananada School of Yoga Style
  2. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) Satyananada School of Yoga Style
  3. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) Vivekananada School of Yoga Style

Intermediate Level

  1. Chandra Namaskara (Moon Salutation)
  2. Astanga Surya Namaskara – A

Advanced Level

  1. Astanga Surya Namaskara – B

2.5. Foundation of Asana

  1. Hatha Yoga View on Asana
  2. Patanjali concept on Asana

2.6. Classification of Asana

  1. Beginners
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced

2.7. Isometric static & Dynamic Asana

2.8. Perspective view on Asana

2.6. Introduction to Asana

  1. Standing Asana
  2. Forward Bending Asanas
  3. Backward Bending Asanas
  4. Vajrasana Group of Asanas
  5. Sitting Asana
  6. Meditation Asanas
  7. Spinal Twisting Asanas
  8. Relaxation Asanas
  9. Supine and Prone Asana
  10. Inverted Asanas
  11. Core Asana
  12. Hip Opening Asana
  13. Balancing Asanas
  14. Asanas

3.1. Standing Asana 

Beginners Level

  1. Samasthiti(upright or still)
  2. Tadasana – (mountain pose)
  3. Ardhakati Cakrasana(half lateral wheel pose)
  4. Vrksasana (tree pose)
  5. Ardha Uttanasana(standing half forward bend)
  6. Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)
  7. Ardha Chakrasana (half wheel pose)
  8. Utthita Vayu Muktasana(standing wind releasing pose)

Intermediate Level

  1. Garudasana (eagle pose)
  2.  Utkatasana (mighty pose)
  3.  Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle pose)
  4.  Parivritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose)
  5.  Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose)
  6.  Parivritta Utthita Parsvakonasana (revolved extended side angle pose)
  7.  Parsvottanasana(side intense stretch)
  8.  Virabhadrasana -1 (warrior -1)
  9.  Virabhadrasana -2(warrior-2)

 Advanced Level

  1. Padangusthasana( holding the big toes)
  2. Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose)
  3. Parivrtta ardha Chandrasana (revolved half moon pose)
  4. Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana (revolved bound side angle)
  5. Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana(upward split one leg)
  6. Virabhadrasana -3(warrior-3)
  7. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (half bound lotus intense stretch)
  8. Natarajasana(Lord of the dance Pose)
  9. Prasarita Padottanasana(legs widespread intense stretch)
  10. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana(intense arms hold big toe)
  11. Malasana (garland pose)

3.2. Kneeling Asana

Beginners Level

  1. Vajrasana (diamond pose)
  2. Balasana(Child’s Pose) or Shashankasana ( moon or hare pose)
  3. Madukasana(Frog Pose) or Bhadrasana (gracious pose)
  4. Marjaryasana(Cat Pose)
  5. Vyaghrasana(Tiger Pose)

Intermediate Level

  1. Virasana (hero pose)
  2. Ustrasana(camel pose)

Advanced Level

  1. Parighasana (gate pose)
  2. Supta Virasana (recline hero pose)

3.3. Sitting Asana

Beginners Level

  1. Sukhasana(Easy pose)
  2. Dandasana (Staff Pose)
  3. Swastik Asana(auspicious pose)
  4. Siddhasana(adept pose)
  5. Padmasana(lotus pose)

Intermediate Level

  1. Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)
  2. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana(revolved knee to head pose)
  3. Paschimottanasana(ugrasana or brahmacharyasana)
  4. Purvauttansana(east intense stretch pose)
  5. Gomukhasana(cow face resembling)
  6. Marichyasana(name of the sage mariachi)
  7. Ardha Navasana (half boat)
  8. Upavistha Konasana(wide angle seated forward bend pose)
  9. Baddha Konasana(bounded angle pose)
  10. Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist)
  11. Yogamudrasana(yoga gesture or psychic union pose)
  12. Simhasana(lion gesture)
  13. Parvatasana(mountain pose)

Advanced Level

  1. Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana(half lotus west intense stretch pose)
  2. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana(half bounded lotus west intense stretch pose)
  3. Bharadvajasana(Bharadvaja was the father of drona)
  4. Paripurna Navasana (complete boat pose)
  5. Ubhaya Padangustasana(ubhaya – both, padangusta – big toe)
  6. Merudandasana (spinal column pose)
  7. Goraksasana(cowherd)
  8. Simhasana – 2(lion pose)
  9. Trianga Mukhaikapda Paschimottanasana(three limbs facing intense west stretch pose)
  10. Hanumanasana(front full split or hindu monkey god)
  11. Krounchasana(heron pose)
  12. Urdhva Padmasana(Upward Lotus Pose) or Lolasana (swinging pose)
  13. Akarna Dhanurasana(heel touches the ear as an archer pulls the bowstring)
  14. Eka Pada Raja kapotasana(single leg king pigeon pose)
  15. Eka Pada Sirasana(one leg behind head pose)
  16. Kukkutasana(cockerel pose)

3.4. Supine Asana (on back)

Beginners Level

  1. Shavasana(corpse pose)
  2. Ananda Balasana (happy baby pose)
  3. Supta Pawanmuktasana (wind relieving pose)
  4. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(bridge lock Sarvangasana)

Intermediate Level

  1. Jathara Parivartanasana(abdomen twisting pose)
  2. Salamba Sarvangasana(supported Sarvangasana)
  3. Matsyasana(fish pose)
  4. Supta Konasana(reclining angle pose)
  5. Urdhva Cakrasana(upward wheel pose)

Advanced Level

  1. Anantasana(Vishnu couch pose)
  2. Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (single leg bridge pose)
  3. Niralamba Sarvangasana (without support Sarvangasana)
  4. Supta Padangusthasana(supine holding big toe)
  5. Halasana(Plough Pose)
  6. Karnapidasana(ear pressure pose)
  7. Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana(both feet reverse stick pose)
  8. Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana(single leg upward bow pose)
  9. Pindasana in Sarvangasana(embryo or fetus pose)
  10. Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana (upward lotus pose in sarvangasana)
  11. 5. Prone Asana (abdomen)

Beginners Level

  1. Makarasana (crocodile pose)
  2. Ardha Shalabhasana(half locust pose)
  3. Salabhasana (locust Pose)
  4. Sarpasana(snake pose)
  5. Bhujangasana(serpent pose)
  6. Ardha Dhanurasana (half bow)

Intermediate Level

  1. Dhanurasana(bow pose)
  2. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana(upward facing dog pose)

Advanced Level

  1. Parsva Dhanurasana(sideways bow pose)
  2. Bhekasana(toad or frog pose)
  3. 6.Arm Balancing and Head Standing Asana

Intermediate Level Phalakasana(plank pose) or Santolanasana (balancing pose)

  1. Chaturanga Dandasana(four limbed staff pose)
  2. Tolasana(scale pose)
  3. Purvottanasana(east intense stretch)

Advanced Level Bakasana(crane)

  1. Mayurasana (mayura means a peacock)
  2. Padma Mayurasana(lotus peacock pose)
  3. Astavakrasana
  4. Eka Pada Bakasana
  5. Eka Pada Galavasana
  6. Eka pada Koundinyanasana(Single Leg Sage Koundinyan Pose)
  7. Vasisthasana
  8. Kukkutasana(lifted cockerel pose)
  9. Salamba Sirsasana -1
  10. Salamba Sirsasana -2
  11. Pranayama

4.1. Introduction     

4.2. Four aspects of pranayama

  1. Pooraka or inhalation
  2. Rechaka or exhalation
  3. Antar kumbhaka or internal breath retention
  4. Bahir kumbhaka or external breath retention.

4.3. The Pranic body

4.4. Breath, health and pranayama

4.5. Breathing and life span

4.6. General notes for the practitioner               

4.7. Natural breathing   

4.8. Abdominal (or diaphragmatic) breathing  

4.9. Thoracic Breathing   

4.10. Clavicular Breathing  

4.11. Full Yogic Breathing   

4.12. Kapalbhati Pranayama (frontal brain cleansing breath)

4.13. Bhastrika Pranayama (bellows breath)  

4.14. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (psychic network purification)

  1. 15. Ujjayi Pranayama (the psychic breath)
  2. 16. Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (calming energy)

4.17. Surya Bhedana Pranayama (stimulating vitality)

4.18. Sheetali Pranayama(cooling pranayama)

4.19. Sheetkari Pranayama (hissing breath)

4.20. Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee breath)

  1. Mudra 

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Mudras and prana

5.3. A scientific look at mudras

5.4. Five Groups of Yoga Mudras

  1. i) Jnana Mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge)

ii)Chin Mudra (psychic gesture of consciousness)

iii)Bhairava Mudra (fierce or terrifying attitude)

iv)Hridaya Mudra (heart gesture)

v)Shambhavi Mudra (eyebrow centre gazing)

vi)Nasikagra Drishti(gaze at tip of nose)

vii)Khechari Mudra (tongue lock)

viii) Shanmukhi Mudra (closing the seven gates)

ix)Vipareeta Karani Mudra (inverted psychic attitude)

x)Pashinee Mudra (folded psychic attitude)

xi)Tadagi Mudra (barrelled abdomen technique)

xii)Prana Mudra

xiii)Yoga Mudra (attitude of psychic union)

xiv)Manduki Mudra (gesture of the frog)

xv)Maha Mudra (great psychic attitude)

xvi)Maha Bheda Mudra (the great separating attitude)

xvii)Maha Vedha Mudra (the great piercing attitude)

xviii) Ashwini Mudra (horse gesture)

5.5. Mudras and the Elements

  1. Chin Mudra while chanting ‘AAAA’
  2. Chinmaya Mudra while chanting ‘OU’
  3. Adi Mudra while chanting ‘MMMM’
  4.  Brahma Mudra while chanting ‘AUM’
  5. Bandhas  

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Granthis

Brahma Granthi

 Vishnu Granthi  

 Rudra Granthi  

6.3. Bandhas(locks)  

  1.  Jalandhara Bandha
  2.  Moola Bandha
  3. Uddiyana Bandha
  4. Maha Bandha
  5. Yoga Nidra 
  6. Introduction
  7. Yoga Nidra steps
  8. Yoga Nidra Practice

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Relaxation

3.3. Sankalpa

3.4. Rotation of Consciousness

3.5. Awareness of Breath

3.6. Opposite Sensations

3.7. Lightness/Heaviness

3.8. Cold/Hot

3.9. Anxiety/Calm

3.10. Inner Space Visualization

3.11. Rapid Image Visualization

3.12. Repeat Sankalpa

3.13. Finish

3.14. Visualization Techniques

  1. Meadow filled with tall grass
  2. Golden light in your forehead
  3. Boundless Lake
  4.  Heart as a Lotus Blossom
  5. Moon Rise
  6. Long walk into nature

7.1. Ajapa Japa 

  1. Introduction
  2. Ajapa Japa Practice
  3. Breathe awareness between navel and throat
  4. Constant ascending and descending breathe
  5. Ujjayi Breathing
  6. Mantra repetition with the breath
  7. Spontaneous mantra repetition
  8. Awareness of chidakasha
  9. Ending the practice

7.2. Eye Exercise 

  1. Up and down Movement
  2. Horizontal Movement
  3. Diagonal Sideway
  4. Clockwise and anti clockwise

7.3. Jatru Trataka (Thumb Gazing)

  1. Sideways Viewing
  2. Front and Side ways viewing
  3. Up and Down Viewing
  4. Rotational Viewing
  5. Near and distant viewing
  6. Jyothi Trataka 

8.1. Trataka (concentrated gazing)

8.2. Antar Trataka

8.3. Shambhavi Mudra (eyebrow centre gazing)

8.4. Nasikagra Drishti (nose tip gazing)

  1. Meditation

9.1. Meditation on Breath

9.2. Mantra Meditation (Sacred Syllable Chanting Meditation)

9.3. Counting Beads

  1. Shatkarma(internal cleansing)
  2. Jala Neti (nasal cleansing with water)
  3. Sutra Neti (nasal cleansing with thread)
  4. Vaman Dhauti (regurgitative cleansing)
  5. Shankhaprakshalana(cleansing entire digestive tract)
  6. Asana Benefits and Limitations 


How to Register?

You can apply online with the application, fee of INR 10,000 (non-refundable) advance towards the course fee.

Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham is a Registered Yoga teacher training school in Bangalore, India with an affiliation of Yoga Alliance, USA which offers 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bangalore, India. If you look forward to the course then this is the best choice.

Apply Now Online Registration

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